New year new guns

Started by Gunleather, January 19, 2021, 04:24:10 AM

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So I was telling pard that 10 years ago I passes up on a deal on a pair of Bisley grip Vaqueros in 44 Mag and I'll never find a deal like that again, dangitall.  He replied "I know where you can get a set with sequential serial numbers.  Leona Lou left all her cowboy gear for me to sell when she left Alaska."

Here they are. I'll load 44 special for SASS and 44 Mag for in the woods

Oregon Bill

DUDE! Buy lottery tickets!  ;)

cpt dan blodgett

I shoot 44 mags with a high end 44 spec load out of mag cases for CAS to avoid the carbon ring in chambers
Queen of Battle - "Follow Me"
NRA Life
DAV Life


 :)  Ah Ha!!  ;)

Didja didja know iffin you were shooting 2F or 3F APP, there is no "Carbon Ring" even if yer shooting 44 Russian cases??  Yep.  Tis fact indeed  ;D    Not that I'm a poster kid for APP  ::)

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