Great range day with Cimarron Centennial 45-75 Win.

Started by Bullshooter!, Yesterday at 04:22:39 PM

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I hadn't had mine to the range for a while so today was the day. Mine is a Cimarron that had its barrel shortened to 24" by a PO but it was professional, not a goober job. Nicely done with very nice crown and rework of the mag tube. I also put a new Marbles Peep sight on it, it being already D&T's for one.
I have had this for a couple of years at least, and shot it quite a lot, all smokeless loads.
A load combo that worked before was what I tried again today to verify it wasn't a fluke shoot last time, it was not.
It shot better today than last time.
Load is 300 gr HP jacketed Remington bullets over IMR 3031 powder from 41-44 grs.  All shot well in this rifle, in fact most of the slugs landed within 2 inches of each other despite the grain difference between loads.
This was at 100 yards on the bench. Probably the best I have done with this rifle, but it always shoots quite well.
I had a Uberti Stoeger before this one with full 28' bbl in .45-60 as my first foray into this realm, but then became intrigued with the .45-75, and then sold the other.
Still sort of on the lookout for a .50-95 but none around at the moment, however I am awaiting a new Spencer carbine in .44-40, as well as a long overdue Shiloh Quigley!  I was told when I ordered it to expect a 2 year wait, March will be 3 years.
Anyway, I got lots of stuff to shoot.

Coal Creek Griff

Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573

King Medallion

King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


Well I dont have the target and the rifle looks like a typical Uberti but for the shorter barrel,, and posting pics here looks to be a bit of a pain.
I am used to forums that have direct posting into a thread, without using a host site. I think I have one somewhere, I gave up on Photobucket years ago when they wanted to hook everyone and started using another site, cant remember what its called, as I never use it anymore, too many steps.

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