Pietta 1873 transfer bar replacement needed

Started by Trooper Hook, February 21, 2017, 12:41:28 PM

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Trooper Hook

Can anyone here direct me to someone that carries this part? I sent Century Arms an email but other than a receipt acknowledgement have received no reply. The gun is marked CAI ,Georgia VT. on the barrel. It is 357 cal. I looked at VTI Gun parts site but do not see any listed. As soon as I can find a replacement I am going to get rid of it. I remember reading on here that most people do not like the transfer bar system on any thing except Rugers. Now I know why.  >:(


Call VTI Gunparts.  Some guns they carry parts for are not shown on the web site.


PS:  Forgot.  You may also want to try EMF.

Trooper Hook

Coffinmaker, thanks for the advice to call VTI. As you stated they told me they do have most of the parts for the Pietta transfer bar models just do not have a parts breakdown on their site yet. I have a new bar on the way. Thanks again. :)

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