Welcome to the Winchester 1886 forum

Started by Isom, March 01, 2017, 01:54:12 PM

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This is the place to discuss, show pics, hunting, and the workings of the 86

Forty Rod

Mine is a Browning bought about July, 1999 IIRC.  Hasn't been shot much but it's very accurate considering who's shooting it, and as reliable as any gun I've ever owned (At least through the four boxes of ammo I've run through it.)
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.


I am new to this forum as I mostly stay in the '76 slot but--I have three rifles in this catagory.  One is an '86 in 45-90 that I got back around 1960 or therabouts and until I up and gave it to my son, It was, for a long time, my "Meat Getter".  We had a local collector look at it and he said that it is a "Hunting rifle" and that has been what it is and has been.  One of the others is an '86 in 40-82.  Great looking rifle but  hasn't tasted meat yet.  The third one is a '71 that has been customized and rechambered in 40-82.  I sort of have a fetish for that caliber.  This rifle has made meat in a deer and a pig but that is it.  Then I got another rifle that ain't an '86 but is a rolly block that I reworked into a 40-82 long range rifle in a sort of "Hawken" style.  Shoots great and looks great also.  So there you have it:2- '86's, one '71 and a rolly block.


I have a Browning 1886 45-70 with the 26in octagonal barrel.  Since I am new to lever action and the WInchester 1886 type, this will be a great resource!!!!

Buckaroo Lou

I have a Browning 86 saddle ring carbine grade 1 rifle and my newest edition is a new Winchester 86 Deluxe Short Rifle made by Miroku. Awesome rifles and a hoot to shoot!
A man's true measure is found not in what he says but in what he does.


I have a few 86's original ones, 88, 01, 02, 11 and


I guess I hit the send button before I was done. I have a 88, 01, 02, 11 and 1919 originals. 2 TD's in 33 and 45-70, the strait ones are 33, 45-70 and 45-90. I've used the 33 TD for grizzly, whitetail and caribou. currently making a 45-90 smooth bore bbl for my 45-70 TD. having trouble feeding the strait 45-90 cases thru the loading gate.
I would also like to purchase a 86 in 32 gauge. I have read they made a few of them. Has anyone ever seen one? Thanks Texas..

King Medallion

Never even heard of a 32 gauge. Picture of your rifles required!  ;) Welcome!  :)
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.


I will be picking up this Taylor's & Co. Pedersoli 1886 clone on Saturday.

My first 1886, but not my first 45-70 lever. It has the case hardened receiver and 26" round barrel. Looking forward to loading 300gr bullets.

Buckaroo Lou

Quote from: 6MT on January 19, 2023, 03:57:54 PM
I will be picking up this Taylor's & Co. Pedersoli 1886 clone on Saturday.

My first 1886, but not my first 45-70 lever. It has the case hardened receiver and 26" round barrel. Looking forward to loading 300gr bullets.

I have heard they are good shooters. Please let us know how she shoots and photos of course.
A man's true measure is found not in what he says but in what he does.


Thanks! I will post up some. I'm picking this up on Saturday.


I'm not sure pictures can tell this story.

Yes, Pedersoli is the highest quality clone. This one proves it. Like I said above, seeing it in person is almost orgasmic.

The wood. The colour hardened finish. The fit & finish. ;D

Unfortunately I can't take it out to try this weekend. So tomorrow, at least I'll roll up a hundred or so rounds so I'll be ready.

King Medallion

Here are my Browning Brothers, Brustus and Boomer.
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

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