
Started by hatman, June 20, 2016, 12:53:32 AM

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Thanks, hope to see a report soon.

Gabriel Law

Can anyone describe the cap jam thingie?  How is it constructed and how does it work?


I have only seen pictures.  From the pictures, it is a simple piece of metal (steel??) machined to size to block about half of the diameter of the nipple.  Then Silver-soldered or glue'd into place.  In theory, the little bar or "dam" if you will, will prevent the hammer from pulling
the spent Cap back into the hammer channel.  Or to also prevent the nipple from blowing the Cap back into the hammer channel.

To give you a real honest Opine, as to it's effectiveness, the amount of hammer face remaining, couple other "where as's" I'd actually
like to see one up close and personal.  There are a couple of aspects I'm having a little trouble with, but I can't resolve em without
actually fondling a sample example.



hatman, have you go them yet? If so, how do you like them, how do they shoot? Inquiring minds want to know, lol!


I'm going to the Western Regional.  I think Jerrod will be there.  If so, I'll take a close look at his C&Bs and how he sets up the cap guard.


Monsieur Pettifogger .......
If possible please, I are also curious about that Cap Guard and also the "Cylinder Collar?" thingie.  Super curious I are!!



I'm at the Regional.  Unfortunately Jerrad (the owner of Longhunters) didn't make it.


Well Drat.  I hate it when a plan doesn't come together.

Thanks for trying.



Quote from: LonesomePigeon on August 03, 2016, 12:35:30 PM
hatman, have you go them yet? If so, how do you like them, how do they shoot? Inquiring minds want to know, lol!

Hi LP,
Sorry for the delay but I've been out of the country recently.

Yes, they both arrived 5 weeks after ordered so I was good with that.
Upon inspection they look the same as standard guns and that was expected.
Operation-wise they both were very smooth and pleasant. 
Trigger pull was app. 2.2 on the 51 and 2.4 on the 60.  Very nice to me.

My one complaint was the overly tight wedge on the 51.  I could barely get it out using a nylon punch and hammer.  I sanded it down and re-blued to satisfaction, but I'm pretty shocked LH wouldn't have checked/fixed this as part of the package.

I've had them out to the range just once and I'm very satisfied.
I used 20gr Swiss 3F in the 51 and 25gr Swiss 3F in the 60.
At 25 yards using sandbags I got a 2.5" group with the 51 (2" above POA) and 4" group with the 60 (4" above POA).  Not bad for a duffer like me and I'm sure I can do better.

All in all I'm a happy duffer camper.  :)


hatman, thanks for the report! They sound great, minus the tight wedge but that was remedied. I forgot to ask, are the chambers reamed out or did you only ask for the standard package? The reamed out chambers are an extra charge, just wondering if you did it and if you thought it's worth the expense?


Quote from: LonesomePigeon on August 15, 2016, 10:59:13 PM
hatman, thanks for the report! They sound great, minus the tight wedge but that was remedied. I forgot to ask, are the chambers reamed out or did you only ask for the standard package? The reamed out chambers are an extra charge, just wondering if you did it and if you thought it's worth the expense?

You're welcome.
I chose not to get the reamed out chambers nor the "cap thingy".
No regrets on the reamed chambers given my first outing results, but in hindsight I kinda wished I opted for the "cap thingy" just for added insurance against cap jams.


ALL of the commercial ball makers size their balls to .375.  There is no way I would ever ream a cyoinder to .380 as that requires custom casting as that is not a standard size revolver ball.  If you were on the road and ran out of balls you couldn't go to the nearest gun store and buy balls.  You would be SOL.  The cap guard is not a bad idea.


Along with the foregoing, I'm still real real curious about this "Cylinder Collar" Thingie.  Anybody seen one yet??  Cap Guard is a very
very good idea.



Quote from: Pettifogger on August 16, 2016, 12:01:28 PM
ALL of the commercial ball makers size their balls to .375.  There is no way I would ever ream a cyoinder to .380 as that requires custom casting as that is not a standard size revolver ball.  If you were on the road and ran out of balls you couldn't go to the nearest gun store and buy balls.  You would be SOL.  The cap guard is not a bad idea.

FWIW, Longhunters sells .380 swaged balls.
I'm thinking, just for the heck of it and since I don't have a '61 Navy, to go All In on all the extras including reaming, "cap thingy" and bone and charcoal case hardening.
I've asked for pictures of the hardening before I decide.


Quote from: Coffinmaker on August 16, 2016, 09:39:43 PM
Along with the foregoing, I'm still real real curious about this "Cylinder Collar" Thingie.  Anybody seen one yet??  Cap Guard is a very
very good idea.


On the two revolvers I received I describe them as wedding rings that fit on the arbor.
As a relative noob, no idea if they make any kind of difference.


Quote from: hatman on August 16, 2016, 10:12:26 PM
FWIW, Longhunters sells .380 swaged balls.
I'm thinking, just for the heck of it and since I don't have a '61 Navy, to go All In on all the extras including reaming, "cap thingy" and bone and charcoal case hardening.
I've asked for pictures of the hardening before I decide.

Yes and that is the point.  Even Longhunters says .380 is not standard so they have procured some.  If they are out, what do you do?  Can't go to the local Sportsman's Warehouse or Cabelas for balls.  100% not necessary.  Accuracy on these guns has always been a strong point with the standard size balls.


Many people already use .380 balls in Uberti .36 caliber revolvers and .375 in Pietta's, due to Uberti's shaving very little lead with .375. I would like to try one of these Longhunter guns with bored out chambers. I also like the idea of cap n' ball revolvers with real color case. These remind me of the old USPFA cap n' balls and I am glad to see them being offered.

Montana Slim

Real color case is stunning  :o on an 1860. I have a set of Colt Cavalry & they have genuine Colt finish. Modern Colt black oxide (blue) and the current bone-case (c. 1970's). Averaging the price of my pair (unfired), I paid $500 apiece, and then got the wooden box & accessories, including a shoulder stock.....for free. You can still pick these sets up for similar $$. I've seen past auctions (I wasn't there) where they sold for significantly less. Keep an eye on RI auction if interested.

Western Reenacting                 Dark Lord of Soot
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Rooster Ron Wayne

Im Not Impressed with work out of Longhunters shop .

My Cartridge Open Tops had to both go back to make them right .
Then one had to go back again .
Not thorough !

Did not test guns before shipping back the first time.
Apparently did not test both guns the second time.
Not impressed !

They did stand behind the work and paid to ship back BOTH TIMES !
NO EXCUSE for not being through and making sure the product is right the second time back .
Just sayin
Rooster .
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you:
1. Jesus Christ
2. The American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom."

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