Our first BAMM after covid

Started by Baltimore Ed, July 30, 2020, 09:34:33 AM

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Baltimore Ed

Tentatively we're planning a BAMM with DA revolvers for our next months shoot. Of course cowboys can always compete as usual. I'm thinking that I'll use my MkI '03 Springfield [1919] [first match with it] even though my cut down '03 is a little slicker but haven't decided on revolvers yet. Smith or Colt or one of each?  If I can teach my left hand how to shoot DA I'll try double duelist. Got to finish up my Rico Fardan belts. Got the blue .30-06 bandolier made. We are going to only allow 5 rds in the rifle to level the field-everybody reloads. I shot my MkI some yesterday and hit pretty much all of what I aimed at. A 193 gr chunk of lead packs a wallop. Do need to put it on paper though. Got to reload tonight.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

Major 2

Some envious , I am  :) I'd like to try BAMM 
when planets align...do the deal !

Silver Creek Slim

What is BAMM? ???
What is a MkI '03?  ???

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Baltimore Ed

BAMM=Bolt Action Military Match. A match that allows shooters use ww1/ww2 bolt action military rifles. We incorporate it into our monthly shoots and use pump sgs and double action revolvers or 1911s. It is sometimes shot as a side match at Wild Bunch matches. The MkI is a variation of the great 1903 Springfield 30-06 rifle that was modified for the Pederson Device. The Pederson Device was a semiautomatic bolt assembly that replaced the normal '03 bolt that, along with a 30? round magazine, allowed for a sub caliber .30 rd to be fired from the 30-06. The Great War ended before they were supposed to be deployed so most of the devices were destroyed. They are therefore rare and very pricy. My 1919 MkI has an extra slot milled into the left side of the action as an ejection port for the empty sub caliber shells. After the offensive that was going to end the war didn't happen the altered rifles were put back to 1903 specs. To quote Sean Connery 'Here endith the lesson.'
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

Major 2

From the internet ,,, :)   Nevada Rangers 'BAMM

Bolt Action Military Match (BAMM)

What is it? The idea behind this type of match is to get these old battle rifles out of the
safe and out to the range for some good old fashioned low-key shooting fun. This will
be an action match, in the Cowboy Action Shooting sense of the word—on the clock,
time penalties for misses, procedurals and safety violations. Stages will typically
require 10 – 15 rounds, with CAS-type scenario instructions: Nevada Sweep those
three, alternate 5 on these two, etc. At least one 5-round reload on the clock will be
required on every stage. This is not a SASS sanctioned event.
Firearms. Bolt Action Category: Any properly functioning, safe to shoot, center fire
bolt action rifle issued by any country for use as a battle rifle is welcome. Only iron
sights will be allowed. A partial list would include Springfield, Enfield, Mosin-Nagant,
Mauser, Steyr, Schmidt-Rubin, Krag-Jorgensen, Lebel-Berthier and so on. Rifles that
look "as-issued" are what we're after. If you have a sling and bayonet, use them. No
"sporters" please.

Handguns: A military style handgun from the bolt action era will be needed. It would
be shooter's choice of such guns as 1911s, Lugers, Broomhandles, and revolvers such
as the 1917s, Webleys, Enfields, Victory revolvers, Nagants, etc.

Ammunition. We will be shooting steel on the Cowboy Action Shooting range, so lead
bullets only will be used. Moderate muzzle velocities are a must. These rifles are
capable of good accuracy with lead cast bullets and mild powder loads. The longest
shot will be determined by the size of the range. Some as close as 10 yards. Therefore,
we have decided to adopt the SASS main match muzzle velocity maximum of 1400 fps
for rifle ammunition. Gas checks are OK. Hot loads will be disallowed at the match
director's discretion. Handgun ammunition must be all lead, mild powder loads and
under 1000 fps.

Targets. Steel targets of miscellaneous shapes and sizes will be placed at varying
distances, generally 10 – 90 yards. This is an action match, not precision bullseye

Shooting a Stage. One "Sighter Shot" will be allowed on the 1st stage and off of the
clock. We will have a timer operator/RO, spotters, brass pickers, scorekeeper, and we
will use the loading and unloading tables just like we do at a cowboy match. Rifles will
be loaded at the loading table with 5 rounds in the magazine, bolt left open, chamber
empty. Pistol magazines will be loaded but not installed, have slide open and chamber
empty. Ammo for reloads will come from the body unless otherwise specified in the
stage instructions, or unless an exception is allowed. SASS rules for moving with a
firearm will be followed. Stripper clips (chargers) are allowed and encouraged.

Costuming. There are no costuming requirements. If you have a uniform, wear it for
style points!
when planets align...do the deal !

Major 2

(I want my BAMM)   :D  thanks  Dire Straits   :D

Now look at them Guys' that's the way you do it
You shoot the Mauser on the MTV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free

Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb..............
when planets align...do the deal !

Dusty Tagalon

Too much going on here without information!
1st; after COVID! Subjective! Without vaccine, no time line! Possible vaccine by February 2021.
2nd; no details here; Club/location.
Sorry, absolutely nothing here to work with! After COVID, no location/club. I don't wish to be push back, please fill in the blank.
Sorry, need more information.

