CVA Mountain Rifle Redux

Started by Thumb Buster, May 25, 2015, 04:10:36 PM

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Thumb Buster

 :-[  Many moons ago (mid '70's) during my buckskin days my brother-in-law, in order to utilize the Oklahoma Holy Soot (black powder) season acquired a caplock CVA Mountain Rifle kit in .50.  I have a Thompson Center Flinchlock (it was very ill-timed and still is therefore it is called either a 'flinchlock' or 'klatchlock') in .50 and pour my own .490 round ball and Maxi-Balls.  In haste I finished the rifle for him.  Now, some forty years later, and as we are basically flooded in and cain't go nary anywhere's I have decided it is long time due to refinished the CVA rifle which he has more or less left in my care.  Appalled at my early attempts at inletting and metal-wood I have started a methodical and careful redux of the old caplock.    At least I did plum brown all the barrel, rib, thimbles and tang.  Waxing philosophical I suppose it is good evidence of how much I have learned over these many years.  Am I the only one to do such an atrocity?  :-\  

As to the T/C Flinchlock...I am looking to replace the lock with a better one.  Hopefully I can get the rifle to be faster with perhaps a L&R, Siler, Chambers lock or something.  In the few decades I have learned how to properly set a flint but the lock still needs replacing.  

Just thought I'd pass this along to see if anyone else has had similar flubs.  
"Those who pound their guns into plowshears will plow for those who didn't"  --Thomas Jefferson


Certainly ;D  But, I'm not about to admit it on a public forum ::)


Professor Marvel

Ah My Dear Buster -
I cannot even begin to enumerate the plethora of projects that I began , then finished "just enough to use" , then returned to at a later time.
In fact I cringe to think of the ones currently on the bench in the workshop! not just firelocks, but knives, sheaths, bags, accoutrements, etc etc.

I am certain you have heard the old saw : " not enough time to do it right, but plenty of time to do it over".

prof (doing-it-over) marvel
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Thumb Buster

Yep!  That's the one John!  ...Like that double-throat cock as that'll make it stronger.  The steel in a Thompson Center flintlock may have gotten better since the mid '70's but I'm tired of frizzens going soft after a few strike of poor sparks and fittin' poorly.   
"Those who pound their guns into plowshears will plow for those who didn't"  --Thomas Jefferson

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