Differences in Uberti Navy Grip Frames over time

Started by Abilene, May 03, 2022, 08:34:23 PM

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I just got finished putting faux ivory grips on a pair of Cimarron (Uberti) conversions, after putting another set from the same company on another conversion a few months back.  I posted a story and photos about those grips here: https://www.cascity.com/forumhall/index.php?topic=66718.0

I wanted to make a separate post about the grip frame size differences, and I am posting this one in the STORM forum as well since most uses of these grip frames are on percussion and conversion guns.

I have 4 Cimarron '51 conversions, made between about 2000 and 2004 or so.  I have also traded for several Navy grip frames of unknown vintage.  I thought they were all the same size, and wood grips that seemed to fit some grip frames better than others was just due to grips being fitted slightly differently at the factory, in my mind.  But when I ordered the first set of grips I noticed that they would not fit properly on the older grip frames, but did fit on a couple of the unknown vintage frames, so I used one of those.  I knew I wanted to get more grips from the same company (Arizona Custom Grips) so I contacted them and asked about it.  They said yes, they could make grips to fit the older grip frames (they had obviously run into this before).  The two new sets I just installed on the older grip frames fit fine, but were slightly undersized when tried out on one of the newer frames.

The package that arrived with the new grips was marked "Uberti, pre-'09"  So, apparently Uberti went to a just slightly larger brass grip frame in '09.  For people who like to swap grips and grip frames around, this might be a handy thing to know.  It also explains why some of my wood Navy grips will fit some frames but not others.

And just FYI, while I'm talking about Navy grip frames - Some folks describe the SAA (or Cattleman, Model P, etc) as a Navy grip.  It is not.  Besides the grip frame being steel, the shape of the grip is different and they are NOT interchangeable nor can be fitted interchangeably.  The SAA grip is just "based" on the Navy size, not identical.   As for Uberti London 1851's, for example, they have a steel grip frame but it is the same one as the Cattleman and Navy grips won't fit on it.  For those who have one of the less expensive Cattleman models with a brass grip frame, that is the Navy grip same as the opentops and not interchangeable with Cattleman grips.  (Yes, they will ALL bolt right up to all the Uberti gun frames).

Hopefully this might help some who are confused about Uberti grips.
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Which is why Elmer Keith preferred the Dragoon grip.


:)  PLUS ONE for Abilene!!  ;)

Those of us who work on, or have worked on, the afore mentioned Guns/Grips/Grip Frames) are mostly familiar with the FACT there are NO interchangeable "Grips."  Grip Frames Yes, the actual grips??  NO.  One thing to remember, the Grips are actually fit to the specific gun or grip set and if one is seeking to change, procuring and entire "fitted" grip set is the way to go.

Also, not only are there differences in Grip Frames at different year points, but there can be (have been) differences within manufacturing "runs" at Uberti as well as at Colt.  And now, importantly, at Pietta since the discontinued those abhorrent "Trombone Bell" abominations they called "Navy" grips.

It can make playing with the guns we play with really interesting.  And, depending, really annoying.

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