Problem with Beretta Gold rush carbine.

Started by marko, March 07, 2017, 04:37:28 PM

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I now know about all the problems with most of the Colt lightning clones. I have a NIB Beretta/Uberti Gold rush carbine in 45C i purchased it without knowing all the problems these rifles have. Anyhow i tried to shoot it a few weeks ago and problems to feed and so on . I contacted Beretta and they are aware of the issues and had me send the carbine to Midwest gun works who does all their warranty work for out of production guns. Does anyone smith these fine looking carbines to get them to work as intended....can anyone give me the contact information for someone who can fix the problem. I am still waiting to hear back from midwest gin works.



I always tell everyone that wants a Lightning to be prepared for it to become a second hobby.  To keep it running you have to know how to take it completely apart, understand how the internals work and be prepared to do a lot of repairs yourself.  There are two versions of the Gold Rush.  There are no parts for the first version.  Parts are very slow in coming from Uberti if you need any for the second.  There are only a handful of smiths that understand them.  One of the few is Lassiter in Ohio.  If you go to the SASS wire and do a search you can probably find his contact telephone number.  (I can't find it right now.)  The Gold Rush does not have a slide lock.  It takes some getting use to to fully open and close the action and pull the trigger at the right time to make sure everything runs correctly and you don't jam it.  (Of course, many jam right out of the box anyway.  That is why Uberti came up with version two, to try and fix some issues.)  I don't know your experience level but Lightnings are OAL and bullet shape sensitive.  You have a .45 so it is pretty hard to load them to short.  However, use only a round nose flat point bullets.  The popular semi-wadcutters and truncated cones don't work well.


Thanks for the reply....the carbine is currently at Midwest gun works who does all smith work for Beretta. They called me today and gave me an estimate of $210 to make it right. I spoke to the smith and asked him if he can honestly make it work as intended and he assured me he has fixed a bunch and they work flawlessly.... will keep you posted.


Blackpowder Burn

I have both a Pedersoli and a USFA in 44-40 that have both worked flawlessly from day 1. I am in pursuit of an original Colt in 44-40 - knowing a feller that wants to sell one he acquired in a round-robin trade.  I am also rehabilitating a Colt in 32-20, and am almost done with it.

It does take retraining your muscle memory to properly operate a Lightning when you are used to a lever action, but don't give up on it.

Lee Shaver is also good with Lightnings, being the Pedersoli US warranty person.
Learned Brother at Armes

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