I Sure Wish..........

Started by Fox Creek Kid, December 27, 2005, 11:10:56 AM

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Fox Creek Kid

that an Italian maker would make an authentic looking thin back plate Remmy conversion like the originals. I asked Tammy at Taylor's what happened to their plan to introduce one a few years back & she only would say that is was "shelved".  ???  Maybe we should petition Pietta to make one as obviously they make cartridge revolvers as well. Don't get me wrong, Kirst & R&D make great products but all the factory conversions for the .44 had a thin back plate if I'm not mistaken.

Bottom Dealin Mike

After he gets the gated Colt 1860 conversion kits settled down I'm going to work on Kenny Howell to make a Remington conversion kit.

We've talked about it befor and it would be relatively easy to make a screw-in, thin back-plate, a new hammer and a new cylinder.

The original backplates were dovetailed in, but I think the two-screw method Kenney is using on his latest Colt kits is more user friendly.

R.U. Snickering

If these convertions became available I would be first in line. Love the way these thin plate convertions look. Till then... I'll still shoot them C&B.
Yankee by birth, Texan by choice....

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