NEW KID onna Block

Started by Coffinmaker, October 28, 2024, 07:34:38 AM

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 :) Hey Everbody  :D

There be a New Kid onna Block for Hammer Doubles.  Saw som literature and some interesting video for The "Heritage Coachwhip" Hammer Double in 12 Gage.

Appears to be something I need to look into.  Nice furniture (Turkish Walnut), Black Chrome on the barrels, and a claim the barrels are Stainless(??).  Appears may be priced well too.  STAY TUNA

Coal Creek Griff

Quote from: Coffinmaker on October 28, 2024, 07:34:38 AM:) Hey Everbody  :D

There be a New Kid onna Block for Hammer Doubles.  Saw som literature and some interesting video for The "Heritage Coachwhip" Hammer Double in 12 Gage.

Appears to be something I need to look into.  Nice furniture (Turkish Walnut), Black Chrome on the barrels, and a claim the barrels are Stainless(??).  Appears may be priced well too.  STAY TUNA

This is an AI bot!  The REAL Coffinmaker would have used the word "lustrums"!  ;D

Signed, a Russian hacker posing as Coal Creek Griff

Having said that, here's a link:
Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573


I'm wondering if it is maybe made in the same factory as CZ's?  The one video I saw was not about CAS but talked about it for home defense.  I'll bet we'll see a review from a cowboy shooter soon.  Coffinmaker, you have a credit card, don'cha?  :)
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube


 :) Abilene ;)

Yessiree Bob I do  ;D   I can feel the vibrations from the Plastic (actually it's metal) Fantastic stirring in my wallet as we speak.  I noticed the New Kid has no "Dolls Head" so should be sweet to load quickly  :D

My Alter Ego (Hacksaw McGurk) is some upset though, as the New Kid is already a VERY Eighteen and a Half Inches of barrel (SWEET).  First order of business will be eliminating that pesky tang safety thingie (iffin it's an auto on) ???

CC GRIFF:  Nope is a real Me.  Saw this stuff real recent.  Like just last week.  Immediately contacted my trusted agent and put out a Bounty.  The Hunt is ON  8)  ;D 

AS soon as my local FFL dealer has one, I'll be burning Dinosaur Squeezins to accept one.



IT'S HERE!!  Or more accurately "THERE"   My Brandy Knew "Coach Whip" Hammer Double is at my FFL!!  ZOUNDS!!  Since I are 1000 miles away on Mouse Safari, I don't get to fondle it until we return in Mid-December (Sob, sob, Snivel)

By the By:

Whom all is aware, "Coach Guns" are not a product of the American West or Frontier??  And didn't actually exist as a "thing" in this country??  Yep, that's right, "Coach Guns" are/were an English thing, purpose built in the early 18th Century and continuing right up to the industrial revolution with trains and motor cars in England.  How about that.

Major 2

Posted for Mike

That is a real beauty, may I request you adopt me  ;)
when planets the deal !


The Deacon AZSA
BOLD 1088
RATS 739
Driver for Howard, Fine & Howard
Veterinary & Taxidermy Clinic
"Either way, you get your dog back"



It's HERE.  Right here in River City.  My Brandy Knew Hammer Double is now in my sweaty hands.  It be some kind of nice.  Looks better in person than in the above tin Types.  Of course, it's brand new so it's stiffer than a Starched Shirt in January.  The Main Springs belong under a 53 Buick Roadmaster and will take some work as soon as I figure out how to get it apart.  The sight bede is almost Microscopic and will have to go.  Other than those usual things, It's swell an it ain't Mattel!!!  YIPPIEEEEEEEE!!   Oh, Major disappointment.  After the return from Mouse Safari It's just TOO DAMN COLD to get out to play with it!!


 :) Aw Heck ;)

A couple of minor delays.  I'm trying to source a "replacement" set of Main Springs.  The Main Springs in this Sample Example are Coil Springs, and before I go molesting the springs, I want to have a "back-up" set just in case (I might screw 'em up).  Plus, the Lock Works appear some complistacated in the "explode" view of parts   :o

It will be kinda slow to shoot until I can source some parts but at my age "Speed" is NOT an issue  ::)   That microscopic front Bead gotta go though.

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