Profile of original 1860's era Spencer magazine tube spring?

Started by El Supremo, November 13, 2024, 08:24:31 AM

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El Supremo


There is a "factory" parts drawing on the next to last page of the "Spencer Repeating Rifle Company 1866 ..."  (catalog reprinted by Cornell Publications).

I have asked our Moderator to please post two pages, the parts list and drawing, for historical reference.

The question is about the FLAT side out, coil mag. tube spring. 

Has anyone seen this version vs. the round wire coil version, please? 

I would be interested in either purchasing one or knowing the wire dimensions, number of coils, etc. Tx.

Update 10MAR25:
Please see Arizona Trooper's 09MAR25 Thread: "Magazine Spring" for more, including his flat wire spring dimensions. Smiles.

According to the website of Newcomb Spring  Corp, this configuration is called a "rectangular die compression spring", that has more strength than round wire ones.

Also, the names for a few parts are interesting. The widely termed extractor is "cartridge drawer", etc.

Thanks, Two Flints.  Smiles.

El Supremo/Kevin Tinny

                      (Photo Posted by Two Flints)

                      (Photo Posted by Two Flints)       
Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.


Hi ! I've  seen a flat coiled spring up close in a 1860 56-56 that a smith friend had apart . It was an original barrel and he mfg the cases using brass cases he silver soldered together. He made 6 rds total for the carbine. I know he made the bullet mold from a sketch  he got online. It worked well


El Supremo

Suggest Google: When were coil springs invented? Smiles.
El Supremo/Kevin Tinny

Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.

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