Shotguns for Vintage Hunting

Started by Rowdy Fulcher, November 12, 2013, 07:31:44 PM

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Rowdy Fulcher

The 87 in a China made gun . It is not mine it is the proto type . I guess you can say I am doing the R & D work . So far everything is looking good . It has a 26 inch barrel with choke tubes . After Turkey season is over I will send my shotgun to have it changed . I originally wanted a 30 inch barrel , but the 26 sure is handy in the field .

Rowdy Fulcher

Well the 26 inch barrel had a problem . It shot LOW and to the RIGHT real low at 30+ yards . So Frog replaced the barrel and it is hitting the target with more than 6 pellets at 30 yards . That's right 6 pellets at thirty yards . Well the barrel that's on it now delivers lots of shot to the Target . It's a 28 inch barrel and it has tubes .

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Well Rowdy, It's been a journey. I hope you are nearing your objective, to bag a vintage turkey. Woops that should be a tasty turkey taken with a vintage gun.  Good Hunting, Pard.
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Rowdy Fulcher

After work I patterned my shotgun at 25 yards and 30 yards .  It will take a Turkey at 30 yards with no problem . The targets have the spine and the brain printed so you can tell if you have a killing shot . Will try 40 yards next time .

Black River Smith

Well when you guys get these changes worked out, let us know the finals on how we can get this done too, if possible.

But in the mean time is this Frog (guy doing the work from comments in NCOWS post) creating an all new barrel; using an original winchester barrel; knows of a brand/model that is easily fit on to the 87 receiver or is welding sections to the Chinese barrel already on the shotgun?

Just curious how he replaced the 26 with a 28 'so fast', when nothing was available before.

Was your 87 one of the IAC Coyote Caps guns or one of the new Century Arms 87's?  The reason for asking is the new Century has three lines of text on the left side and one long line of text on the right side.  How did he get that off the receiver in order to engrave the WRA Co emblem.  That is so neat to see on this copy.

Still really glad it is working out for you.
Black River Smith

Rowdy Fulcher

The 28 inch barrel was a barrel Frog had waiting for bluing . He went with the 26 inch barrel because the other wasn't blued yet . BUT the 26 was the original barrel with a barrel extension added on . And it didn't work out . Now the 28 inch barrel shoots real nice groups at 30 yards , plan on trying it out to 40 yards this weekend . Turkey season is almost here and I am excited about having the 87 to Hunt with . The one thing I like about the 87 is cleaning  it . You can push all the crud down the barrel instead of back into the action .

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Rowdy. I take it that you don't plan on waiting until Thanksgiving to dine on wild turkey! :)

NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Rowdy Fulcher

Sir Charles
Yes sir , I plan on eating fresh Turkey on April 16 opening day of season . That will make for a delicious supper .

Rowdy Fulcher

Got a chance to shoot today . Sat my targets at 35 and 40 yards . The 87 using black powder loads patterned out to 40 yards I had multiple pellets in the kill zone . Now with that said I want to get my turkeys into the 30 yard range if I can . But I would take a 40 yard shot if he won't come any closer .

Rowdy Fulcher

Well the 87 is ready for Hunting . The ammo is loaded and packed away in my hunting bag with my Turkey calls . Season is a week away , I am ready .

Rowdy Fulcher

What's your favorite shotgun for Turkey Hunting . Also what size shot do you like ?

Jake C

Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on April 12, 2016, 04:23:33 PM
What's your favorite shotgun for Turkey Hunting . Also what size shot do you like ?

Unfortunately, I've never been. Which is a shame, because there's a ton of Turkeys on my in-laws' property. Lots of chances to do so, just never had the time.
Win with ability, not with numbers.- Alexander Suvorov, Russian Field Marshal, 1729-1800

Scattered Thumbs

Best of luck for tomorrow Rowdy.

Good hunting.

Rowdy Fulcher

No Turkey yet . The weather this weekend was WET . Mud was deep , even hung my Cherokee up . Only seen a couple birds but at a distance of about 300 yards .

Rowdy Fulcher

No Turkey this Spring . I hunted as much as possible . Really was wanting to take one with the long barreled 87 . I have shot several good groups prior to season . Oh well there is the fall season , and yes I will be there waiting on a Turkey . And armed with a long barreled 87 loaded up with 3 black powder 12 gauge shells . Who knows I might even load up a few shells with Olde E ?

Jake C

You need to come to my in-Laws farm. I see at least 5 or 6 each time we go to visit, hanging out in a field, just as happy as a group of a clams.
Win with ability, not with numbers.- Alexander Suvorov, Russian Field Marshal, 1729-1800

Scattered Thumbs

Ya know Rowdy. More and more I'm enjoying best the pleasure of hunting, rather than getting my prey. Enjoy your hunting.
PS. But I still wish you to get a good gobbler with one of your favorite guns.  ;D

Rowdy Fulcher

Thanks for the encouragement . I was really disappointed that I didn't get a Turkey . I had the shotgun that I thought was perfect for Turkey hunting and it is ,but between floods and having to work for a living well I just didn't shoot nothing . But there was something very special that happened my daughter had her first child so we are Grandparents now . And yes I was out turkey hunting when I got the call she was in labor . I kicked it into Death march mode walking out and made it to the hospital in time .

Scattered Thumbs

Well! Congratulations Grandpa!  ;)

Rowdy Fulcher

Thanks I remember all the things I did with my grandpa and LOVED every minute of it  ,
I have loaded my shotgun shells using paper hulls . And after a season with LOTS OF RAIN I am going to try a Remington nitro hull . I have loaded 6 rounds using olde E 2f powder . This is a heavy load that give great results out to 40 yards with the paper hulls . I am preparing now for the fall season .

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