Ever Been Hassled About Shooting BP at a Match?

Started by Ike Kant, January 23, 2015, 12:34:41 PM

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Ike Kant

I once had another shooter give me a hard time about shooting Frontier Cartridge at a match.  He was very indignant and expressed his disdain for this practice in no uncertain terms.  I could see that he was angry.  I've always tried to be as unobtrusive as possible about shooting black powder.  Back in my Frontiersman days I was able to reload and cap my pistols in what surely amounted to world record time and kept cleaning to an absolute minimum.  I don't remember what I said to him but tried to be calm and reasonable.  Has anyone else had a similar experience?  
"We should come home from afar,  from adventures and perils and discoveries every day, with new experiences and character." - Henry David Thoreau

Shotgun Franklin

It's not your problem, report it to the guy running your posse. You shoot a legitimate category so don't worry about it.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.


Frontier Cartridge is meant to be LOUD, STINKY, SMOKEY and FUN.  If someone doesn't like all the catagories in SASS maybe they should take up knittin'. wM1
WARTHOG, Dirty Rat #600, BOLD #1056, CGCS,GCSAA, NMLRA, NRA, AF&AM, CBBRC.  If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales.

Major 2

What Wildman said...

Once witnessed a Ass-hat , bitch'n' about the smoke & acrid smell ... he also complained the fellow took to long to reload

After a few stages, the C&B'er packed up , seems he was encouraged to leave .... by the Nitro Nazi
The very worst display of un-sportsmanship and anti-WAS, I ever witnessed.

Only dog in the fight I had was,  " disgusted ", and chose to help the C&Baller pack-up and leave with him, I have never returned to any of the Nitro Nazi's matches.

when planets align...do the deal !


I've never been hassled but often pitied. Lots of coughing & fanning away smoke. My greatest joy is to set a prop/target on fire.
See photos as to how I've been "hassled".
"Frontiersman: the only category where you can shoot your wad and play with your balls while tweeking the nipples on a pair of 44s." Canada Bill

Since I have 14+ guns, I've been called the Imelda Marcos of Cap&Ball. Now, that's a COMPLIMENT!

Wolverton Mt. Peacekeepers
NRA Life
CASer since 1992


I get a few negative comments but nothing suggesting I can't  or shouldn't shoot.  One couple dropped in from Idaho to shoot with us made the comment, "Oh, your one of those guys!", in a sneering tone when I announced I was shooting BP. But we had a good cordial visit otherwise.

I bet the acceptance or non-acceptance BP shooters is regional and maybe club to club.

Dick Dastardly

They don't need or want your business, but if they are a SASS affiliated club they are definitely not playing by SASS rules.  Talk to the match director and ask direct questions.  Be professional, courteous and firm.  Failing to get satisfaction, shake the dust off your boots and leave and don't return.

Meanwhile, please know that you are very welcome at the large majority of SASS affiliated clubs.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Shotgun Franklin

We, South Texas Pistolaros, have BP guys shoot with us on occasion. We've never had a problem with it. The guy that shot C&B was allowed to go to the next stage and load his cylinders so as to get ready a bit quicker.  I just don't see how it's a problem.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.


I was once told by a Nitro Nazi Know it ALL, I couldn't shoot Cap Guns as FCGF at a State Level match.  Several "others" on the posse were kind enough to take  the offending miscreant aside and explain How the Cow Eats Cabbage.  He continued to snarl and make disparaging comments, so I went to the MD and asked for a Sportsmanship ruling.  The MD agreed and the penalty was assessed.  The penalty is MDQ.  Sent him home.
Any time some Nitro Nazi wants to give a BP shooter, or Cap Gun shooter a hard time, stand your ground, grab the MD and don't be shy about asking for a Sportsmanship decision.  The rules of the SASS game provide for BP and Cap Gun shooters to have just as much of a RIGHT to play as those hethan Nitro shooters..



