Need help with Win-Miroku 92 takedown

Started by blackhawk rock, July 23, 2018, 11:16:54 AM

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blackhawk rock

I have one of the new Winchester 92 deluxe takedowns. 16 inch barrel and chambered in 44 mag. I can not get it apart. I read the Winchester instructions and did it by the numbers, I applied as much pressure as I was comfortable with to turn the barrel assembly and nothing moves  at all. Are these things that hard to takedown from the factory? Did they borrow "Mongo". Any help would be appreciated. I haven't even fired it yet. I gave it a good cleaning and it's ready to go other than the stuck barrel assembly.



Well Rooster Ron Wayne will be interested in this as he has been hunting for one.  If they are being made again he should be happy.

Did you unscrew the mag tube first?  I am not familiar with the Miroku takedowns, but on the Chiappas you flip out the "handle" at the end of the mag tube and use it to unscrew the tube, then the barrel assy can be unscrewed.  Or maybe yours is just really tight.
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blackhawk rock

I think they are the same. I unscrewed then removed the mag tube for the third and fourth try, no luck. I don't want to mess it up but it would be nice if it will come apart.

There are two currently on GB. They are one or two digit sn's so the price is up there a little.


You also have to move the level to open the action. Then rotate clockwise. My 357 was really tight the first few times,  but now is fairly easy to rotate.

blackhawk rock

I did all of that. How tight is fairly tight?  This thing wouldn't budge, I don't think I can put more force on it with my bare hands.

Thanks for the replies,


So your magazine tube is completely unscrewed from the front of the receiver, and your lever is opened to allow the bolt's extractor to clear the extractor cut in the breech and it still won't unscrew?


Black hawk,
I had to really reef on it. When I finally got it apart I used choke tube grease on the threads. It seems to be fine now.

blackhawk rock

OD#3 that is correct.

Chuckerbird I will try again, almost ready to call Winchester. If I get it apart it will get anti-seize applied.


blackhawk rock

I final got it apart. I took a wooden dowel and tapped on the receiver extension with it and a rubber hammer it broke loose after a couple of hits. I put anti seize on it and I can get it apart with my hands now. Thanks for all of the replies and advice.


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