What makes a bad stage?

Started by Stump Water, November 09, 2005, 05:58:30 PM

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When I first started SASS, some folks gave me a fairly simple formula for analyzing a stage.  They defined it as counting "tricks" or to use maybe a better term "Gimmicks" or "specials".  We ARE NOT trying to "trick" the shooters, just add some spice.

A "special" is doing something different.  For some examples:
- A difficult shot – either smaller target or further
- a flying clay
- An unusual sequence
- Doing something special on the clock – throwing something, picking up a dummy, etc
- Prop handling
- Extra movement – running more than a few steps
- Saying a line after the clock (although many don't recommend this.)

This list isn't exhaustive, but gives some ideas.  Doing such special stuff adds to the fun, but my mentors said to count the "tricks".  One trick is nearly always fine.  Two tricks on a state works, but if you have several stages with two tricks, you will start to see the number of misses and procedures start to increase.  Three tricks can work, but not if you have more than one stage with three or more than a couple other stages with two.  If you try three different shooting sequences, figure on some sad, frustrated folks.  If you try one different sequence and use it for all guns, that's normally not a problem as it is actually only one trick.

And you also have to figure in the weather.  Extra hot or cold weather limits our ability to hold up for specials.

These guidelines have worked well for me and those that have used them.  And it is surprising how well you can predict the match results using them. 

What can be surprising, is that folks will survive the difficult stages, then mess up on the first easy stage – seems to be a cumulative brain fade.

So try this simple system and see how it works for you.


 :) Maruader, I like your post alot.  It seems very practical to me.  :) :) 

I like some fun changes and a challenge from time to time. ;D

Gunfighter, SASS 27466, NRA Life, GOFWG, BOSS, RO 1, RO 2

Matthew Duncan

Dump five from left window.  Triple tap three rifle targets from center door.  Dump five from right window.  Shoot four shotgun targets from fence.  BORING!

I like stages that require you to think (but not too hard).

First pistol.  P1 – P2 – P3 – P2 – P1.  OK

Rifle.  R1 – R1 – R1 – R2 – R2 – R2 – R3 – R3 – R3.  Different from the pistol but OK.

Second pistol.  P3 – P2 – P4 – P1 – P5.  My head is starting to hurt.

Shotgun.  S1 – S3 – S2 – S4.  Nope.  Too many different sequences.
Major General J.E.B. Stuart's Division
Captain 1st Maryland Artillery, C.S.A.
SASS# 23189

Disclaimer:  I have not slept in any hotel recently, not a certified CAS rule web lawyer.  Have not attended any RO III or RO VI classes.  Opinions expressed are by a cowpoke who believes the year is 1868.


MD, I agree.  Something different for one gun if fun, after that it goes down hill fast.

Gunfighter, SASS 27466, NRA Life, GOFWG, BOSS, RO 1, RO 2

Lucky Irish Tom

Knockdowns that are poorly maintained or set up in such a way that even a direct hit may not take it down.  Small targets for pistol placed out where the rifle targets should be, not for bonuses, but just for a regular sequence.  I like gimmicks and fun little twists to stages, but then I'll never be a 'Top Shooter"  so having fun is my goal.  Procedural traps that cause most if not all shooters to mess up a stage are another sore spot.  I have noticed that the shooters who gripe the most, never offer to write stages themselves.  I have written stages a few times and can appreciate the ones like Arcey that have written tons of them, its hard to come up with something new and entertaining and yet avoid doing things that bring on complaints.  It should also be pointed out that the person who wrote the stages is probably the most likely one to get a procedural.
If ya can't be fast it's good to be Lucky!
Official Irish Whiskey Taster
SASS 40271, WARTHOG, Darksider, Dirty RATS, RO2


First off, cuz, lemme say them was kind werds. Thankee.  Only took me four days ta say so.  Seems I fullah 'opps' here lately.

Cain't disagree with a thing ya said. 

Will say this about the cranky knock downs.  Ya go 'n yer faced wit the same ones ya faced what didn't wanna go down last month.  They don't wanna go down when yer hittin' 'em square with yer coach gun 'n same loads what take 'em down other places wit authority.  Yerownself 'n several others tell the MD they ain't bein' set proper.  Ain't just you havin' problems.  But, next shoot, the same loose, leanin' way too forward targets are gettin' in yer way.  Falls on deef ears 'er they say yer whinin'. 

So, the next month, ya walk ta yer cart 'n get yer brand new 28" barreled full choke gun.  Ya stoke yer belt with what ya'd wanna use on gooses 'n take ta the line.  N'er will ferget Whet sayin', 'Ya nailed that second one so hard, it went down hit the tire 'n darned near stood back up!' 

Certain degree ah satisfaction in that.  'N we don't have such stuff ta put up with at that club no more.  But, the long barrel thingy is in the truck, just in case they reappear.........
Honorary Life Member of the Pungo Posse. Badge #1. An honor bestowed by the posse. Couldn't be more proud or humbled.

All I did was name it 'n get it started. The posse made it great. A debt I can never repay. Thank you, mi amigos.

Wildcat Will

I really do not have anything new to add.  I would say that stages need to be fun.  Now I know that means different things to different folks, but think about the stages that make you go YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA after your done.  Now I do that all the time no matter how I do, but that is just me. ::) 

My personal hates.  A stage where you move with ammo in a gun.  Another words load 10 in the rifle, shoot four here and move to the next spot and shoot the rest.  That is asking for Ps from at least half the cowpokes.  Standing in one place and shooting targets they same old way.  I thought this was called Cowboy ACTION Shooting.  Move a little, have some props to work with and above all think about how to make the average cowpoke at your club have fun.  After all the winers are going to winer no matter what you do.
Smoke makin', fire belching gunfighter of the VA Fire and Brimestone Posse    Blackpowder or No powder!

Courage is being scare as heck and still getting in the saddle.

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