Do Cowboy shooters really hate Wild Bunch?

Started by Doc Holloman, January 14, 2025, 04:58:30 PM

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Doc Holloman

A Wild Bunch related question for Cowboy Shooters.  Last month our club held a combined Cowboy and Wild Bunch match.  All the WB shooters were on one posse and shot first,    There were several qualified WB ROs so knowledge of the rules and clearing the guns was not an issue and the brass was picked up fairly quick (most of the 1911 brass went forward anyway).  The WB shooters shot the same targets but with different scenarios.  After the match, it was reported that some of the cowboy shooters complained that they never wanted to shoot on a posse with Wild Bunch shooters again.  Now, I don't care who, but I wonder "Why?"  What is it about Wild Bunch that actually generates hostility among cowboy shooters?   Thoughts?


There is 3 times as much brass to look for, more and different target orders to remember for spotters and twice as much spotting for said spotters.  Plus the stage likely moves slower depending on number of shooters. This is normal for the WB shooters so they are used to it.  The good ol' "bigger/closer/faster" mentality for CAS does not lend itself to patience.  I'm painting the CAS shooters with a broad brush, I know they don't all think that way but some do and can be vocal about it. I think they tend to tolerate "Cowboy 1911" more because other than double the brass to pick, everything else is the same.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Cap'n Redneck

I shoot both CAS and Wild Bunch, and coming from a re-enacting and gun-collecting background I enjoy the opportunities that WB offers for playing with additional costumes and historical firearms.
While I haven't come across CAS-shooters who have expressed "hate" for WB, there are some that have expressed the view that "Wild Bunch ain't cowboy!"
I think some of that comes from them not reading up on the history of the "Late Old West"; meaning the border troubles resulting from the Mexican Revolution in the 1910s to 1920s.
I have no problems accepting this period as a part of "Wild West History" and I try to inform the uninformed accordingly.

Then there's always the case of some individuals just can't be pleased, even if you hang them with a brand new rope...  ::)
"As long as there's lead in the air, there's still hope..."
Frontiersman & Frontiersman Gunfighter: The only two categories where you can play with your balls and shoot your wad while tweaking the nipples on a pair of 44s.


 :)  OH BOY  ;)

PLUS   ONE   FOR   Cap't Redneck you betcha!!


N.C.O.W.S. does not even have a wild bunch category, because it is not period correct.


I have personally never run into Wild Bunch "Haters" (except for ME).  At most of the clubs I frequently shoot at, most folks simply don't care.  There are those occasional whiners who want everything to be "The Way it Use to Be" but those folks normally complain about everything.  These clubs often offer separate Wild Bunch matches as well as "mix'd" but those mix'd are more "CAS with a 1911" rather than a true Wild Bunch match.

To explain my "ME" comment, I was around when the guys that started Wild Bunch intended it to be a FUN side match and to Run Whatcha Brung guns and safe queens.  Luger, Broom handle, 1917s, etc.,  Basically the guns of the period.  Then SASS jumped in and created rules that ruled most of that fun right out of the Wild Bunch idea.  It became way too restrictive from the original idea.  The "New" Wild Bunch SUX.


Baltimore Ed

We run our WB and cas shooters at the same time with no issues. The targets are all the same for either discipline. Rifle and sg targets and their order are identical in any given scenario. The pistol is the same for the first 10 rds however the WB guys get to shoot 5-10 more rds. We still use 5 rd mags only as it simplifies things for the ro and spotters. Often we have the 1911 shooter advance downrange to engage the rifle targets with his pistol. We have a good time with WB but then we also allow DA revolvers at our monthlys and have Bolt Action shoots a couple times a year too.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.


It is not cowboy shooters who hate WB, it is "haters". Some folks can't breathe if they don't have something to hate.
WARTHOG, Dirty Rat #600, BOLD #1056, CGCS,GCSAA, NMLRA, NRA, AF&AM, CBBRC.  If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales.


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