cylinder rotation

Started by reno, July 28, 2020, 12:14:16 PM

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I have a SAA that functions great, lock up tight, and is timed okay. The only thing it does is when I put it at half cock to load the cylinder will spin freely but when cocked to full cock it will lock up like it should. Just wondered why it spins so freely at half cock in loading position. I am thinking it might be a weak hand spring, but it still cocks and locks up perfect.
Thankful for any help.


Sounds like a very light, or dirty, or broken hand spring.  Or, and altered hand.  In any case, it may result in uneven wear on the cylinder ratchet.  So, it would be a good idea to open it up, diagnose it, and fix it if necessary.

I've seen guys grind the tips off of the hand bearing surface to allow a free spin cylinder.  But, long term -- and at the speed we operate these old guns -- it may cause damage to the cylinder.

If you can get it to Bob James, he'll figure it out and fix it if necessary.


Thanks August, do you think a Uberti hand spring would work as I have many, or should i order a Colt spring?


thanks August, I found the trouble with the cylinder. I also thought as you did about the hand, and as I have about 12 hands in the box, I took the revolver down and  someone had bent the hand spring down to lighten it, replaced and is now in good order.
Thanks again

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