1897 buttstock same as M12 Winchester?

Started by Dirty Dick, October 15, 2020, 10:47:08 AM

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Dirty Dick

Boyds don't seem to make buttstocks for '97 Winchesters anymore, will one for the model 12 fit does anyone know?

Kent Shootwell

Little powder much lead shoots far kills dead.
Member, whiskey livers
AKA Phil Coffins, AKA Oliver Sudden

Dirty Dick

Well, there's an idea!  No, just going through their catalog online, did a search for '97 Win, only thing listed is a fore end. I know, let's try an email!  ::)

Dirty Dick

I know I'm a dinosaur when it comes to computers etc., but I entered Winchester 97 in their search window and only got the fore end listing. Finally found what I wanted!   ;D

Black River Smith

Dirty Dick,

I did the same search back in Dec 2019.  They are out there but somewhat pricey.  The best I found were a Brownell and Numrich.  See  links below.  I ultimately lengthened my short stock myself.

Numrich -- https://www.gunpartscorp.com/products/247870

Brownells (go down 10 stocks) -- https://www.brownells.com/shotgun-parts/stock-forend-parts/buttstocks/pre-finished-replacement-shotgun-buttstocks-prod24460.aspx

Here is a link to Boyd Stock configurator.  I got you to a walnut but look at the different options.   https://www.boydsgunstocks.com/product-configurator

I hope all the links work for you.

PS:  I checked all the links but the Boyd did not stay on the Winchester 97 12Gauge options.
Black River Smith


>:(  Some Lustrum Ago   :(

There was time, not all that long ago, one could visit a Gun Show, or Pawn Shoppe and source up a complete and serviceable 1897 for 75 Bucks (heavy sigh).  Then the CAS market happened, for a non-cowboy Trombone Gun that never saw service in the time line we try to portray.  Burma Shave   ::)

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