CCW carry question

Started by Major 2, July 28, 2018, 12:28:41 AM

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Major 2

Is anyone carrying IWB in Kydex ?

Currently I pocket carry my S&W Mod. 60 & 36  in a DeSantis pocket holster.
it works but I've been eyeing IWB

my concern is confort, two fold
1. Florida heat (summertime) and
2. well lets say there is goodly amount of Me also in the same waist band  ::)

I'd rather not buy it, if it just gonna be another holster in the unused drawer
when planets the deal !

Professor Marvel

My Dear Major 2 -

I don't care for kydex. Thought I would, but, it is not comfortable next to the skin like a decent suede leather or even smooth leather,
and worse, it seems to mar or quickly wear the finish of the carry piece.

it it were lined, it might be better, but then its thicker than leather.

hope this helps
prf mvl
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
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Major 2

It does, thanks those were my concerns
when planets the deal !

Baltimore Ed

Anything on or inside of my belt feels uncomfortable for ccw to me. A crossdraw on my belt works if I'm driving but only under a jacket. My edc for years has been a scandium j frame in a leather pocket holster in my rear pocket or a jacket pocket. When driving it usually rides between my seat and center console of my Edge. I also live where it's warm in eastern nc so I know what you're saying. There's something that I've heard about carrying, concealed or otherwise, it's not supposed to be comfortable but it is comforting. Be thankful you don't have to carry a Garand. Does everyone have one of those drawers?
"Give'em hell, Pike"
There is no horse so dead that you cannot continue to beat it.

Silver Creek Slim

I bought a Kydex IWB holster and wore it for a little while but was never comfortable. So, I wear a OWB holster with a shirt over it in public.

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Crow Choker

I always was a lifetime "if it ain't made of leather, I don't want it" holster, sling, belt guy. Still am pretty much, but around five years ago I became familiar with a synthetic line of holsters that I now have three of for carrying concealed, all IWB. I became knowledgeable of them at a large gun show in my state from a dealer that carried them. Major, it's from right down in your state- Naples, Florida, called Remora. Website I carry concealed with no problem a Smith 60 38 Spec and Shield 9mm. Also no problem with a Colt Double Eagle Officers Model 45 acp 3 1/2". All carried IWB Appendix style with no problem, can be positioned side or back IWB, but prefer Appendix. Wearing a sweater, shirt untucked, no sight. I don't care for back position-to uncomfortable, side to noticeable, might as well be carrying OWB.

The Remora holsters are top quality and are made of a material that keeps them in place when moving about, sitting, etc. The holster stays in place when drawing, but being soft takes a little more to holster. I've compared them with another holster of the same type 'Sticky Holsters' and the Remora IMO is better quality and I'm finicky about construction and quality of a product. I wish they had been around back in the 70-90's era when I wore a badge. I carried my Smith Model 60 as a backup concealed on duty. Carried it right front, behind my 12 loop 357 Mag cartridge carrier in a Bucheimer suede leather clip on IWB holster (still have). The 60 never worked loose, even when 'tussling' with drunks and other arrests where physical combat took place. Carried it off duty at times also in the Bucheimer. Kydex, don't care for them inside. outside, or wherever. Too stiff and impersonal IMO. Might as well heat up a plastic pipe, flatten it, and strap it on.  If your interested in something like the Remora's, check out their website. I've talked with them over the phone, very friendly outfit, give them and their product five stars.   
Darksider-1911 Shooter-BOLD Chambers-RATS-SCORRS-STORM-1860 Henry(1866)-Colt Handgun Lover an' Fan-NRA-"RiverRat"-Conservative American Patriot and Former Keeper & Enforcer of the Law an' Proud of Being Both! >oo

pony express

M-2: I'm new to concealed carry(about a year and a half). Haven't tried a Kydex IWB, I have a cheap "pleather" IWB tuckable holster I have used with my LCP, works ok when I wear summer shorts, not so comfortable with denim jeans. I pretty much gave up on the tuckable feature, just leave the shirt outside. If you're concerned about the Kydex against skin, you might look into the Crossbreed IWB holsters, they use leather for the "backing" with a kydex holster.

