NWMP-pattern flap holster for S&W Russian clone ...

Started by RattlesnakeJack, March 13, 2021, 10:49:51 PM

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My leather-working talents are very modest ... certainly not up to the calibre of the many masterpieces shown in this forum ... yet I am pleased enough with the results of a project I just completed that I am going to stick my neck out and post it here.

A bit of background, first ... I am usually to be found over at the Barracks, Grand Army of the Frontier shooting and other such activities being my primary interest.  After lobbying the GAF Staff to acknowledge a North West Mounted Police impression as at least "quasi-military" and thus suitable for competing in GAF Military classes ... and also confirming that an NWMP-pattern Model 1876 carbine - chambered in the original .45-75 rifle cartridge - would be an acceptable "military" rifle to shoot in conjunction with that uniform and kit, I was left with deciding upon a suitable handgun.  Although I do have an original .450 Adams revolver and also an 1884-dated Mark II .455/.476 Enfield revolver - those being the two primary-issue handguns of the NWMP prior to 1905 - I was somewhat leery of risking damage to such valuable antiques.

I have long drooled over the Uberti S&W topbreak single action revolver reproductions ... and interestingly, in 1874, the NWMP acquired thirty S&W Russian model No. 3 S&W revolvers to augment the poor-quality surplus Adams revolvers first foisted upon them by an unscrupulous War Department contractor, pending replacement of the entire shipment by the WD.  Accordingly, when a "pre-owned" Uberti Russian model recently became availableto me here in Canada  at a good price, I jumped on it! 

There was, however, one problem with this new revolver: my existing NWMPpattern flap holster, which fit both the Enfield and the Adams revolver, would not close over the longer grip profile of the Russian ... so I embarked on making another holster of this pattern.   Having now completed it, I am fairly pleased with the result.  Here it is, alongside the revolver (... for which I have a more appropriate set of wood grips on backorder, by the way ...) and also a composite image of various details cropped from prints and period photos showing this holster pattern ...
Rattlesnake Jack Robson, Scout, Rocky Mountain Rangers, North West Canada, 1885
Major John M. Robson, Royal Scots of Canada, 1883-1901
Sgt. John Robson, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 1885
Bvt. Col, Commanding International Dept. and Div.  of Canada, Grand Army of the Frontier

Major 2

" leather-working talents are very modest"  actually your too modest   :)

I commented over on the Barracks  "ACE's " 

That is a very handsome holster, I'd be proud to have for my Webley or 2nd Russian.
when planets align...do the deal !

Marshal Will Wingam

You did a fine job on that holster. Good curve along the seam and a proportionately sized flap. You got the look exactly right.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Rube Burrows

I agree with above in that you have made yourself a fine looking functional holster for your new revolver. Excellent. Thanks for sharing.
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Cliff Fendley


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