The Agenda for the 2005 SASS Territorial Governor Summit

Started by Marshal Halloway, October 25, 2005, 05:23:59 PM

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Marshal Halloway


    * Should all SASS State and higher championships be required to honor all SASS Categories even if there is only one participant?

We are now requiring all sanctioned State and above championships to honor all categories with 5 or more participants.

    * Should all rule changes passed at the Territorial Governors' Summit go into effect as of March 1st of the following year?

With End of Trail moving its calendar forward to June of 2006, would it be best for SASS to initiate the newly adopted changes in the rules, following the SASS Convention in December, to an earlier date? With dates of matches varying, it would not be a good idea to attach new rules to a match date but rather a calendar date. March 1st, at this point, would precede all Regional, National, and World championships.

    * Should all blackpowder categories be changed to add the following statement in the Shooters' Handbook?

"It is expected the blackpowder competitor shall contend with smoke-obscured targets. To insure this, all shotgun, revolver and rifle powder charges must produce smoke equivalent to a base line load of 15 grains by volume (1 cc) of ffg blackpowder. Some blackpowders, or blackpowder substitutes, may require less volume to produce this amount of smoke."

Through testing it has been determined that 1cc of blackpowder, in either a .32, .38, .44 or .45 case, all  produce approximately the same amount of smoke.  Competitors will be required to produce this amount of smoke. Some types of blackpowder, or blackpowder substitutes, may produce this amount of smoke with less volume of powder.  It is also recommended that there be an appeal procedure (three Territorial Governors) if it is suspected a competitor is not producing the correct amount of smoke and that base line loads be on hand to compare to the shooter's loads. It is also recommended the penalty for such an infraction should be a Spirit of the Game Penalty (30 Seconds), removal from the blackpowder category and placement into a comparable smokeless category.

·        "B" Western has been a great success at END of TRAIL, The Shootout at Mule Camp, and several other State and Regional matches. It is time to make it "official". Should we make the B Western category official?

The following are the rules for the category.

Handguns: All SASS legal handguns are allowed.

Rifles: Any SASS legal rifle of 1884 or later design or a replica thereof (i.e. 1892, 1894, Lightening Rifle, or Marlin)

Shotguns: All SASS legal shotguns

Ammunition: All SASS legal ammunition is allowed

Leather: Buscadero holster rigs or drop loop rigs. (All of the pistols must be carried below the top of the gun belt.) All belt and holster rigs must be embellished (fancy stitching, conchos, spots or tooling). All holsters must be of the "Straight Hang" type. No cross draws or shoulder rigs.

Shooting style: Any non-gunfighter shooting style.

Clothing: Shirts must be of the "B" Western style with snap buttons or any of the following, "Smiley Pockets", embroidery, appliqués, fringe or different colored yokes. Shield Shirts are also allowed if it has piping or embroidery.  Pants must be jeans, ranch pants, or pants with flap over the rear pocket, keystone

belt loops and/or piping or fringe. Pants must be worn with a belt.  Suspenders are not allowed.  Felt hats only, no straw hats. Hats must be worn.  All boots must be of traditional design with fancy stitching or multi-color fancy design with smooth, non-grip enhancing soles. Lace-up boots and moccasins are not allowed.  Western Spurs with rowels are required for men.  Ladies may wear skirts or split riding skirts.

You must choose at least one or more of the following optional items:

Gloves or gauntlets, scarves with slides or tied around the neck, coat, vest, chaps, cuffs.

All costumes are expected to be fancy and flashy.

The "B" Western costuming must be worn during the entire match and awards ceremony with exception of evening formal occasions.

Costumes that depict leading role characters in "B" western movies are allowed as long as the costume is complete with all accessories.

·        Should any competitor be allowed to protest a non-safety issue (miss, procedure, equipment, etc.) on another shooter?

As referenced in the SASS RO materials, everybody is a safety officer but, there are specific positions assigned to members of each posse to best facilitate a match. Traditionally, all calls have been the responsibility of persons in those positions, only.  Those persons are the spotters, timer (Chief RO), posse marshal, and berm marshal.  Should this now be opened up to all competitors?

·        Should any competitor be allowed to protest a safety call on another competitor?  Or is this the job of the stage/posse marshal, timer and spotters.

