EOT 2006

Started by Dakota Dan from OZ, November 21, 2005, 08:15:29 PM

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Stump Water

Ok .... I'm back.


Camille Eonich

Aw Tensleep, I sure am sorry to hear about your loss of wheels.  You'll find them and get them back on for tomorrow.  I can't wait to see that sash.   ;D

Kate would you do me a favor and give Sidney Duck and Dakota Dan a hug?  I would ask Tensleep to do it but I don't thinkt hat it would have the same effect.  Well, it might if he would wear his pink hat while while hugging but then they might take that sash back to Australia with them.   :D :D
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Querida Kate

Proxy hugging!  WooHoo!  Almost as good as the hugs I get for myself, but I DO love a good hug.  I'm hoping Miss Annie got pictures or that someone else did.  I had to run off to spot for a bit

And ya see Cammie, a little more adult supervision wouldn't have gone remisss.  We do miss you guys.

Sleep's gonna patch up his wagon & get a good night's sleep.  We've got a plan of attack for tomorrow & them targets won't stand a chance.

And the best news is we get to sleep in a little tomorrow!   ;D

More soon,

Q.T. Kate
I'm no model lady.  A model is just an imitation of the real thing.

Texas Tall

Hey Tensleep, sorry ya had a few probs but knowinyou a bit now I'm sure you'll make up that bit of time tomorrow, easy stuff. ;D ;D

Well congratulations on your acceptance to the GSC,I would imagine DD put ya thru the hoops and got ya ta take tha OATH of the GSC !! ::) ::) I'm proud to have ya ridin with us pard. :D :D ;D
Quote from: Querida Kate on June 23, 2006, 12:07:11 AM
Proxy hugging!  WooHoo

And ya see Cammie, a little more adult supervision wouldn't have gone remisss.  ,

Q.T. Kate

Hey QT Kate, now I'm startin to get a little worried, "adult supervision" what the hell was goin on there. ::) ::)
No wonder Tensleep had so much trouble watchin all that goin on :o :o,,,, and I missed out :'( :'(

Here's an electronic one for you QT Kate,Angel and Camille :-* :-* :-* now I feel better, not sorta left out. :D :D :D ;D


If you've gotta cheat ta win, you've only beaten y'self.
SASS# 47630
GSC 002

Wallaby Jack

Actually Mr.Sleepy, that train wreck you had WAS tha qualifier.........
......... ya didn't have a hope of joinin' 'til ya proved how "good" ya is  ;)

..... an' I'd be cautious 'bout usin' thet "gentlemen" term when yer tolkin' 'bout them fellars.

Would "Busco Baz" be tha bloke yer was misrememberin' ?
You don't gotta be insane to do this,
but it sure helps.

Missouri Marshal

KATE WARZ  MA HUGG! :'(  Great ta see ya agin Darlin, jus wish it wuz in person.  Sure gonna miss ya in Missouri this year.  If ya kin make it ta the Missouri line I'l come and kidnap ya.(can't cross the state line, it's illegal ta take a yung woman accross the state line). ;D

With all thim wimmin on the posse it's a wunder O'l sleep can even make it ta the firein line.  He'z easily distracted by wimmin folk.  Why last year in mizzeri he wuz actually caught in a piture gropin one poor lady(course she didn't seem ta mind too much).  Poor feller jus can't keep hiz hands off 'em.   Not hiz fault, juz too many purdy ladies around.

Sleep, sorry ta hear bout yur waggon but I'm sure ya still had fun.  Never knew ya ta let a few bobbles git ya down.  Good luck with the rest of the match Cuz.  We miss ya'll back here in Virginee.  Give Miz Annie and QT Kate a hug and a kiss from me, I KNOW you won't mind doin that.  Jus if QT sends one back y'll have ta pass it to me through Miz Annie.
NRA Life, SASS Regulator, TG Pungo Posse, TG Mattaponi Sundowners, DTP, RATS #132

Camille Eonich

That woman in that picture is the one what made Tensleep take his pants off the first night that he met her.   :o
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Camille Eonich

Oops!  I forgot Tex's virtual hugs {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{TEX}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} :D
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood


Quote from: Wallaby Jack on June 23, 2006, 04:40:09 AM

Would "Busco Baz" be tha bloke yer was misrememberin' ?

Don't think so WJ, but I have only met 3 of the 5 so far, gonna meet more today.

If the train wreck yesterday was the qualifier, I shoulda been in years ago!

More later.
Masonic Cowboy Shootist
America's 1st Grey Sash Cowboy, GSC 006
SASS 5756 Life, Regulator
Dooley Gang, Virginia Chapter
Just a poor dumb cowboy, tryin' to do my best.
"If I could roll back tha years, back when I was young and limber..."

Wallaby Jack

Well tell 'em frum me that they need ta git they's carcass's  ta tha State Titles wenn they gits back........

...... I thumk they'll have a day er 2(maybe) ta git orgalized after they gits back ............
You don't gotta be insane to do this,
but it sure helps.