I've recently bought one of these:

The top one, the "Epitome" is what I got, it goes between the belt and pants. Haven't had it for long, but it seems relatively comfortable. It's more comfortable if worn with a tucked in tee shirt and then a cover shirt-to keep the gun butt from rubbing your skin, but I have mostly worn it with just a tee shirt over it, since Missouri weather can be a bit warm and humid.  May depend on what gun you're carrying, I use it with a S&W Shield. As long as the cover shirt isn't too snug, it hides pretty well.

Major 2

Thank you all, saved me from my own thoughts....

I have a Desantis NEMESIS  pocket far this has been the best feel.
 I also have a High Noon Leather Pocket carry, this rolls forward in my pocket (Butt Forward )  all the time , it both prints
( Glad to see HER mode , if you catch my drift ) and make it stupid difficult to retrieve... It's regulated to the failed drawer.

The NEMESIS works though, but I was thinking IWB , now with you'll points (help) I'll pass on the Kydex IWB...
I do have an Uncle Mikes OWB but only for cold weather with jacket cover ...Here in Florida that just a few days in the year though .... ::)

The M36 is some lighter than the M60 ...but both get 38 Critical Defense, so I tend to carry the 36 a bit more often.
when planets the deal !

Coal Creek Griff

For the past few months I've been using a Kydex IWB holster as a T&E for work.  I'm carrying a Glock 19, though.  Most days, I'm wearing it for 12+ hours.  The Kydex against the skin works fine for me, but any IWB holster is going to be less comfortable, especially for those of us with EWB (expanding waist band).  Using looser fitting pants helps.  I imagine, though I don't know, that a small revolver might not be as comfortable as a larger semi-auto, just because the pressure is more concentrated.  IWB is great for concealment, but you do sacrifice comfort.  In many cases, the trade-off is worth it to me.  You might try a cheap(er) suede IWB holster and try it out before you go for a more expensive one.  On the other hand, I sometimes pocket carry.  In fact, I'm heading to Florida for a few days in a couple of weeks and I'll likely go for the pocket carry to fit in with my shorts and T-shirt look.

CC Griff
Manager, WT Ranch--Coal Creek Division

BOLD #921
BOSS #196
1860 Henry Rifle Shooter #173
SSS #573

pony express

M-2, since you have the DeSantis Nemisis, you might try one of their IWB holsters, I was looking at the Sof-Tuck for my LCP, but never got one. One advantage to the Kydex over a soft leather like the Sof-Tuck, is you can re holster the gun more easily. The IWB holster I have is also pretty soft, and "goes flat" once the gun is out of it. Hard to re-holster- and maybe not too safe with a DAO pistol with no safety.

EDIT: I saw just recently an ad for a Safariland IWB leather holster that looked good. it has a large enough "sweat shield" for comfort, but I don't know if it addresses the "flattening" issue.

Major 2

PE   are thinking this one ?

Desantis Sof-Tuck for J frame

I am also looking at this one Barsony Tuckable IWB
when planets the deal !

pony express

The Sof-Tuck is the one I was referring to. The other looks good, but for me I don't like when they put doubled up leather over the belt clip on some tuckables, it adds a lot to the bulk. Maybe on a revolver it won't be as noticeable, but with my LCP, overall the holster almost doubles the thickness of the gun.

Major 2

The top one (photo again) is the Desantis Sof-Tuck for J frame it's $ 22 99  on Amazon.

That's cheap enough to consider giving it try , course my guns have hammers but there appears enough leather to cover and guard against being poked , the Barsony Tuckable IWB  doesn't and its  $35


when planets the deal !

Major 2

I made an educated  :-\ decision,

I tried on a borrowed appendix carry IWB w/ my M36 ... wore it to go to the store and another stop for few hours this afternoon...
I returned the IWB with thanks....but no thanks.
not going to like carrying a J frame in that style holster, I determined.

Glad I tried it , even gladder I didn't buy one .

In the pocket is my best carry....thanks for the pointers & help

when planets the deal !

Capt Quirk

Instead of appendix,  try it at about 4 o'clock , just behind the hip.

Major 2

naught.... I don't even carry my wallet in my hip pocket anymore  ... flairs up Sciatica ....
when planets the deal !

Professor Marvel

Quote from: Major 2 on July 29, 2018, 01:37:38 PM
I made an educated  :-\ decision,

I tried on a borrowed appendix carry IWB w/ my M36 ... wore it to go to the store and another stop for few hours this afternoon...
I returned the IWB with thanks....but no thanks.
not going to like carrying a J frame in that style holster, I determined.