We have always said that every competitor is a safety officer. Should we allow any competitor to go to the Match director and protest another competitor for safety reasons?

·        Should we allow competitors in the Frontier Cartridge Category, which is a traditional style shooting category, the option to choose to shoot Gunfighter style? (Not the Frontier Cartridge Duelist Category)

This would give the gunfighters another category in which to shoot.Also, this would allow the Territorial Governors to determine the viability of allowing the Gunfighter style in other traditional shooting categories at later dates.

·        There needs to be a clarification/standardization of exactly when a shooter may compete in an age-based category.

The age of the competitor the day the match starts will be the age used for the match. SASS has always used the date of the match as to whether a shooter can participate in an age-based category. If the match starts on Thursday then your age on Thursday is the age used for the match.

·        Should the practice of putting the hammer tie-down strap of the holster under the hammer (between the hammer and the frame) be allowed?

The current rule (hammers must be fully down) disallows it. It has been brought to several persons' attention that this practice is being taught and being used by a large number of persons. Is it safe and should it be allowed?

·        Should we revisit the issue of empty shells left on the carrier of an open shotgun or rifle?

At the present time, it is a minor safety if an empty shell is left on the carrier of a rifle or shotgun or in the chamber of a double barrel. Should this rule be changed to a no call issue?

·        If a part of a firearm has been clearly altered and the part is visible without disassembly, that is to say the part can be seen by the normal handling of the firearm, (such as the case with the Lighting Rod) then the part is illegal.

Current rule says internal parts may be altered but external parts may not. This would more clearly define internal parts and external parts.

·        Should the Uberti 1873 Percussion Pistol be allowed as a Frontiersman Category pistol?

This pistol was approved as a Main Match pistol but not as a legal cap and ball pistol by the Territorial Governors four years ago, is it time now to allow it in the Frontiersman Category?

·        Should revolving percussion rifles be allowed as Main match Rifles?

These rifles would be an obvious disadvantage for the competitor and could be a potential safety hazard to an inexperienced shooter.

·        Split the Senior Category

The Senior Category has grown now to the second largest category in most matches. Is it time we looked at dividing the category into 60 to 64 and 65 to 69 years of age?

·        How far do we let things go?

Manufactures are pushing to make better and better mousetraps. Should we allow this to continue? If we do, the equipment race will continue to escalate. Is it time to try and quell the equipment race and establish some internal modification rules?

Some simple rules could be established to require a minimum travel of a lever on a rifle and a minimum travel of a hammer on a pistol. This would end some of the internal modifications. This would make a good start at stopping the equipment race.

·        Is the XS Sight legal?

It may be seen at the following web address:  The RO Committee did not find that this sight violated any of the external modifications, but the sight is clearly pushing the limits.

Is the Lighting Rod legal?

It may depend on your definition of internal or external? The part can clearly be seen without disassembling the firearm so is it internal or external? The part has been altered dramatically, not just in contour, but the addition of a roller-bearing that engages the hammer when cocked.

Do we allow this?

·        Are the USFA Race Grooves on their pistols legal?

·        Under our current rules the modification is "Iffy." If we say the grooves are too long then how long is too long? Do we really want to get into creating specifications for each and every part on a firearm? Where do we say yes and where do we say no?

·        What do you think about a 1893/97Shotgun?

What do you think about a shotgun built as an 1893 Winchester on the outside and an 1897 Winchester on the inside?  This gun would have all the safety improvements of an 1897 but with the larger loading /extractor port of an 1893. Would we allow this? Remember this is not a voting session and any gun that would be built would have to be seen by the TG body and then voted on.

Bottom Line: Should SASS strengthen our "External Modifications Rules" and add some "Internal Modification Rules?"
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From looking at the picture of the xs sights, I'm not sure what the fuss is.  Maybe if I saw one in person, I would better understand.  But it looks like a fairly normal rear sight - maybe just smoothed out a bit - with a beaded front sight with a white bead.

Wymore Wrangler

I'd like to see all the TG's stand up and have the new liability waiver that the WB dreamed up stricken from the waiver form, if the shooter has to assume all of the SASS HQ's liability, I for one won't be shooting any state matches or high again, I just can afford to put my family at this type of risk.... >:(
Fast horses for sale, Discount for newly minted gold coins, no questions asked....

