Jim Calimer Hawken rifles

Started by Forty Rod, May 11, 2015, 09:19:11 AM

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Forty Rod

Jim was a friend of mine from southern California. He was an aerospace engineer who made the finest reproduction S. Hawken rifles I have seen. I deeply regret that Jim died before I had him make one for me or before I took him up on his offer to use all of his tools and patterns to make my own.

I recall a rifle he made that was a copy of one owned by a mountain man and scout who helped lead the Mormons into Utah.  The original was in a museum at the state capital in Salt Lake City.  Jim's copy was exact down to the scratches and dings and the stains. patina, and wear on the stock and exterior metal work.

I got to wondering if anyone out there had a Calimer Hawken or knew of where one might be.  I doubt that he made more than a  couple of dozen, if that many, so they're going to be scarce as eyebrows on eggs.  Still.............

People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.


Track of the wolf has a pretty comprehensive listing of custom guns on consignment. Keep checking there and one is bound to turn up. I'd also like to console you on your friend's passing. He sounds like he was a talented man and a good friend so you and others close to him are in my prayers this difficult time.

Guns don't kill people; fathers with pretty daughters do.


Forty Rod - try checking with the folks over on the ALR - American Long Rifles forum http://americanlongrifles.org/forum/index.php

This is the premier website for anyone looking for info on the American Longrifle - in fact there is a whole section just for questions on contemporary makers. Plus it's just a great sight with a whole "museum" section f various originals and some of the best makers and collectors in the world.
aka Nolan Sackett
Frontier Knifemaker & Leathersmith

Forty Rod

Jim's been gone close to 25 years and like i said, he didn't make a lot of Hawkens.  Thanks for the tips, though.

He was a genius in many ways and built 1/48 model planed and Hawken repros for relaxation.  He also mad a custom .50-140-31/4 Remington rolling block to prove it could be done.  He worked with Bob Lamb from Rancho Cucamonga on the gun.  Teye ended up cutting a "scoop' out of the top of the breech block so the long cartridge was as close to horizontal as possible to make room for it to slide into the camber.

We took it out with an very unfinished stock (inletted and the butt plate in position, the front site held on with black electrician's tape and the rear sight inletted but not staked) and he shot five groups of five rounds each, all with different loadings, at 100 yards.  Worst group was just over seven inches, best was right at four.

He had it finished with a Hawlenesque stock with a wiping stick in another two weeks and we fired it again getting a three inch group and a couple more at four.

He sold the rifle at the range at the end of that session to a guy who fell in love with the big brute.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Forty Rod

Jim's been gone close to 25 years and like i said, he didn't make a lot of Hawkens.  Thanks for the tips, though.

He was a genius in many ways and built 1/48 model planed and Hawken repros for relaxation.  He also mad a custom .50-140-31/4 Remington rolling block to prove it could be done.  He worked with Bob Lamb from Rancho Cucamonga on the gun.  Teye ended up cutting a "scoop' out of the top of the breech block so the long cartridge was as close to horizontal as possible to make room for it to slide into the camber.

We took it out with an very unfinished stock (inletted and the butt plate in position, the front site held on with black electrician's tape and the rear sight inletted but not staked) and he shot five groups of five rounds each, all with different loadings, at 100 yards.  Worst group was just over seven inches, best was right at four.

He had it finished with a Hawlenesque stock with a wiping stick in another two weeks (weighed in at close to eleven pounds) and we fired it again getting a three inch group and a couple more at four.

He sold the rifle at the range at the end of that session to a guy who fell in love with the big brute.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

Tascosa Joe

Sounds like an interesting character. 
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