Great range day with Cimarron Centennial 45-75 Win.

Started by Bullshooter!, January 23, 2025, 04:22:39 PM

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Sadly the shooting sports are declining. People don't seem to want to reload anymore. Manufactures and dealers only carry what they have a ready sale for. If you see what you need to reload these old cartridges bite the bullet and buy it.


I just did a search for 5744 and found none in stock anywhere, except on fake scam sites, they always have everything in stock for half what anyone else has it for!

Looking at some alternatives, some I already have like 4227, 4198 and R7.

AA1680 is around and it sounds close, and I know my LGS has it, saw some the other day.

King Medallion

I was fortunate enough to stock up a couple years ago on 5744 and 4198 so I'm good on powder foe many years, and have ample primers also. Just need to find a Uberti 40-60 to round out my 76 collection.
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

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