Camille Eonich

WW I have been to several big matches this year including EOT I haven't seen what you are talking about in any of the waivers.  It wouldn't stand up in court anyway.
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Camille Eonich

*** Should all SASS State and higher championships be required to honor all SASS Categories even if there is only one participant?


*** Should all rule changes passed at the Territorial Governors' Summit go into effect as of March 1st of the following year?

If they can get the modified rules printed and distributed by then yes

**** * Should all blackpowder categories be changed to add the following statement in the Shooters' Handbook?

No.  I didn't like the subjectiveness of the rule anyway.  Now that I see the penalty I like it even less.  There is a rule to cover shooting out of your category already and involces moving you into the correct category.  For example if you sign up for duelist then shoot a stage traditional you get bumped to traditional.  NOT A SPIRIT OF THE FAME PENALTY FOR EACH STAGE.  It's over the top.

****"B" Western has been a great success at END of TRAIL, The Shootout at Mule Camp, and several other State and Regional matches. It is time to make it "official". Should we make the B Western category official?


****Should any competitor be allowed to protest a non-safety issue (miss, procedure, equipment, etc.) on another shooter?

No.  Three spotters and an RO are enough.  Passing this rule would make a mess of things

****Should any competitor be allowed to protest a safety call on another competitor?  Or is this the job of the stage/posse marshal, timer and spotters.

Aren't we all safety officers?  Yes.

*****Should we allow competitors in the Frontier Cartridge Category, which is a traditional style shooting category, the option to choose to shoot Gunfighter style? (Not the Frontier Cartridge Duelist Category).

No.  If you want to shoot gunfighter sign up as gunfighter.  Nothing says that you can't shoot BP in gunfighter.

****There needs to be a clarification/standardization of exactly when a shooter may compete in an age-based category

How old is the person the first day of the match?  That's how old they are.

****Should the practice of putting the hammer tie-down strap of the holster under the hammer (between the hammer and the frame) be allowed?

Hammer goes down on an empty chamber.  If there is leather between the hammer and the chamber then it isn't down on an empty chamber.  No.

*****Should we revisit the issue of empty shells left on the carrier of an open shotgun or rifle?

No.  It's fine like it is.  If you are loosing matches because you are leaving empties in the chamber then slow down some or get your shotgun fixed.  It doesn't take that long to clear the chambers.

*****If a part of a firearm has been clearly altered and the part is visible without disassembly, that is to say the part can be seen by the normal handling of the firearm, (such as the case with the Lighting Rod) then the part is illegal.

If it's that plain then it's an external mod and external mods are illegal

****Should the Uberti 1873 Percussion Pistol be allowed as a Frontiersman Category pistol?

Don't know enough about to say.

*****Should revolving percussion rifles be allowed as Main match Rifles?


****Split the Senior Category

If you split the seniors then you need to split the 49ers too.

*****How far do we let things go?

I believe in that the so called "arms race" has about reached the point of diminishing returns.  For now keep things on a case by case basis.

******Is the XS Sight legal?

Haven't seen it.  The link is down.

******Is the Lighting Rod legal?

From what I have heard it's a pretty obvious external mod.  Sounds like once it is put into use it's going to be a mess by virtue of the design anyway.

*****Are the USFA Race Grooves on their pistols legal?

Haven't seen them.  Are they external mods?  If so then they are illegal.

*****What do you think about a 1893/97Shotgun?

Don't know.

Discussion anybody?

"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Wymore Wrangler

Cammie, that statement was on the form at Hell on Wheels (High Plains Regional, I crossed it out and handed it back in), I was also told by a good pard that it was on the form at the Iowa State Championships, he crossed it out also.  Several others said it was included in the waiver at Winter Range and EOT.  I talked with one TG from Colorado that didn't even know he had signed it, he didn't read the waiver for the fine print.  As far as not standing up in court, you still would have to pay a lawyer to get the shooter assume all dropped, so your still in the frying pan if not in the flames....
Fast horses for sale, Discount for newly minted gold coins, no questions asked....

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