Started by willy, April 25, 2018, 08:46:55 PM

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Time to get a safe,,Looking for something to hold around 20 long guns and around 30-40 hand guns..Or could go smaller and cut those numbers in half..
Looking for something around $1500 or less.
What you all got, and which ones would you recommend?..

PJ Hardtack

You got a reinforced floor where you intend to install that thing?
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

Sagebrush Burns

I'm thinking you're going to find it difficult to find a quality safe large enough to hold all those guns in your price range.  Maybe if you come across a "pre-owned" one...


Check out companies like Liberty Safes.  They have a 48 gun safe for $1099.

Another option is to get 2 medium sized safes.  One set up for long guns only and the other all shelves for the handguns. 
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Lumpy Grits

Stay away from electric locks.
Just ask any locksmith....
'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'


Quote from: FriscoCounty on April 29, 2018, 12:54:53 PM
Check out companies like Liberty Safes.  They have a 48 gun safe for $1099.

Another option is to get 2 medium sized safes.  One set up for long guns only and the other all shelves for the handguns. 

Two smaller safes?...Now that might be a good idea....Thanks.

Baltimore Ed

I bought a 36 wide x 25 deep x 66 in tall Drake Safe (Roxboro, NC) before Y2K and a second when I retired 2 years ago. They will do the interior any way you want, half long guns, half shelves, all shelves, all long guns. If you work hard and live long enough you WILL fill it up so think big.
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Hair Trigger Jim

trisstan above him/it is also spam.  4 posts, and if you go back through his post history, he started out with a total spam post about making money online.
Hair Trigger Jim

Silver Creek Slim

I got rid of the SPAM.

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Consider a "gun closet"/ armory. Hide it behind a book case or something. Go wild.

Safes suck.


 :) Begle

Dunno Begle.  The alternatives to a Safe are a lot more expensive than a simple safe.  Building false walls and hidden rooms can be ludicrously expensive.  Although I do agree, a Safe sux.  I long for that point in time when we could have real nice gun cabinets to display our goodies (Sighs Sadly)


Ditto on the Liberty Safes.... they also private label safes for places like Cabela's, Bass Pro, John Deere, and other resalers... I picked up a trailer load in UT and started delivering them in central CO & finally emptying out in central FL... went to bunch of places, dropping of one or two safes here & there.  I'll also recommend staying away from electronic locks. 
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