Ruckus at Raccoon Forks 2024

Started by Tascosa Joe, September 09, 2024, 05:10:38 PM

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Tascosa Joe

I want to thank all of the Blue River Regulators for the awesome shoot last week end.  I know how much work putting on a shoot can be.  Also a thanks to Rocky and his wife for all the hard work putting on the Ruckus for the past 20 years.  You will be missed.
NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life

ira scott

Thanks Joe, what makes the Ruckus special is all the people who show up. It makes all the work worthwhile!

And yes, Mad Dog Roscoe, and his lovely wife Donna, are surely going to be missed!

Broken Nose Scotty
It is far better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt!

bear tooth billy

Thanks everyone for the shoot, we just got home by way of the museum of the fur trade, Fort
Laramie, Cody Wy. Yellowstone, and for real excitement, icy, foggy, windy over the
top of the Beartooth Highway.

Born 110 years too late

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