Chiappa Spencer quality control

Started by Barbarossa, April 13, 2024, 02:49:02 PM

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I was wondering if the overall quality control of the Chiappa Spencer's has improved A local store has a new Spencer rifle in 45colt I m thinking on getting

El Supremo

Hello, B:
I waited a couple days to see if others responded.  Maybe silence is an answer.

Anyway, so you aren't hanging:

First, the 45 Colt cartridge has a relatively narrow case rim that can lead to cycling issues which can only be evaluated by test cycling a full seven (dummy) rounds from the magazine.
Next, verify that the firing pin strikes are well centered.
Be sure the trigger pull weight is satisfactory to you.
With you being in Canada, have a clear, written agreement about who pays for Warranty work and shipping costs, especially via a Canadian intermediary, to a U.S. location.

Very respectfully,
El Supremo/Kevin Tinny
Pay attention to that soft voice in your head.


Thanks for your reply.I m thinking I m going to pass on the Spencer as I don t need the headache dealing with warranty centres

Macon Due

Don't worry about the smaller rim as it is a non issue. I got mine and it had feeding problems, no matter what OAL I loaded ammo to. Also the trigger pull was 20+ lbs. I corrected the trigger pull myself but sent the rifle back to Cimarron for repair. They had it about 3 months but when I got it back it 'seems; to function correctly now. Weather has been too crappy to get out on days I could have. I can say that dummy rds. loaded to 1.600"  now function perfectly thru it.
Macon Due 29445


Three months ago I was in a large local gun shop. I asked if they had a Chiappa spencer. He pointed to one hanging on the wall behind the counter. I'd missed it. He said it was new but had been hanging there for like 6 years. He said they'd sold a few and had them come back for repairs so they'd not put this one out to sell. It had been relegated to a wall hanging decoration. It still had the 2018 price of $1800. I told him to give me a deal and I'd buy it and never bring it back for repairs if there were issues. He gave me a handful of snap caps to try there in the store. They would not recycle reliably. That was good for me because he sold me the rifle for $1200 or so. I brought it home, read a lot here and loaded up a bunch of ammo. I used 255 grain hard cast Keith bullets from Missouri bullet co in my loads. Got them loaded at exactly 1.6 inches and started shooting. Trigger measured at 6lbs right out of the box. The first 100 rounds I had quite a few feed issues. I just kept shooting and learning how to manhandle the lever. Now that I have about 500 rounds through it it's as smooth as glass. Took at least 150 rounds to get it to this point. The only issue I had was feeding the very last round from the magazine. I clipped a couple rings off the spring and that cured that issue.


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