Walker Conersions in the Movies

Started by Long Johns Wolf, September 10, 2015, 04:49:23 AM

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Long Johns Wolf

Walkers in two famous western movies come to mind: the pair of (converted) Walkers of Josey Wales (Clint Eastwood) and the one Walker pistol that GusMcCrae (Robert Duvall in Lonesome Dove) carried on his left hip.
I seem to recall that it was one of the Josey Wales Walker conversions that Duvall carried but forgot the source. I like to know nonetheless.
I could gather some information regarding the two Josey Wales Walkers in C&B configuration : that thy were from ASM, serial numbers #954 and #956.
What I would like to know is the serial numbers of the converted ones that Eastwood and Duvall toted in these movies.
Can you help with any hard information?
Thanks, Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS


If you have not seen it this is a good site for movie guns.  They show Robert Duvall with the Walker but don't show the serial number.


Near the top click on "guns."

Major 2

I was offering some points,  when my Home computer derided to re boot with an update  
thank you Microsoft... ::)

The jest was ...

Eatswood's Wales guns ( there were several )  were Uberti conversions ...there were several ASM C&B for close up's
but the shooters were converted for ease & safety of reloading, for more takes.

In John Wayne's True Grit , Mattie ( "no larger than corn nubbin" ) has one of the Wales guns in her poke (SN> #715 )
Rooster erroneously, calls it a "Colt's Dragoon " but it was a Uberti converted Walker , previously used in Outlaw Josie Wales.

Note : the C&B ASM's in this famous photo These are the ones  LJW is talking about

when planets align...do the deal !

Major 2

If you are listing movie's with Walkers'

Add:  "North & South Book 1 & 2 "  &
     " Dances with Wolves "

I provided Walkers to both films ,
Patrick Swayze carried the same Walker as the " I've Got him"  Confederate Cavalryman early on in Dances With Wolves ,
as he zeros in on Costner & Cisco.

I don't recall if we , put the Walkers out in "Into the West" & "Ride with the Devil"
when planets align...do the deal !

Johnson Barr

The Walker conversion used by both Clint and Darby is on display at the NRA museum inside Bass Pro Shop, Springfield, MO. I saw it while at the last two NCOWS National Conventions. They also have the rifle Steve McQueen had at the beginning of 'Nevada Smith'. Cool beans!
"Peace is that glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading"  -Thomas Jefferson

Major 2

* Home now and this is what I was chiming in on when the auto re-boot rudely butted in ...

seems however it save my thoughts

here's what INFDB says       http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Outlaw_Josey_Wales,_The


I can tell you the Wales were converted guns & were used in True Grit & Kim Darby ,  BTW they were Uberti's
There were ASM's in Cap & ball configuration in close up....
The Idea was to hide they were converted .

Gus' gun ( well guns they have several as back up on location) were also a Uberti .... pretty sure by Kenny Howell

when planets align...do the deal !

PJ Hardtack

Quote from: Major 2 on September 10, 2015, 11:49:41 AM

Patrick Swayze carried the same Walker as the " I've Got him"  Confederate Cavalryman early on in Dances With Wolves ,
as he zeros in on Costner & Cisco.

I attended a CAS event in Idaho and had the pleasure of dancing with the wife of said Confederate Cavalryman. I was in Brit military kit, complete with Pill Box cap. She was taking tickets at the door and later dispensing libations at the bar.  When I came in, I had a fat lip from a wasp sting that found it's way into a can of Coke I was drinking. She offered me an antihistamine to reduce the swelling and it worked, commenting that I had "collagen lips to die for".

I asked her to store my jug of Cranberry juice as I don't drink. Every time I showed up with an empty crystal wine glass, she topped me up.
When the music started, she hit the floor and asked me if I would dance with her. A man would have been a fool to say no! We danced as if we had been partners for a long time.
After the 3rd or 4th dance, someone asked me if I knew whose wife I was dancing with and pointed out the Reb. I looked over to see him eye-balling me, smiled, nodded my head in salute and carried on - me dancing and him socializing with his cronies.

I figured that I was in better company ..... I love ladies whose husbands won't dance with them!
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

Major 2

PJ his name was Bill Curry.... not sure if he and Mrs. are still together  :-\

BTW...I mentioned "Ride with The Devil "  a source a sore spot with me ... try as we did to
dissuade, persuade, and generally convince, them NOT to use BRASS FRAME REMINGTON S  ::)  
both Ang Lee and Fred Elmes liked the look ... period correct not with standing,  they liked the look  ::)

probably also magnified the sore spot with me  , when they ( Armorer    >:( )  used a Brasser 1860 Colt Army on
" Hell on Wheels "
I know it's a just made for TV film , never the less , stuck in my craw when the Armorer announced it was a Grizwold & Gunnison
on the making of H on W  Program...
Artistic licence is tough enough to except !... just plain lazy stupid is quite another  >:(
It taints the entire product....

