National Congress

Started by Two Bit Charlie, March 01, 2022, 08:23:53 AM

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River City John

Not to be confused as exclusive, the Agenda is no big secret.  . . .

It's the path to having the membership informed, - Territorial Reps and Senators received the agenda and then let the membership know as a way to encourage discussion, thus reenforcing communication between Reps and the membership's views and wishes.

"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
GAF #275

Books OToole

I read all of these posts.  Sometimes I reply but usually I don't; unless there is something that I can add constructively.

All NCOWS members should be informed of proposed by-law and rules changes.  Usually this is done by their Territorial representative.
Thus informed, they have the opportunity to let the Rep know their feelings and opinions; So that the Rep can vote according to his constituents wishes.

There are no second-class citizens in NCOWS.  Every member can attend the Congress Meeting; and voice his or her opinion.  Territorial Reps should vote as the majority of their posse directs.  Each Senator (elected at large by the members) should listen to and vote as the Members at large direct him/her.

Michael "Books" Tatham
NCOWS Marshall


N.C.O.W.S. 2279 - Senator
Hiram's Rangers C-3
G.A.F. 415

Two Bit Charlie

One thing we must remember, not all of our members belong to a posse! Unless we post the agenda, non-posse members will not be informed of the issues. If they are not kept informed they will have no reason to contact their Senators. I believe the agenda should be posted some time in Feb. so all the members can see it and have time to discuss it.

Reed "Two-Bit Charlie" Van Ness

Dusty Tagalon

I would suggest, instead of the full write up, a synopsis.

Tascosa Joe

The only reliable way to get it to all NCOWS members is put the agenda in the Shootist as there are very few of us that look at CASCITY.  Getting the Agenda set early enough to put it in the spring "Shootists" would be a paradigm shift. 
NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life

bear tooth billy

I remember a few years ago, Congress voted to significantly change the shooting classes.
Then when shooting season came and the membership found out about the changes, there
was a lot of backlash, so we changed everything back  at the next years Congress meeting.
So I guess my point being, is the membership finding out about proposed rule changes, and
getting a chance to voice their opinion. Maybe we should consider getting possible rule changes
in early enough to be in the spring Shootist???

              John Hoker
              Deputy Marshall
Born 110 years too late

Yuma Kid

We could make that happen, but it would require a by-law change. The agenda would need to complete around January 15th (The spring issue goes to the publisher about the first of February) instead of 30 days prior to the Congress meeting.
Keep Yer Powder Dry!

NCOWS #L129,  G.A.F. # 767, SASS #31302, NRA Life Endowment, Lancaster County Bounty Collection Agentcy #29


Quote from: Tascosa Joe on March 08, 2022, 10:12:56 AM
The only reliable way to get it to all NCOWS members is put the agenda in the Shootist as there are very few of us that look at CASCITY.  Getting the Agenda set early enough to put it in the spring "Shootists" would be a paradigm shift.
Could there be a mass email sent out to the members?  I wonder how many members have no email address?
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Two Bit Charlie

This is why I suggested the agenda be published on CasCity. I know that not everyone is on CasCity. That's there decision. If they want to be informed, they will be on it. I believe we owe it to our membership, especially ones that do not belong to a posse, to put the agenda out there so they can read it and contact their Senators it they want to. The other possibility is on the Web Site.

Reed "Two-Bit Charlie" Van Ness

Dave T

Quote from: Books OToole on March 07, 2022, 09:31:57 AMAll NCOWS members should be informed of proposed by-law and rules changes.  Usually this is done by their Territorial representative.
Thus informed, they have the opportunity to let the Rep know their feelings and opinions; So that the Rep can vote according to his constituents wishes.
Michael "Books" Tatham
NCOWS Marshall

Yea, well, not so much.  I have no idea if I even have a "Territorial Rep" and if I do I've never heard from him/her, going on two years now.   I would think posting proposed changes in the spring issue of The SHOOTIST would be the surest way to get the information to every member.  Just sayin'.

Out in the Arizona Territory I remain,


Two Bit Charlie

Dave, each local posse has a Territorial Rep. on the Congress. He is a local member of your posse. If you do not have a local posse, then you are represented at the Congress by the Senators. Now the Senators can not stay in touch with every member to keep them informed. That's impossible. That's why the agenda has to be posted, whether on CasCity, the "Shootist" or our Web Site, so non-posse members can stay informed and respond to the Senators.

Reed "Two-Bit Charlie" Van Ness


Seems to me that the easiest method is our Secretary/Webmaster puts a pdf of the agenda on the website, posting a link in CASCity with a list of Senators to contact for those that do not have a Territorial Representative. There is no perfect way to do this. Maybe at the next meeting of Congress we can make a change in the by-laws to get the agenda put together earlier so it can be in the Spring issue of The Shootist. But that does not solve the getting it out to everyone for 2023 Congress, just 2024.

As for mass emails, I know from 8 years as Secretary that the membership rolls have many with no valid email address, or for that matter, valid phone numbers.
"I druther have a pocket full of rocks than an empty gun..."


 I am a senator. I would very much like to have feedback from any NCOWS member.  You can contact me at  My vote will be based on the wishes of the people who contact me.

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