Major 2


You are reading more into this than needs be  ???  ( and it may be partly my fault , sorry )

Baltimore Ed is mentioning his local Monthly event...
" Tentatively we're planning a BAMM with DA revolvers for our next month's shoot " 
His home range is "I believe" in Eastern Carolina's.

Re: Our first BAMM after covid
It is referring  to his clubs post COVID lockdown months ago when they shut down.

BE can fill in the blanks....

If I added to any confusion , I apologize   :(... I meant I would like to attend a BAMM ( there is none in Florida )

when planets align...do the deal !

Baltimore Ed

WOW Major, thanks for the clarification. You really 'splained' it Lucy. I had neglected the ammo, handgun and clothing parameters. I wear my Span Am outfit if I shoot my Krag or Punitive Expedition or 1912 summer uniform [what Pike wore in the first 20 minutes of The Wild Bunch] if shooting my '03. And you even rewrote some Dire Straits, and the chicks for free. You da man.  Yes this will be our first post lockdown BAMM and everyone is looking forward to it. Hopefully it won't be too hot.

Major, I suggested the boltgun match idea to the president and usual match creator of my club before BAMM was 'created', or at least before I'd ever heard of it. We held our first one and everyone had such a hoot we now do 3-4 a year. It's basically just a cas match with more boltgun targets [same number targets as the cas] farther out than the cas rifle targets. Everybody shoots their sg and handgun at the same sg and handgun targets in the same order. And they shoot their own rifle targets in the same order. We had a guy drag 6 different antique rifles to our first shoot and shot a different one for each scenario. If you can write a cas match you can write a boltgun match. And everyone gets to play. Bounce it off your clubs match planner and shooters and see if you've got any interest. Got any questions pm me.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

Silver Creek Slim

So it is a GAF Expansion match at a CAS club.  :)

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Major 2

Yeah !   all dressed up and no place (local) to go....

I have the gun(s)  I got the duds too ...  Span-Am  and Punitive

Post pandemic ....Maybe a road trip the Outer Banks someday  :-\

Down here in the peninsula ...you got SASS mind set in stone everywhere,  or Black guns Tactical ...beyond that , well,  I've not met another kindred spirit.  :-[

I live vicariously , through  GAF Barracks , and your BAMM postings   :(

I get to shoot my collection as the lone stranger  :P
when planets align...do the deal !

Baltimore Ed

After the world resets to 'normal' take a drive north and visit us. The Outer Banks is a nice place except during hurricanes. I hate the sass set in stone mindset, to survive things evolve and change. I don't like change either but why not try something a little different. Use Krags and single actions and you're more cas correct than B Western or tube loaded Henry rifles.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

Major 2

Speaking of hurricanes...don't look now  ::) 

when planets align...do the deal !


Quote from: Silver Creek Slim on July 31, 2020, 07:23:10 AM
So it is a GAF Expansion match at a CAS club.  :)

More or less. the biggest difference is that GAF is typically 2 gun and BAMM (as I understand it) is 4 gun.
I remain, Your Ob'd Servant,
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.)Brigadier General Commanding,
Grand Army of the Frontier
BC/IT, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, CC, SoM
NRA Benefactor Life; AZSA Life; NCOWS Life

pony express

Quote from: Pitspitr on July 31, 2020, 07:52:50 AM
More or less. the biggest difference is that GAF is typically 2 gun and BAMM (as I understand it) is 4 gun.

Also, it appears that all bolt military bolt guns are welcome, up through WW2 and beyond.

Major 2

As a non-participant ( do to location and distance to a match )  I'd opt for GAF - 2 gun (I:E DA Revolver or Auto loader and a Bolt Action)
As I do with NCOWS 2 gun.... The shotgun is less appealing to me anymore, I have one ( hammered double )  and sold my Chinese 97  a couple of years ago.

one day , when the ducks line up in a row ...I'll get to a Sargent, NA. GAF Muster , make a vacation trip out of it and then go see  Cody Wy , Black Hills ETC.
  I mean I'd be that much closer  :-\  anyway  :)

Course , Outer Banks  NC is doable too

when planets align...do the deal !

Baltimore Ed

Quote from: Major 2 on July 31, 2020, 07:43:44 AM
Speaking of hurricanes...don't look now  ::)
Major, It's coming to see you before it comes to my house. So you better stock up too. Just spent 145.00 at the food lion. Good luck and stay dry.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

Major 2

BE ,  that is SOP , filled the tanks on both cars,  put in ice, and groceries ....

Recycle & Garbage cans rolled back to the barn ....I'll pull in the Pool stuff ...
no plans to shutter up ...yet ...probably won't though...

Latest advisories say we will start getting out bands tonight
when planets align...do the deal !

Baltimore Ed

Know what you mean, I installed a whole home generator after Irene nailed us. Best investment I've ever made. Elevated the house, replaced everything etc, if this stays close to shore and keeps scooting along it won't grow beyond a cat 1. Going to get wet though, trees down, power lines, usual stuff but maybe not too bad.
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.


Quote from: Baltimore Ed on August 01, 2020, 02:43:36 PM
I installed a whole home generator after Irene nailed us. Best investment I've ever made.
We use the tractor generator after blizzards. I wouldn't trade you reasons to own a generator.
I remain, Your Ob'd Servant,
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.)Brigadier General Commanding,
Grand Army of the Frontier
BC/IT, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, CC, SoM
NRA Benefactor Life; AZSA Life; NCOWS Life

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