Texas Tall

Well now, Gropin,pants off and all this huggin goin on, no wonder the US population is 250million :o :o :o

See ya ......................Texas Tall. ;) ;)
If you've gotta cheat ta win, you've only beaten y'self.
SASS# 47630
GSC 002

Texas Tall

Quote from: Missouri Marshal on June 23, 2006, 05:32:24 AM
  If ya kin make it ta the Missouri line I'l come and kidnap ya.(can't cross the state line, it's illegal ta take a yung woman accross the state line). ;D

Hey Tensleep, Looks like this could be ya first job as Grey Sash Cowboy, it's part of ya assignment ta stop villains like this kidnappin sweet young things like QT Kate.
Get DD ta help if ya have to and Sydney Duck can lend a hand as well.. :D :D ;D

Get on with it pard.................Texas Tall ;) ;)
If you've gotta cheat ta win, you've only beaten y'self.
SASS# 47630
GSC 002

Camille Eonich

Tex I love your new avatar!  ;D
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood


TT, we ain't gonna let Missouri Marshal make off with QT Kate, never fear!

DD and Longspur shot our 97s yesterday, I had no idea tha pump shotguns were banned down under.

Last night I got to share a beer with DD and some other pards, met lots of great Aussies at the dance/party. Miss Clancy was really beautiful in her dress, real shame that she didn't get to enter the costume contest, her posse didn't finish shooting until after six. She would have won ladies hands down!
Need I say that Trooper was his wonderful self  ::) trying to meet all the ladies?  ;D

Great time last night, everyone dressed nicely and having a great time.

You folks should have see Buckshot Shell-E!! :o She was/is gorgeous! She and her husband, Mid-Valley Drifter, are both alternates in the shoot-off today as is Tumbleweed Hosey, our own Carolina Daring!

More to come....!!!!
Masonic Cowboy Shootist
America's 1st Grey Sash Cowboy, GSC 006
SASS 5756 Life, Regulator
Dooley Gang, Virginia Chapter
Just a poor dumb cowboy, tryin' to do my best.
"If I could roll back tha years, back when I was young and limber..."

Missouri Marshal

I wasn't gonna run off with Kate, I got more woman than I can handle now with Tricky Trina. ;)   I'z jus givin Kate an excuse to have ta shoot the Show Me Shootout in Brandson.  Figured if I "Kidnaped" her  Panjandle John would have ta come an git her and we could all shoot the Missouri Match together.  John would have ta shoot the match to win her "release".  That would be the "ransom".  Besides 10z, you said you wasn't gona go to Missouri this year.  If you are in Virginia how ya gona stop me. :P     Guess you better go to MO this year to keep an eye on me. ;D  Never know what I might do out there without adult suppervision so ya better bring Miz Annie too.
NRA Life, SASS Regulator, TG Pungo Posse, TG Mattaponi Sundowners, DTP, RATS #132

Wallaby Jack

Quote from: Camille Eonich on June 25, 2006, 09:21:55 AM
Tex I love your new avatar!  ;D

Good lookin' fellar ain't he ?
I wonder whose pitcher it is ?
You don't gotta be insane to do this,
but it sure helps.

Wallaby Jack

"Would "Busco Baz" be tha bloke yer was misrememberin' ?

Don't think so WJ, but I have only met 3 of the 5 so far, gonna meet more today."

LONG SPUR !   he be that fellar with Dakota Dan............ I misremembered thet he were goin' too.......

..... my "fergetter" is be'd werkin' overtime .... :o
You don't gotta be insane to do this,
but it sure helps.

Wallaby Jack

"You folks should have see Buckshot Shell-E!!  She was/is gorgeous!"

So, where's tha pitchers ??????  >:(

........ would also appreciate any pitchers of Miss Clancy too....
.... (I'm cryin'  :'( in my milk about that costume contest "incident"...)
You don't gotta be insane to do this,
but it sure helps.

Texas Tall

Quote from: Camille Eonich on June 25, 2006, 09:21:55 AM
Tex I love your new avatar!  ;D
Well thank you Camille, I was gettin tired of the old one and all that B.P. smoke was startin ta get ta me. :D :D ;D

Quote from: Tensleep on June 25, 2006, 10:20:50 AM
TT, we ain't gonna let Missouri Marshal make off with QT Kate, never fear

Well there ya go Tensleep, ya first job as a Grey Sash Cowboy and ya frightened off that mean
Missouri Marshal, I'm proud of ya pard. :) :)

Now c'mon Marshal we've gotta see a pic of this Tricky Trina or are ya just tellin us that story ("more than I can handle") so 10X will take his eye of ya !!! ::) ::)

Naaaa10X we aint aloud ta have '97s here, I'll bet DD and Longspur enjoyed that but just check ya gunbox and make sure it aint missin :D :D ;D

Thanks again for all the reports you pards posted and for makin my Aussie mates feel at home :)
You are all a great bunch and I sure wih that the pond that seperates us was a lot smaller and we could all hook up a lot easier and more often. :( :(

Regards ...................Texas Tall. ;) ;)

If you've gotta cheat ta win, you've only beaten y'self.
SASS# 47630
GSC 002

Texas Tall

OOoooops, Too many Canadian (hic) Blondes, sorry.

..............T.T. ;) ;)
If you've gotta cheat ta win, you've only beaten y'self.
SASS# 47630
GSC 002

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