OK rant over... sorry....   back to "Walkers in Movies"
when planets align...do the deal !

Long Johns Wolf

Thanks pards, for the helpful feedback.
So our Major confirms that the Josey Wales Walker conversions were converted Ubertis and one has the serial number #715 but for the close-ups of the C&B pistols they used ASMs.
Regarding the Gus Walker conversion I found one pic that might help some to identify this pistol: Proof marks are XX for 1964, MADE IN ITALY on the right barrel lug, REPLICA ARMS roll-engraved on the forward rim of the cylinder.
Two additional questions then: when did Uberti start making their Walkers? And wasn'nt Replica Arms the ASM distributor in the USA during the first half of the 1960s?
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Major 2

Replica Arms of Marietta, Ohio  became part of Navy Arms ... Called Navy Arms/RA when Val Forgett acquired  RA  
sometime after 1968...I have Replica Arms Co. circa 1968 Gun Catalog ( a Uberti importer )

I know it was 1959 when Aldo Uberti started his line (Gregorelli & Uberti  1959-62) ,  and ASM was run by Aldo's Son In law  

Replica Arms started out in El Paso, Texas with the 1847 Walker. It was later bought out and moved to Marietta, Ohio. It was eventually bought out by Navy Arms.

so  "Replica Arms the ASM distributor in the USA during the first half of the 1960s"   YES
when planets align...do the deal !

Long Johns Wolf

If Replica Arms was the ASM distributor in 1964 (proof mark on Gus's Walker) then his Walker conversion must have been made from an ASM C&B Walker.
If memory serves Uberti might not have been making Walkers before 1965, possibly even later like around or after 1970. But that is a guess on my part.
I would love to hear what Jim Davis of RPRCA has to say on this subject.
Long Johns Wolf
BOSS 156, CRR 169 (Hon.), FROCS 2, Henry Board, SCORRS, STORM 229, SV Hofheim 1938, VDW, BDS, SASS

Major 2

About 1982 ASM was producing some parts for the Colt Signature Series  so called 3rd Gen.s
When Colt ended it's relationship with Lew Imperato...ASM was left holding a goodly # of Address rolled Walker Barrels .
ASM used up those barrel on gun assembles in Italy, and Proofed
Many found their way to the good ol USA.... where a COLT threatend LAW Suit , put a ca-bash on that venture.

I owned one ( another story should you want to hear it )

Some years ago , one turned up for sale at a convention ...the Seller nor the Buyer knew better

(I happen to know both fellows) the gun was sold as COLT Black-powder Series , because it lacked the SamL Colt Signature
on the back strap .... money had to refunded ...
when planets align...do the deal !

Major 2

I would yield to the expertise of  Jim Davis of RPRCA   :)

Im going on Memory only,  and what I knew then
when planets align...do the deal !

Major 2

You may add Walkers appearances in...

* Last Man Standing
* 3 Amigos
* Tom Horn  ( McQueen's version )
I saw one in " Quigley Down Under"

* Ravenous ( I have not seen this one )
when planets align...do the deal !

Fox Creek Kid

Quote from: Major 2 on September 10, 2015, 11:24:23 AM...In John Wayne's True Grit , Mattie ( "no larger than corn nubbin" ) has one of the Wales guns in her poke (SN> #715 )
Rooster erroneously, calls it a "Colt's Dragoon" but it was a Uberti converted Walker , previously used in Outlaw Josie Wales...

Which makes perfect sense as the name "Walker"  wasn't used to describe them in that era.

Major 2

 In the Book,  it's called  a COLT'S DRAGOON...

when planets align...do the deal !


Duell McCall in the Desperado movies carried a Walker Conversion with a loading gate.  I think there were 4 or 5 Desperado movies. 


Why do I keep thinking this thread is actually titled "Walter Cronkite in the Movies??"   :P


Long day.  Don't ask.   ;D


 Today I visited the Springfield Armory in Springfield Massachusetts. They are running an exhibit guns in the movies. They had to rubber walker pistols that they claim Clint Eastwood used in Josie Wales . You had to look close to tell they were not real pistols. This ruined the whole movie Josie Wales for me. Clint can't be using no rubber guns!
Roy B
South of Boston
SASS #93544


Oh NO  :o  Eastwood and "rubber guns."  Say it isn't so .................. :'(


PS:  I am forever divistated   :'(

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