Cody-Dixon Event

Started by PJ Hardtack, August 08, 2017, 11:35:40 AM

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PJ Hardtack

Who's shot in a Cody-Dixon match?

Tell us about it ....
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne


I haven't shot it but have had Cody-Dixon shooters on my posse numerous times at a couple area clubs that offer it.  They shoot the same scenario as others with pistols and shotgun, but they shoot 6 lever-action or single-shot rifle caliber shots at targets that are (I'm guessing) 80-100 yards out.  Charles Goodnight was on my posse at the Texas SASS state championship this year shooting his Uberti '76 45-75 and was shooting almost as fast as some of the regular shooters!  And hitting them, too  :)
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Blackpowder Burn

We shoot Cody Dixon at all of our matches at Thunder River Renegades.  We usually have 4 to 6 folks shoot it at every match.  There are quite a few clubs around our area in south Texas that have the category.  It is as described by Abilene.

I'll add that we have both lever and single shot categories for Cody Dixon.  I shoot everything from Marlins in 45-70 and 38-55 to a High Wall in 45-70 and an original Sharps carbine in 50-70. 

It's a hoot for those of us that like to extend the distances and have a little more challenge than normal SASS rifle targets just out past the end of the muzzle!  ;D
Learned Brother at Armes


I might sometime suggest a "Gus" category at one of the clubs.  This would be same as Cody Dixon except shooting main match pistol caliber rifles at the Cody Dixon targets.  I would definitely sign up for that one.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Blackpowder Burn

Sounds like fun.  I'll drag out my 7-1/2" ROA's and stoke 'em up with about 50 grains - should put on a show!  :o
Learned Brother at Armes

Buffalo Creek Law Dog

Just came back from a cowboy shoot this past weekend.  The rifle targets were so close that I didn't even have to aim, just pointed the barrel at the targets and hit them about boring. 

I now look forward to the small bore/big bore side matches where there is at least a bit of skill required.
SASS 66621
BOLD 678
AFS 43

Good Troy

Quote from: Blackpowder Burn on August 08, 2017, 11:05:33 PM
Sounds like fun.  I'll drag out my 7-1/2" ROA's and stoke 'em up with about 50 grains - should put on a show!  :o

I think Abiliene was say pistol caliber rifles at the typical Cody-Dixon distances.  I shot at TRR C-D targets during practice with my '73, and Henry in 44-40.  I make hits with the same sight settings as used for the SASS distance targets.  I think it would be neat to have a "Gus" category at TRR!
Good Troy
AKA Dechali, and Has No Horses

PJ Hardtack

I'm definitely going to push for a Cody-Dixon event at our annual shoot. Cancelled this year, btw, due to the extreme wildfire hazard and the number of fires currently burning. Every range in the central interior of BC has been closed for the same reason, cancelling many shoots.

We go a "Gus" type event we call the "Blue Duck". Uses main match rifles shot from behind a saddle on a pack frame. Targets are five steel chickens painted blue at 100m.

This one side match where I definitely shoot my 44-40 Henry!
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

Blackpowder Burn


We're going to be putting in long range at TRR this fall.  We'll have both pistol caliber and rifle caliber cowboy silhouette.  Should be  a hoot.  In the longer term, we'll also have a full 500 meter silhouette range.  Got it all worked out with Ricky today.
Learned Brother at Armes


Well, I guess we shoot something close to this on every monthly shoot- we are an NCOWS Posse in Alabama (the only one in the state) and always have a stage where we shoot at a target at 80+ yards each shoot (whether it is "pistol" or rifle cartridges, it doesn't matter- it's all in long guns whether they are lever guns or single shot).

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