I have always shot BP. Prefer it over any other propellant powder. Partly because I do shot original firearms.
For years I was the only BP shooter, both cap guns as well at cartridge. I never gave the Nitro guys the satisfaction of knowing my shooting BP was pissing them off. I, simply didn't care! And if they were well informed, they should know better.
I just felt sorry for them for this lack of knowledge.
In fact, most of the shooters on the posies I shot in and with cheered over the smoke and flame when I was finished.
My best,
A Time for Prayer.
"In times of war and not before,
God and the soldier we adore.
But in times of peace and all things right,
God is forgotten and the soldier slighted"
by Rudyard Kipling.
Blair Taylor
Life-C 21

Major 2

Blair you probably shot with most of the Crowd, I shot with....
The BP shooter I speak of, had a Confederate persona , he shot a Henry, two 51 Navy's & I think a Stoeger... and was out perhaps his  2nd or 3rd match... He shared the Henry & SXS with his brother, he'd move on to the next stage to load.

The skin head Nitro Nazi was the discipline director dictator , at this match.... never saw him again  ( goody)
I had enough of his belligerency and pull out myself at the 4 stage break ... 

when planets align...do the deal !

Ike Kant

My wife won LFC in five straight regionals and two Colorado state championships.  No one has ever hassled her but it may be due to the fact that she is an adorable redhead.  Anyway if they ever did, I feel genuinely sorry for them.  My nickname for her is "scary woman" and she's proud of it.
"We should come home from afar,  from adventures and perils and discoveries every day, with new experiences and character." - Henry David Thoreau

Bunk Stagnerg

I just tell spotters and "lungers" to get up wind 'cause the smoke  is about to start.
I figger if it was good enough for Old Wyatt, Doc,Bat, Billy and Bill and the rest of the guys, it is good enough for me

hold center

Blackpowder Burn

Nothing but respect for BP shooters in our crowd.  We're a modest, but steadily growing minority in our club.
Learned Brother at Armes

The Swede

There is a lot of kidding around at our matches when I shoot, but all in fun. I am the only one at the moment, as we said goodbye to another BP shooter not long ago. We had the memorial at our cowboy range, and shot a 21 gun salute (BP). All the non BP shooters were honoured to participate.

Good advice about the sportsmanship call. Will have to remember that.



If you are worried about smoke, don't come and shoot with the Ozark Posse. It's not unusual for us to have 40% + shooting smoke both FC, FCD, FCGF,Frontiersman and on occasion LFC and Frontiersman GF.
Our policy is: "If the the RO ain't coughing, you ain't using enough powder!".
Our TG shoots a Walker on one side and a Dragoon on the other, an 160 Henry and a 10 ga hammered double.

Navy Six

I am fortunate enough to shoot on a posse here in NJ where a number of regulars shoot blackpowder (including my wife), so there is never any problem. We have, however, had complaints about the cigar smoke (my wife doesn't do that), mostly from visitors. I don't get it. What is more pleasurable than good cigar smoke mingling with the fragrance of blackpowder? These complainers really should find something else to occupy their time.
Only Blackpowder Is Interesting 
"I'm the richest man in the world. I have a good wife, a good dog and a good sixgun." Charles A "Skeeter" Skelton

Shawnee McGrutt

Shouldn't it be the other way.  If one shoots that fake gunpowder, they get hassle?   ;)
Doesn't one get more points for smoke and fire?  A load bang, fire and smoke makes me  ;D
National Congress of Old West Shootists 3633
Single Action Shooting Society 88462
Society of Remington Revolver Shooters
The Sublyme and Holy Order of the Soot
"I wish I had an answer to that because I'm tired of answering that question." - Yogi Berra

Sleepy Floyd

I do not shoot Black or Subs yet.  I love watching the pards that shoot that stuff.  Those that don't should keep their mouths shut and move on.

S. Floyd.

Ike Kant

In the real world of the Old West everyone shot BP until 1895.  The only one's who ever complained about it were the unfortunates who got shot with it.  The period from the end of the Civil War to the smokeless era was thirty years.  Many folks continued to use DuPont's finest long after that.  That interval represents 86% of the simulated years in CAS.  I think that statistic alone justifies the modern BP shooter.  I sure like that sportsmanship/interpersonal crisis ruling.  I'd rather resort to friendly reasoning but won't be afraid to lay that ace on the next recalcitrant.
"We should come home from afar,  from adventures and perils and discoveries every day, with new experiences and character." - Henry David Thoreau

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