Trapdoor for Uberti 1866?

Started by Cholla Hill Tirador, January 21, 2016, 12:38:56 PM

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dusty texian

Quote from: Cholla Hill Tirador on January 21, 2016, 12:38:56 PM
Anyone ever installed or adapted a trapdoor in the butt plate to an 1866 or 1873?
The OP ask the simple question above, (not if anyone thought he should do it) . So why is it , He should apologize ?,,,DT

Fox Creek Kid

Quote from: dusty texian on January 26, 2016, 05:51:53 PM
The OP ask the simple question above, (not if anyone thought he should do it) . So why is it , He should apologize ?,,,DT

Because of his snarky reply to Pettifogger's sincere question. That's why. Anytime a person asks questions in a new thread they're going to get opinions. That's the nature of human interaction whether it be in person or on the Internet. If a person doesn't want opinions then they maybe ought to reconsider posting in the first place.

Major 2

Hi there,  ;)  FYI I'm watching .... Do carry on ...Please do not get carried away.
when planets the deal !

dusty texian

And a Good Morning to you Major 2.  Well FCK looks like we read the OP 's question differently. I read it as he was asking if someone had experience in adding a trapdoor to a rifle that had none. I dont read it as he was asking if anyone thought he should add one. Just a difference of opinion , I guess.   No Harm No Foul,,,,,DT


Let's all stay calm.  This is a public forum on the INTERNET.  Youse posts your questions and youse takes your chances.  Very seldom do the responses actually have anything to do with the original post.  That's the way things work.  Sometimes people with experience offer suggestions based on that experience that what is being considered isn't time or cost effective.  Been there, done that is often an expensive teacher.  Bottom line is if someone posts a question they are going to get all kinds of responses.  They should take the responses for what they are worth and not get snarky or the next time they post a question that might not get any responses.   ;)


Guess the answer is no one has because it is not easy to do well? Parts are available for the Henry to replace the 66 rifle butt plate. If you are going to do it on a carbine parts are out there.
Drilling the stock i belive is the difficult part, getting it straight and deep enough.
Buy a stock and the parts and have a go. The stock is in case it goes wrong.
Measure twice drill once ;D
post the results we will all like to see it done.

PJ Hardtack

Whenever I see a post by CHT I'm reminded of a coffee mug .........

.... Could get really interesting .... ;>)

EDIT >>>>   :) Nope !  I'd rather is doesn't  ( other than a tutorial on how to )
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

Cholla Hill Tirador

  I think you're right, Mike; no one here has actually done it....yet.  :)

  I did a little preliminary measuring tonight on one of my '73 Winchesters. The hole in it is roughly 10" deep, comes within about 1 1/2" of the tang screw and runs parallel with the bottom of the stock. I think the project is very doable! I soon will be pulling the barrel from one of the Winchesters to send it off for a lining job. At that time I plan to delve deeper into measuring, etc. Standby for updates.


Will Ketchum

Quote from: Fox Creek Kid on January 26, 2016, 10:35:47 PM
Because of his snarky reply to Pettifogger's sincere question. That's why. Anytime a person asks questions in a new thread they're going to get opinions. That's the nature of human interaction whether it be in person or on the Internet. If a person doesn't want opinions then they maybe ought to reconsider posting in the first place.

You have come along ways my friend. I couldn't agree with you more.
Will Ketchum
Will Ketchum's Rules of W&CAS: 1 Be Safe. 2 Have Fun. 3  Look Good Doin It!
F&AM, NRA Endowment Life, SASS Life 4222, NCOWS Life 133.  USMC for ever.
Madison, WI

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