pietta SAA trigger

Started by powderhombre, October 15, 2020, 04:51:56 PM

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I have a new Pietta 1873 SAA. Nice gun, well made, I like it except the trigger has too much curve to it. Rather than the pad of my finger resting against the trigger, the trigger contacts my finger on the side.  As you can expect this doesn't exactly help with trigger control. I have read over the years on modifications to the trigger but can't find anything when I look. Does anyone have any suggestions or know of replacement triggers? thanks


I have one Uberti and one pietta and the curve on the pietta is definitely off. The Uberti has the correct curve. I have swapped the triggers and it did work. Of course you have to make sure you have the correct sear contact with the hammer. Or have a gun smith do it if your not comfortable doing it yourself. I also swapped cylinder pins as Uberti pins have a full cynical cut instead of the flat cut on pietta.

ETA:Just noticed this is 4 years old but maybe the information is useful to some one.



Estecics and Trigger Control.  OK.  SAA Replicants are NOT intended to be paper-punching Bullseye target guns.  Trigger control is when the trigger works as advertisedzed - BANG and your "group" is minute of Pie Plate at 10 to 15 paces.

Incorrect trigger curvature in a SAA Replicant??  Really??  Who cares.  So long as it fits in the trigger guard and works as advertised, yer Gold. None of the Replicant manufacturers has tried are claimed "exact" replicas, not even Third Gen Colts are "perfect."  Ergo, I don't see any issues worth mention.


Interesting timing on bringing this up, as last weekend a fellow shooter showed me his new Piettas (Cimarron El Malo II's), comparing to his almost new Cimarron Arizona Rangers (Uberti - rebranded Evil Roys).  There was no mention of the curve of the trigger and we didn't notice a difference (wasn't specifically looking for it) but he pointed out that the bottom of the Pietta trigger was too pointy and felt uncomfortable, plus the sides of the trigger had sharper edges, also less comfortable.  He was inquiring whether a gunsmith could smooth out those spots.


The difference is slight but most notable when revolvers at full cock. I believe the pietta has a slightly smaller trigger guard as I had more trouble with it with gloves on, it was -20 out. Maybe I'll get my calipers out when I get home and take some measurements.

Professor Marvel

Ah My Good Netizens

Whilst agree with mi amigo Coffin to a certain extent, I personally think that getting a firelock working at its full potential is not just admirable, but necessary.

Yes, I admit that minute of pie plate at 10 paces is "good enough" for this game BUT

A) I know the hardware is capable of better than that

II) why not tune the hardware to the best it can be, and test it by removing the human element
    So that if I am only getting 8" groups at 10 yards, I know it is operstor error

3)  it IS hobby so why be complacent?

After all , if the C&B Single action is what one has in the hand when one NEEDS a bang stick, it is
Comforting to know that the gun is CAPABLE of the accuracy and power reqd. Otherwise one might as well play with bb guns .

45 Dragoon has been able to fine tune C&B

Look for example at what

I myself have been a parts swapper, buff-n-fluffer, finish mangler, and a danger with a hacksaw and file for lo these many lustrum ( a little dig to the latin scholars) But I would never advertise myself as a 'smith, for that would be putting on airs...

So, I sya, GO FOR IT and keep us informed!

praeceptor miraculum
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
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Professor Marvel's
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Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
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Total trigger guard opening.
Uberti: 1.30 inches 
Pietta: 1.25 inches

From inside front of the guard to middle of the trigger. Revolvers at full cock.
Uberti:.945 inches 
Pietta: .876 inches
Again at half cock
Uberti: .831 inches
Pietta: .741 inches

Middle trigger guard to bottom of trigger, full cock.
Uberti: .905 inches
Pietta: .750 inches
At half cock
Uberti: .700 inches
Pietta: .510 inches


 :) Aw Heck ;)

I actually suppose, I be the last person on the block to run my mouth (keyboard) about little differences and changes.  After all I be the Poster Boy for swapping bits and pieces (Pietta) to create lots of Never Never guns and some strange critters just for grins and giggles.

I suppose a prime example are Grip Sets.  I'm not a great admirer of Navy (Model P) pattern grips and much prefer Army Pattern (longer) grips, ergo, ALL of my Pietta Cap Guns and Conversions of same ALL sport Army pattern grips.

One frustration with this I current face are my El Malo II guns from Cimarron, but built by Pietta.  I want to swap out the Navy Pattern grips I have changed them too, for Army Pattern grips.  Except, the Trigger Guard for Navy (Great Western II) and Army don't play well together.  Pietta Army Pattern have a smaller Trigger Guard and the E. M. II trigger is too long.  I need a pair of GW II triggers I won't feel bad about cutting.  After all, I have changed out the Grips and the OEM Hammers.

I shouldn't talk should I.  Oopsies.  My Bad.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

Professor Marvel

Thanks for the measurements John
Metrics are extremely useful and pre-empt having to buy crap just to find it doesnt fit

My Dear Coffin , fellow grip swapper

Thanks for the oppotunity to buy your thunderball grips! I put them on my pietta 4.75"  and 5.5"
.45 colts and they fit well, except for a tiny drop at the top of the grip frame where it meets
The revolver frame! No gaps and the the feel is excellent!

By all means feel free to talk about it! Chitchat,  Thats what keeps the place alive ;)

praeceptor miraculum

(Dija see what I did there? )
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
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Professor Marvel's
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I have a 4 5/8" El Malo with the octagon barrel. I am debating bobbing the trigger just to do the grip swap Coffin described.
The Deacon AZSA
BOLD 1088
RATS 739
Driver for Howard, Fine & Howard
Veterinary & Taxidermy Clinic
"Either way, you get your dog back"

Major 2

Post as requested by Coffinmaker
when planets align...do the deal !


 :) Hey Deacon!! ;)

My nest move in my El Malo saga is to source a pair of Stainless G W II triggers, then invite the esteemed Hacksaw McGurk in for a Beer.  Presto Change 0!!

Hammer Tin Types above per your request and grateful courtesy of The One and Only Major 2!!


The Deacon AZSA
BOLD 1088
RATS 739
Driver for Howard, Fine & Howard
Veterinary & Taxidermy Clinic
"Either way, you get your dog back"

Professor Marvel

Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe
Purveyor of Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Powder, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Supplies, Dry Goods,
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