USFA or Uberti?

Started by PNWx45, October 29, 2017, 02:59:34 PM

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QuoteDid Uberti ever build a Bisley hammer that did not have the hammer block safety

You realize that a blank hammer has to be milled and fitted with the safety right?   How one mills the cast part and hand finishes it  is up to the builder.   One can guess at what USFA did for the Bisley. 
Your guess is as good as mine.
"time leaves tombstones or dry bones"  SASS #2903


Well .... actually ..... a Replicant, with or without Lipstick, is still a Replicant.  Taking issue with were the parts came from at this point in time is Oxymoron.  It simply doesn't matter, unless one is a Rabid Collector of inanimate objects to stick up on some shelf and genuflect.

Buckaroo Lou

Don't know about the past Uberti Bisley, but I recently purchased a new Uberti Bisley and it does not have a hammer block safety.
A man's true measure is found not in what he says but in what he does.


Buckaroo Lou, where did you purchase this Uberti Bisley? What is the datecode? Does it have any other type of safety? What caliber and barrel length? I would be very interested in a Uberti Bisley .44-40 with 4 3/4" barrel if the only safety device it had was the two-position cylinder pin. Really would like a .32-20 like that but I am fairly certain they don't make them in .32-20.

The Pathfinder

OK, just checked my Navy Arms Uberti Bisley 44-40 4 3/4", date code BS (2002) and it has both the two position pin and the hammer block safety. So Lou's has to be newer than that.

Buckaroo Lou

LonesomePigeon, Is the date code the two letters in the square stamped just above the serial number on the frame? If so it is CT. It does have the two position pin but does not have the little anvil on the hammer that I assume is the hammer block safety. I bought it online on GB about two weeks ago.

It is a 4 3/4" barrel in .357 caliber. I know .357 is not original but I have other single actions in .45 colt and I just wanted something different. Besides I can also shoot .38 special if I want to.

Here is a photo of the revolver. I have since removed the grips and hand rubbed the gloss finish with 0000 steel wool to remove the glossy look. I prefer a duller satin look to the grips instead of the gloss.

A man's true measure is found not in what he says but in what he does.


Parts only matter if the price is appropriate for the gun.  Wrong parts and the value isn't there on the USFA guns....from my perspective.

Hammers and triggers are easily had and easier to replace.
"time leaves tombstones or dry bones"  SASS #2903


BuckarooLou, yes that is the datecode. CT would mean it was made in 2018. The anvil thingy you described would be the hammer block safety. I am glad there exists ones without it. One more question, does yours have a Cimarron barrel address and/or does the grip medallion say Cimarron? Since I just put a Pedersoli Lightning rifle on Lay-a-way at Dixie it might be awhile bit I think my next purchase might be a Uberti Bisley.

Buckaroo Lou

LonesomePigeon, Yes it has the Cimarron barrel address and the grip medallions have the Cimarron logo.

Can you tell me where you acquire the information with regard to the date code. In other words can you give me a website that has the date codes and corresponding dates?
A man's true measure is found not in what he says but in what he does.


"time leaves tombstones or dry bones"  SASS #2903


Let's see if this works:

Italian date stamps
Note! The stamp is not a part in the serial numbers, and it is normally found on the monoblock or demi/mono-block.
Year    Mark    Year    Mark    Year    Mark    Year    Mark    Year    Mark    Year    Mark    Year    Mark
1940       1953    IX    1966    XXII    1979    AE   1992    BB   2005   BZ   2018   CT
1941       1954   X    1967   XXIII    1980    AF   1993    BC   2006    CA   2019   CU
1942       1955    XI    1968   XXIV   1981    AH   1994    BD   2007   CB   2020   CZ
1943       1956    XII    1969   XXV   1982    AI   1995    BF   2008   CC   2021   DA
1944       1957    XIII    1970   XXVI   1983    AL    1996    BD    2009    CD   2022    DB
1945    I    1958    XIV    1971   XXVII   1984    AM   1997    BI   2010    CF   2023    DC
1946    II    1959    XV    1972   XXVIII   1985    AN   1998    BL   2011   CH   2024   DD
1947    III    1960    XVI   1973   XXIX   1986    AP   1999   BM   2012   CI   2025   DE
1948    IV    1961    XVII   1974   XXX   1987   AS    2000    BN   2013   CL   2026    DF
1949   V    1962    XVIII   1975   AA   1988   AT   2001   BP   2014   CM   2027   DH
1950    VI    1963    XIX   1976   AB   1989    AU   2002   BS    2015    CN   2028   DI
1951   VII    1964   XX   1977   AC   1990   AZ   2003   BT   2016   CP   2029   DL
1952    VIII    1965    XXI   1978   AD   1991   BA   2004   BU   2017   CS   2030   DM

Buckaroo Lou

Thanks to both yahoody and LonsomePigeon for the reply and providing the lists. I appreciate your willingness to help educate this novice.
A man's true measure is found not in what he says but in what he does.

Major 2

It is also posted as Sticky  on both the OT & Henry BB's
when planets the deal !


Quote from: Chance on July 28, 2018, 03:16:38 PM
I guess it comes down to what your definition of "made" is. Does it mean manufactured or assembled?


Now I am going way off topic, with the global economy who is to say what is made where? Check under the hood of your car lately to see where parts are sourced from? The venerable American shoe mfg Allen Edmonds has a plant in the Dominican Republic where the Soles and Uppers are cut and the finish work is in the USA..yet they are marked American made. The same is true with a lot of Italian clothing and shoe mfg's, cut in China and assembled in Italy with the made in Italy tag put on... Soooo?

It does seem odd that Uberti etal can produce such a nice firearm for around $500, especially with the EU tax structure of VAT and EU labour costs?


Hey guys need some help, got a gunslinger in 44 spl serial number 2085B. Any one know if that's in the range for uberti parts?


I thought all Gunslinger's were 5 digit serial number in the 50,000+ range?


Quote from: m.mac
Hey guys need some help, got a gunslinger in 44 spl serial number 2085B. Any one know if that's in the range for uberti parts?

LP you were close.  57K range not 50K
Pretty much can tell you 2085 is NOT a Gunslinger.  I'd bet a early Uberti but I'd need detailed photos  to tell any thing more.

Does your barrel say USFA or USPFA?
Hand checkered hammer, cone firing pin?
Front sight profile?

USFA Gunslinger Model starts with serial #57XXX
Only other option is a custom Serial number.  Barrel would have to read USFA to  be that and I'd want a box label to verify it.
"time leaves tombstones or dry bones"  SASS #2903


It has the one line barrel address framed by crosses says USFA, cone shaped firing pin and hand checkered hammer. Its currently at my brother's, once I get pics I'll post em


Same as this for the barrel address


Sure looks and from your comments sounds like a USA made gun.  I'd suspect a custom Serial number.  5.5" or 7.5"?
"time leaves tombstones or dry bones"  SASS #2903

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