Glad I tried it , even gladder I didn't buy one .

In the pocket is my best carry....thanks for the pointers & help


My Dear Major

if you can bear wearing a lightweight jacket or sportcoat an inside pocket can work extremely well....
or a nice leather vest ( some even have pistol pockets built in).

if you can afford to acquire a smith liteweight or ultralite it just disappears into properly lined pockets.
prof marvel
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praeceptor miraculum

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Major 2

I'm kind of my own worst opponent in the alloy framed category.
My wife has one a Model 437 Airweight  , I bought, her choice for purse and night stand.

But I'm old fashion, wood & steel ( or SS ) I even prefer hammers ...both neither conducive to CCW, but it what I favor.

In fact the only alloy or polymer gun I own ( other than the wife's alloy ) is a Glock 17 Gen 4 and I did not buy it,  I won it.

when planets the deal !


On a whim, decided to check to see if Professor Marvel was still alive and found this thread.

Deal me in on this conversation, and reference the following with a S&W 642.

1) I'm aware of at least one social situation where an appendix carry put the piece so close to the owner's junk that it was missed during a sloppy pat-down by a socially dubious rent-a-cop at a concert venue. So it's got that going for it.

2) I'll suggest a leather crossdraw holster, inside the belt & (personal preference) either inside / outside of the waistband with a thumb retention strap. I can bike, hike, walk or run and have reasonable confidence I won't squirt out a revolver at an awkward moment.

I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but the element of surprise and attendent advantages can compensate for many disadvantages and puts you inside the opponent's OODA loops.  For concealability, most of us are getting older and have a Dunlop belly. From a decade of personal experience, this arrangement disappears under an untucked /polo shirt/hawaiian shirt or sweater or light /sports jacket. Simply not the 'droids you're looking for...

3) Tactics. Think about this - if you do any amount of driving, you're going to be engaging a close range target to your immediate left.

A right handed draw while buckled in would be problematic, compared to dropping your hand from the steering wheel's 6 o'clock to a position just left of your belt buckle - less distance to cover, less ergonomics to wrestle around.

If dismounted, contemplate blading your body to the left while drawing. It reduces your own profile (but if body armor is your thing, also presents the most vulnerable section).

At close quarters range, your muzzle will be sweeping up the target and if needs be, you can engage as soon as your on target with the pelvis.

Thus endeth the sermon. Our last hymn can be found on Youtube.

Professor Marvel

Quote from: Story on August 23, 2018, 09:54:53 AM
On a whim, decided to check to see if Professor Marvel was still alive and found this thread.

Deal me in on this conversation, and reference the following with a S&W 642.

1) I'm aware of at least one social situation where an appendix carry put the piece so close to the owner's junk that it was missed during a sloppy pat-down by a socially dubious rent-a-cop at a concert venue. So it's got that going for it.

2) I'll suggest a leather crossdraw holster, inside the belt & (personal preference) either inside / outside of the waistband with a thumb retention strap. I can bike, hike, walk or run and have reasonable confidence I won't squirt out a revolver at an awkward moment.

I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but the element of surprise and attendent advantages can compensate for many disadvantages and puts you inside the opponent's OODA loops.  For concealability, most of us are getting older and have a Dunlop belly. From a decade of personal experience, this arrangement disappears under an untucked /polo shirt/hawaiian shirt or sweater or light /sports jacket. Simply not the 'droids you're looking for...

3) Tactics. Think about this - if you do any amount of driving, you're going to be engaging a close range target to your immediate left.

A right handed draw while buckled in would be problematic, compared to dropping your hand from the steering wheel's 6 o'clock to a position just left of your belt buckle - less distance to cover, less ergonomics to wrestle around.

If dismounted, contemplate blading your body to the left while drawing. It reduces your own profile (but if body armor is your thing, also presents the most vulnerable section).

At close quarters range, your muzzle will be sweeping up the target and if needs be, you can engage as soon as your on target with the pelvis.

Thus endeth the sermon. Our last hymn can be found on Youtube.

Well Greetings Story!
Yes I am still alive and pontificating!

And you have succinctly articulated so many of the important points!

Yhs prof marvel
Your Humble Servant

praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
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