Standard Manufacturing SA Now Available!!??

Started by VoyPescado, July 22, 2018, 12:31:06 PM

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Dave T

I agree with Lou,

When and if you can find a brand new 3rd Generation Colt SAA the price seems to be in the $2000 to $2500 range. And the quality is not up to what a late production USFA was. They were the equivalent of the 1st Gen Colt and I've heard some say the all USA made USFAs were even better.

This new Standard Manufacturing gun, from the descriptions I've read by the few who have handled and now owned them, are at the same quality level as the late USFA guns. That being the case I would much rather spend $1900 for a top quality single action, that the over polished and poorly fitted 3rd Gen Colt, and I say that having owned (and sold) a late production version some called a 4th Generation model.



I cant help but wonder what they would charge if colts were still $1300.00. Perhaps the 500 dollar first year price increase, before production even began, is due to the soaring prices of their competitor? $1299.00 maybe?


 I was not around when USFA was in production so take it for what this is worth, just one outsider's opinion. From what I have read USFA suffered from 3 main problems. 1)The low priced Rodeo was priced too low and it cannabalized sales of their higher priced premium guns. 2) Their premium guns were priced too low for what actually went into them. 3) They put too much money into projects that never saw the light of day.

Dave T


That all probably true but from what I've read and heard the real problem was the owner just lost interest. He didn't want to mess with it anymore. Maybe because it wasn't profitable, maybe because he got bored. In either case we who love these guns are the worse for it.


Capt. John Fitzgerald

Hickok45 reviews the Standard SAA;

This is a long video, running 34+ minutes, but is well worth watching for nothing else than Hickok45's praise of USFA firearms.  Go to the 27 minute mark for his final appraisal.  
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