New members - July 2013

Started by Bull Schmitt, July 03, 2013, 10:16:09 AM

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Bull Schmitt

Please welcome Tommy Reb to SCORRS.
Bvt Col Bull Schmitt
GAF Adjutant General
GAF Commander Department of the Atlantic
GAF Webmaster
SCORRS President & Webmaster

Shawnee McGrutt

Hello Tommy Reb, thanks for joining the ranks of remington shooters, now I am and longer last on the list of members.  Although I have been shooting remingtons for awhile, there is alot of info here that is helpful.  May your lead fly straight and true.
National Congress of Old West Shootists 3633
Single Action Shooting Society 88462
Society of Remington Revolver Shooters
The Sublyme and Holy Order of the Soot
"I wish I had an answer to that because I'm tired of answering that question." - Yogi Berra

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