Armi Sport, Chiappa carbine in .45 S&W

Started by Bullshooter!, Yesterday at 12:15:12 PM

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New guy here and newish Spencer carbine owner.  Learning the ins and outs of the system, fun and interesting guns.
I do have a problem that I need an answer to if anyone can help or point me in the right direction.
My carbine is one with the 2 extractors.  After a fair amount of shooting, I decided yesterday to pull the breech block for cleaning.  My manual only states how to remove it, no mention of the extractors that come flying out with the block of course!  They both landed on the floor but I was able to find them.

After cleaning all the soot off the parts I attempted to put the block with extractors in place, back into the receiver, but I have been unable to do so as with the extractors in, the lever will not close by about an inch and a half from fully closed. It just stops.
This happens with the fully closed lever, after the initial seating of the block closes the action fully. Then when dropping the lever to try it again, the lever stops before closure.
Again no mention in the manual of how this is supposed to happen so I was winging it.
Appreciate any help in the way of description, links or vids. I looked all over yesterday and found nothing.
About at wits end. Thanks!

Johnson Barr

The extractors have a small hole drilled through their forward leading edge. Be sure those holes are in the forward chamber facing direction on the breech block before sliding the assembly up into the receiver. Trying to install the extractors incorrectly will damage the tabs that remove cartridges from the chamber. 
"Peace is that glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading"  -Thomas Jefferson


I have them that way per the schematic, but is there a correct position for them to be on the block when entering the receiver, in other words should they be oriented straight up near the breech face or more forward?
What seems to happen to me, is upon entering, I can find no way to fully seat the whole thing upwards where I can get the screw holes lined up, and only way I can do that is by pushing up on the rear of the block away from the lever, then it sort of snaps into place, with extractors forward at the chamber, but then once lowered and going to close, it stops hard. I dont get it.



Well I finally found the sweet spot to worry the block up in just the right way, while pulling down on the lever just so, and pushing hard against the knuckle of the lever, drop in the screw and tighten while holding all this menagerie together, closed the action, then dropped the lever and at first it hung up again, then it allowed to close fully and now seems to be OK.
I ran a couple rounds thru it with the tube in place and seems fine.  What a PITA that was!

Thanks for the help Johnson Barr.

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