44 Special APP

Started by Cowtown, April 21, 2017, 01:33:45 PM

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I loaded up some 44 Special for the first time with FFFg APP  under a 200 grain RNFP using a Lee Classic but using the Lee 1.6 cc dipper instead of the powder hopper and discs. I get about 1/16" compression of the powder and have a nice tight crimp. Trying out these loads using Open Tops was a hoot. Lots of smoke and BOOM. Very manageable recoil from 5.5" barrels. Seems to be a much more appropriate load from an open top revolver than smokeless ammo.

Anyone else have a recipe for BP or a sub in 44 Special?

Major 2

Yeah !  MissourI Bullet 200 Grain RNFP,  Shockly's Gold APP

made my own Dipper from a 44 case
when planets align...do the deal !

Lefty Dude

Just kiss the powder with a 200 gr. LRN bullet, that is all as necessary. Works for me. 3F APP is my go-to powder.


APP is not fond of compression.  The APP folks caution not to compress and just "kiss" the bottom of whatever bullet your using.  Or :

PLUS ONE to Lefty Dude!!


Dick Dastardly

44 Special with BP is very easy to load, gentle to shoot and quite accurate.  Simply clean and prime the brass, put in enough FFFg BP that your lube sized bullet will compress the powder 1/18" to 1/16", seat and crimp.  That's it.  You're good to go.

Hold center!

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


I've been wanting to load up some real BP but I have so much APP on hand I need to burn some of that up first. I use MissourI Bullet lead, same as for my smokeless ammo since a BP sub apparently does not require additional lube like real BP does.
What bullet in a 200 grain size (a BP slug with the appropriate lube) is recommended for a 44 Special BP load? I am thinking I have read about lead with a larger lube groove perfect for BP. Big Lube bullets, Mav Dutchman...? I honestly cannot remember but the tailings of a thought are there somewhere as i know I've read about them.

Until then, APP will be used and used with much satisfaction. A buddy was with me and shot my open tops (he'd never seen an open top conversion before) with the smoke loads and immediately asked where I'd gotten them and how to work up BP loads. I think he converted to these after his first 10 rounds.  ;D



OK, after you shoot up all your APP ......... order more!!  ;D   If on the other hand (I'm ambeldexterlirious) you want to switch to or at least try the real One True Powder ........

Allow a shameless plug for DDD and the "Big Lube" bullets.  The big lubes have a mother HUGE lube groove and carry enough lube to grease an old Ford (slight exaggeration).  My "go to" source for Big Lubes is Mark Whyte at "My Whyte Leather Works."  With Big Lube bullets, there is no need for grease cookies or over bullet grease or any of the other wonky practices.  Try em, you'll like em.

And now a word from our "other" sponsors (nah, just sounded good).  If your looking for another easy shooting round for your .44 Open Tops, might I direct your attention to the 44 Russian case.  A little less capacity than the Special, same bullets.  SWEET!!  With a modified carrier that can also be run in a Toggle Link rifle.  Super SWEEET!!




Thank you. I'll certainly look into all of your suggestions.


Lefty Dude

Several Years ago, Capt. George Baylor of SASS writers fame did an accuracy test with APP and various Real Black Powders.

Bottom line; the APP was the most accurate.

Good Stuff, try it you will like it !


I've said it before.  Subs are fun.  BP is funner.  Want flame?
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Major 2


After one of my mentors , prodded me some ...I measured in Grains my Homemade scoop VS the 1.6 Lee scoop

My cut down 44 spc'l homemade scoop .... 22.5 grains 3fff Shockey's Gold APP

Lee 1.6 Dipper........................................ 23 Grains  3fff Shockey's Gold APP

I'm using the same Missouri Bullet Co. bullet...I did not remove the blue Lube ....

My two sages ...say's it matters not

when planets align...do the deal !

Lefty Dude

Quote from: Major 2 on April 23, 2017, 03:57:09 PM

After one of my mentors , prodded me some ...I measured in Grains my Homemade scoop VS the 1.6 Lee scoop

My cut down 44 spc'l homemade scoop .... 22.5 grains 3fff Shockey's Gold APP

Lee 1.6 Dipper........................................ 23 Grains  3fff Shockey's Gold APP

I'm using the same Missouri Bullet Co. bullet...I did not remove the blue Lube ....

My two sages ...say's it matters not

Nice Scoop !

Major 2

Thanks LD   just a piece of Coat hanger dowel , .030 SS Safety wire , & bobbed 44spec'l case .

Rolls in my fingers , and has a bit of Twang ( read ,like taping a tad long Ash off a cigar with your index finger) settles the powder and cards in one tap.
when planets align...do the deal !

Lefty Dude

My custom powder funnel attachment on my Dillon Square deal for powder dipping the 44WCF reloading.

I can adjust this dip die for any 44 caliber Revolver case. The expander is fixed in the bottom of the powder funnel adjustment shaft.
case mouth expansion is by the vertical movement of the shaft.


Thank you everyone. I'm going to order some the real black powder in 3F and some of the bullets recommended to me today. This will be fun.

;D ;D ;D

Montana Slim

My experience is with 44 Colt.
21 grains of FF fit nicely in this cartridge with little compression, seating the MAV big-lube bullet.

These are for my Open-top & 1860 R-Ms. Light-weight revolvers for sure.... In which I typically shoot 44 Russian for CAS.
The 44 Colt loads gave noticeably more recoil than the Russian, but still easy to handle.

Since 44 Spl. is longer, I'd guess you'd be using around 25 grains, maybe more if you like compression in your rounds.

Have to say one thing...I've used 2F, 3F, & even 4F in many cartridges.....and can say I greatly prefer the use of 2F in all revolver cartridges & shotgun (cartridge or front-stuffer). This includes 38 S&W, 38 SPL, 44 Russian & Colt, 44-40, 45CS, 45-70, 12 ga, etc. IMO, 2F (FF) measures & meters better, fouling is a bit softer. Velocity is not quite on par with 3F, so use 3F maybe in hunting loads.  Fill to the top of the bullet, or more, - ifn' ya need a bit more punch!
Good rating for "flames" too.
For everyday use, I choose FF.

Oh, I also shoot a lot of C&B...I prefer 3F for this.

Western Reenacting                 Dark Lord of Soot
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By recommendation of the manufacturer, don't compress APP.  I know some others have mentioned it. People at the shoot have always commented it smells like ammonia when it burns. I had a box of 500 hard cast lead bullets with red smokeless lube on them, and APP doesn't require BP type lube, so I used APP to use up that box of bullets.

Rooster Ron Wayne

I have been shooting 44 special with BP for years now.
I used to use Goex Holy Black .
Too much work to load clean and lube bullets.

I switched to APP.
No lube needed.
Same bullets you use for your cartridge guns.
And Cleaning the same day is NOT necessary.
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