Uberti 1860 .45ACP conversion by Goons Gun Works

Started by Graveyard Jack, December 03, 2023, 03:43:03 PM

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45 Dragoon


Another variation ( no photos) is a home made plate that will rotate "kinda" freely and thus allow a loading port to appear...

I been thinking of that one myself  !! Looks cool anyway  .  .  .

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Doesn't the conversion plate need to have a spring-loaded firing pin in it?  Seems like that might be the harder part.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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Professor Marvel

Quote from: Abilene on March 05, 2024, 10:08:57 AM
Doesn't the conversion plate need to have a spring-loaded firing pin in it?  Seems like that might be the harder part.

One can use either a hammer mounted pin, which is rather long, or a plate mounted pin. If mounted on the plate,
One can order out pin/spring/cap screw assemblies as a replacement part . They are rather fiddley to make, but can be done on a lathe by boring out a piece of hardened screw and turning a shouldered pin. In that case I like using hardened screw theaded into the plate from the front (cartridge side) as that comes a recoil shield and can be sowhat larger in diameter. It does'nt need to be "too hard" since it is only getting pushed by the brass as the brass backs out of the cylindery during firing.
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Professor Marvel

Quote from: Coffinmaker on March 05, 2024, 09:01:44 AM
:)  Hey There Hy There Ho There Perfesser  ;)

NO!.  Provided one already has done a conversion to 45 Colt, an individual Cylinder for 45 ACP allows one to switch back and fourth between 45 Colt and 45 ACP.  If you have a 45 ACP Cylinder it would seem rather obvious you may switch also to Cowboy 45 Special  ::)

Since I built my own personal Pietta 1860 conversions with three different Barrels/Barrel lengths, I should have left the latch for the loading lever on the 8" barrels (Haven't cut 'em . . yet) to enable the look of the 1860 loading lever.  Gotta look thru my parts stash you betcha.

Ah My Dear Coffin...
You are correct!
I plead sleep deprivation!
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

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:) Perfesser  ;)

Take two Cheeseburgers and call be inna Morning??  8)

Dr. Coffin

Cheyenne Logan

Nice work!!!    Graveyard Jack, still have the fluted cylinder!  Wanna sell it? ;D

Graveyard Jack

SASS #81,827


An interesting side hustle to having put together my 1860 Conversions with Kirst.  That mother wonderful loading channel makes it a real SNAP to cap the Percussion cylinders.  It does look kinda "odd" to see barrel assemblies with the ejectors on a gun with Percussion Cylinders.  Fortunately I also have several barrels without ejectors.  They Be SNUBBIES.

Golly gosh but Guns-er-FUN!!

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