USFA Rodeo II in .44 Special

Started by m.mac86, April 15, 2018, 08:01:28 PM

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This forum has reinvigorated my love of sixguns so I figure I'll share some stuff I've had squirreled away. Back in 08 as a lowly non rate stationed in Alaska I had plenty of disposable income so I decided I'd get something special, couldn't afford the standard model with the bright blue and case hardened finish so I think nickel is a good second choice.  ;D I called Alex Hamilton at Ten Ring asking if he could get me a .44 spl. He responds no problem and quotes me about a six month wait. So I pay it off and promptly forget I buy the dang thing. I'm in New Orleans a year later and get a phone call from Alex asking if I want this dang hog leg, needless to say I felt a bit sheepish :o All well that ends well, recently went home to El Paso and remember Paul Persinger is right there in town so I get some Ram's horn grips attached. I think I have a new favorite in the stable!

Buckaroo Lou

Very nice, I like those grips. Where could a fella if he had a mind to get a set of those?
A man's true measure is found not in what he says but in what he does.


Here ya go.

Paul Persinger
10441 Mackinaw Street
El Paso, Texas 79924
Phone: 915-821-7541

This makes set number three, I've got nothing but good experiences with him as a craftsman.

Capt. John Fitzgerald

I have purchased several sets of one-piece ivory grips from Paul over the past few years and have always been more than happy with them.  Best thing about Persinger is that you don't have to sent the entire gun to him for proper fitting - just the trigger guard and back strap.  Another plus is the fact that he recognizes the difference between Colt and USFA frame sizes when he fits the grips to your BS & TG.
You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.


I tried to order a .44 Special Rodeo II in 2008 but got jerked around. First I had to pay an extra $100 "special order" fee for .44 Spl because the Rodeo II was only offered in .45 and .38 Spl. Then, USFA discontinued the matte nickel finish due to some problem with their plating process. This was followed by the claim that they didn't have any .44 caliber barrels. Finally my LGS called to say they were getting ready to ship my gun, a 5 1/2' blued/CCH single action, when I had ordered a 4 3/4". Finally, I talked to someone at the factory, perhaps Gary Grainger, and finalized the order for a 4 3/4" .44 Special all-blued Single Action, with the barrel marked "Russian and S&W Special .44" like the old Colts. I wanted a unique "work" gun - the Rodeo II, but I settled for something else. All of this took a year and a half. I finally got my gun in 2009.

The good news: It cost me $885. The bad news: It shoots to the left.

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