Starting out with Black Powder --.45-70 advice?

Started by Doc Holloman, September 07, 2024, 08:25:05 AM

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Ranch 13

 8.5 grains with that 300 grain bullet is pretty light jump up to 10 or 12 grains will help
 Switching to app you'll need to invest in case cleaning apparatus and dry racks etc as it does attack the brass
Going with straight black you won't need much of anything extra and it is surprising how well the coated bullets work with black
 But in all seriousness going with a slower burn powder and staying with the trapdoor loads your rifle will be fine with the bullets you have
Eat more beef the west wasn't won on a salad.

Doc Holloman

Quote from: Ranch 13 on September 09, 2024, 07:58:47 PM8.5 grains with that 300 grain bullet is pretty light jump up to 10 or 12 grains will help
 Switching to app you'll need to invest in case cleaning apparatus and dry racks etc as it does attack the brass
Going with straight black you won't need much of anything extra and it is surprising how well the coated bullets work with black
 But in all seriousness going with a slower burn powder and staying with the trapdoor loads your rifle will be fine with the bullets you have

11.5gr of Unique is what I was using in my H&R and Pedersoli  trapdoors.  At the lowest sight setting I had to aim at the bottom edge of the targets.  With the same load in my rifle length Sharps I had to aim several inches below the target.

Which "slower burning" powder do you recommend.  My go-to rifle powder right now is IMR 3031, in part because it is the easiest to find right now. I use 4895 in 8mm Mauser for BAMM and 4198 (which I am almost out of) for 30-06 Garand loads.

What case cleaning is needed with APP?  With smokeless my brass just gets 12 hours in the tumbler with walnut media and about once every 2-3 months I add some Brasso to the media.

You are suggesting I could shoot the coated bullets with Goex f or ff without additional lube?

Doc Holloman

Quote from: Doc Holloman on September 08, 2024, 07:13:26 PMThanks for the advice Abilene.  I have to go to Kerrville Tuesday and I think I saw APP at Gibsons.  The true BP shooters badmouth BP substitutes so much that I hadn't considered it. If it is there I qill pick some up and give it a try.  Will save me buying sesame seeds in bulk.  See you at Shindig.

Thanks to everyone for the advice,   A number of options to try.

No joy on APP locally.  All I have found is Triple 7 and that powder that shall not be named. I will see is someone I know going to Land Run might be able to pick up a a can or two for me (would you recommend f or ff?).  ISTR that Scarlett Darlin distributes it. I know it can be ordered but I don't want to buy a case on an experiment.


I think APP only comes in FFg and FFFg.  I might guess FFg for big bore but I have no experience with that.  At these distances it won't matter much.  FFg is chunky and doesn't meter well through most measures and needs to be dipped.

As for brass, I clean just like BP.  Rinse it with anything that has water in it, to stop corrosion.  Than tumble it at your convenience.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Ranch 13

If you look on Apps web it describes the cleaning and it's the same as with bp
 Your probably going to have to push that 200 gr bullet to 1600 or so to get it even close to the sights
Keeping in mind the sights on that rifle are regulated for a 405 gr bullet at 13-1400 fps
 Yes you could fire a few of the coated bullets with a full charge of bp
Eat more beef the west wasn't won on a salad.


 >:( Ranch 13 >:(

I must strongly disagree.  I will admit, I have only been the Poster Boy for APP for about 10 Years, But there is absolutely no "special" treatment needed for brass use  with APP.  I don't even bother to "bottle" it at the range.  Take it home, dump in some water cut with 45% White Vinegar for about 20 minutes, rinse and dry.  DONE.  If you desire, after drying give the brass a little polish.  I use a DILLON with lizard litter for about 45 minutes.

Another disagree.  You will not get a harmonious result shooting coated bullets with Black Powder.  The fouling will be horrendous.  Black Powder REQUIRES a BP compatible lube (lots of it).  One can (quite successfully) run coated bullets with APP, which doesn't require ANY lube.

FORGOT:  PLUS ONE for Abilene.  APP is available in two granulations.  2F and 3F.  2F has large coarse grains and DOES NOT meter well thru powder measures.  Should be dipped.  3f meters just fine thru progressive powder measures.  Shooters World Multi Black should also meter well.

Ranch 13

So you do treat those app fired cases just like we do bp cartridges ,take them home deprime and clean them.
 You can fire the coated bullets with black. It is true that better results are there with lubed cast bullets, but as this isn't shooting for X ring count in a 1015 rounds for score at distance it will work
Eat more beef the west wasn't won on a salad.

Doc Holloman

Quote from: Abilene on September 11, 2024, 01:36:54 PMI think APP only comes in FFg and FFFg.  I might guess FFg for big bore but I have no experience with that.  At these distances it won't matter much.  FFg is chunky and doesn't meter well through most measures and needs to be dipped.

As for brass, I clean just like BP.  Rinse it with anything that has water in it, to stop corrosion.  Than tumble it at your convenience.

Abilene:  Do I need to do anything beyond tumbling to cases that I have previously used with smokeless (Unique) before loading them with Black or APP?

King Medallion

Quote from: Doc Holloman on October 19, 2024, 10:43:54 AMDo I need to do anything beyond tumbling to cases that I have previously used with smokeless (Unique) before loading them with Black or APP?
Apply fresh primer after resizing and belling.
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Doc Holloman

Quote from: Abilene on October 20, 2024, 09:07:50 AMYeah, don't forget a new primer.  ;D

yeah, yeah.

So, I can assume whatever smokeless powder residue is left in the brass is a non-issue.

Had someone pick up a couple of cans of APP for me at Land Run, so we shall see what happens.

Thanks to everyone for the advice and for tolerating my newbie quesions.

Doc Holloman

Just an update for those who commented:  20 grains of APP gave with enough filler to touch the base of the 300gr coated bullet, gave me 775fps (+/- 10 fps) from my antique trapdoor carbine, which I figure is a safe load.  Aiming at the top of the target with the rear sight bottomed out, it consistently rings steel at 50 yards. 

I worked up the load using my modern H&R trapdoor carbine.  I started with the .45/70  case half full volume-wise -- which was 33.5 grains.  That gave me 1150fps, about the same as 11gr of Unique.

By the way, I was using the Garmin Chronograph.  If you haven't tried one -- they are really cool.

King Medallion

King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

Doc Holloman

Montana Slim

Many moons ago my dad brought his first trapdoor rifle for a visit. He didn't care much for my buffalo silhouette loads. So, I took some primed 45/70 brass to the range & loaded them at the bench using my 44 percussion revolver kit items: 30 grains from the flask went into the case, then a lubed 410 shot shell felt was & then a .454 cast ball. Pressed it tight against the powder. Perfect plinking rounds for 50 yds targets. Trapdoor sights aren't made for such close distance - with any load- just have to deal with it. Real black or a sub will matter very little. Light load = less fouling...but if it becomes a concern use a lubed wad. The .454 RB was a light press fit into the case, but take care as rough handling could result in your ball falling out & hitting the ground - from personal experience, I do not recommend.

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