Cimarron's new American model!

Started by nativeshootist, October 25, 2018, 12:04:16 AM

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   Crappy resolution, but...


Johnson Barr

 Speed your 'play' problem is not unusual as even original S&W top breaks had this problem. So how did the S&W factory solve this problem?

I've spent a lot of time with original No.2 frame SA's and DA's. More parts than you would imagine are interchangeable even with productions dates 40 years apart. The factory adjustment was the shaft diameter of the barrel latch screw. I have measured no less than 4 different shaft diameters on the No. 2 frame top breaks that I have. That difference is the adjustment between the barrel latch/rear sight and the barrel latch lugs on the frame. Smaller shaft diameters make the lockup looser and the larger shaft diameters make the lockup tighter. I have no idea if Uberti offers latch screws with different shaft diameters to 'tune' the lock-up of any of the Uberti made top breaks. 

The  posted pic is of a pair of Second Model 38 SA framed (dated to 1881 and 1883) revolvers with Third Model 38 DA 5" barrels and Fourth Model 38 DA cylinders (post 1900). The better metallurgy in the post 1900 cylinders makes the light smokeless powder loads I create much safer to shoot. Light loading is to not abuse and be more gentle on the BP frames
"Peace is that glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading"  -Thomas Jefferson


      Greetings, All!





   More range time. The little Ideal / Lyman #429348 is a winner on the target!




   And, the Old West Moulds #432-205 "Anderton" bullet...



Looks like a good load and better shooting!
The Deacon AZSA
BOLD 1088
RATS 739
Driver for Howard, Fine & Howard
Veterinary & Taxidermy Clinic
"Either way, you get your dog back"


      Greetings, DeaconKC!

   Thanks, but the trigger is still a real bear. I'm thinking of sending it out to an appropriate Gunsmith. I still want that 8" barrel...! I've been thinking that the Ideal #429348 needs a faster powder; Bullseye or TiteGroup.


Tuolumne Lawman

CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Hair Trigger Jim

Nice article.  I always enjoy reading your write-ups.

Nice cartridges too.   ;)
Hair Trigger Jim


The Deacon AZSA
BOLD 1088
RATS 739
Driver for Howard, Fine & Howard
Veterinary & Taxidermy Clinic
"Either way, you get your dog back"

Tuolumne Lawman

CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators


I'm holding off because I want to read it in the hard copy and I won't have that until next week.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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I appreciate that Cimarron does other calibers like 44 Russian, 44 Special and 44-40, not just 45 Colt and 357 like Taylor's and Co.

Tuolumne Lawman

Part 2 will be in the October Chronicle.  Tune in!
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Tuolumne Lawman

I have to say, I really enjoy shooting it.  It is tied with my Anderson 1860 .44 Colt conversions.  My answer is to use the 8" American and one 5.5a" Anderson.  I shoot .44 Colt, as that's all the 1999 vintage Andersons shoots.  I shot them at two matches so far (though one was a fun shoot), and going to a monthly match in a couple weeks, then the End of Track annual at the end of October.
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators


What long arm do you carry with your American? I have a'66 short rifle, a .56-50 Chippia Spencer carbine and rifle although they were falling out of favor then. My favorite is a 50-70 Shiloh carbine. Also like one NWM Policeman a '76 carbine in .45-75.


all of those are still good to carry with it. Back then they would've still carried either the 66 or spencer just on the basis that it works and they work. A man that bought one of those rifles didn't throw it away because a centerfire rifle showed up. Those cartridges for those wouldve also been cheaper as the 1870s wore on.

Hair Trigger Jim

Given that they made 1866s until about the 1890s, I'm not sure I'd even say they were falling out of favor.
Hair Trigger Jim


Well I got my American back yesterday. I guess i will roll with what I got and get it to the range when the weather gets better.
It is improved, I will give it that much
Posted a video on YT.


FYI to anyone still "waiting" on a particular configuration.  At the moment, Cimarron has every configuration in stock.  Both barrel lengths of .44, 44-40, and .45

speedballalice, well at least there is some improvement.  got a link to that video?

Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

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