Defarbing a 51 Navy

Started by Major 2, February 26, 2013, 10:57:05 AM

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Major 2

Defarbing a 51 Navy

Mike Beliveau has nice Video on U tube on how to Defarb the Pietta Navy grip profile... the so called Pietta swept Tail.

I went a somewhat different way to achieve the same results.
Marked out the profile as he describes, but in my case I used a bench belt sander with 80 grit belt.
I found it much simpler ( course not everybody has a Shop or Belt sander  :-\
So his approch is valid.

I roughly, brought the profile down ( about 1/8" inch ) be careful not to round or go beyond the line.

Next I fitted the Grips ( which I had already striped of the OEM finish) I then belt sanded the grip to a close fit.
(photo 1)

Then I use 100 grit Alum. Oxide Paper for the final fit (photo 2) then  250 , 500 and 600 papers
wood was then stained with walnut stain, Oil finished and Johnson floor wax finished.
I'll post a finished photo when I complete the next step, Defarbing the Barrel markings
when planets the deal !

Major 2

Draw filing the barrel...

Another issue I have with Pietta, aside from the grip shape ,is what I call the law card roll engraving.

I know it's a 36 cal. and It's for Black Powder Only , IMHO it does not need to be stamped on the barrel out there for God & everybody to see.
In my days as a Prop master (Films) I defarbed many a piece, when dealing with Colts,  Pietta was always my third choice because of the time it took to defarb.
(1st, was Colt 2 Gens & then Ubreti because of the discrete location of Maker Marks )

You will note I use a 12" Mill Smooth File, I place the file on a firm flat surface , My calendar Pad on my desk works well.
With the file so placed, tang away from me, I stoke the Barrel away from me along the straight line of the flats.
Go with the grain and in only one direction, picking up the barrel and return to bottom of the file for the next stroke.
About evey 4th pass  shake clear the filings ( keep your file clean of filings)

I leave the blue in tack for this , as I can see the progress as the flats are surfaced... interesting they will have some high spots.
Once you have removed the offending wording, your flats will be level and aligned. Polish begins with 100 250 500 & 600 wet/dry paper.
Work in one direction not in swirls.

I have not decided if 7 1/2  " will be bobed as yet,  or the finish
Rust Blue, or Bright ?
when planets the deal !

Major 2

A bit about this Pistol, it is a 2007 Maufacture. and was a donar gun.

I aquired it in trade for some Leather work ( I like the barter system :))
The barrel is at Cartridge Conversions for a re-line to .357. & reblue.
It will be fitted to Dexter, My converted London model with a Kirst Konverter ( Dexter will then have two barrels a 3" Belly & a 7 1/2" )

This left the frame and Cyl. as spare parts , I aquired another barrel , the pictured one above ( another trade )
This one had never been on a gun.

I'm debating its final configuration , I may Bob the barrel to 5 3/16th  or 4 and fit a Kirst

when planets the deal !

Halfway Creek Charlie

Major 2,
Great work. I love your holsters! The one for Dexter is great! I like the one I got from you several years ago with an Arsenal plaque on it.

PS I love Dexter also!! May have to build one my own self, along with a couple more Gunslingers.

Shooting History (original), Remy NMA Conversions, 1863 New Model Pocket Model C.F. Conversion, Remy Model 1889 12Ga. Coach Gun
2nd. Gen. "C" Series Colt 1851 Navies
Centennial Arms/Centaur 1860 Armies
1860 Civilian Henry 45LC (soon to be 44 Henry Flat C.F.(Uberti)
Remingon Creedmore Rolling Block 45-70 (Pedersoli)

"Cut his ears off and send them to that Marshall in Sheridan" Prentice Ritter

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Major 2

Quote from: Halfway Creek Charlie on February 26, 2013, 09:05:55 PM
Major 2,
Great work. I love your holsters! The one for Dexter is great! I like the one I got from you several years ago with an Arsenal plaque on it.

PS I love Dexter also!! May have to build one my own self, along with a couple more Gunslingers.

I remember those, I had a supply of Original old stock,  Brass Allegany Arsenal Tags, I made 3 or four of those fit 7 1/2 " Barrels

and thanks

when planets the deal !


Thank you for sharing your project.  It gives people more ideas of how to do their project right. 

Major 2

I have christened this one " Elijah the Thunderer "

The barrel has been Bobbed and crown @ 5 3/16 "  (This length was chosen from an example in " Variation of Colts " Breslin,Pirie & Price )
It has been polished and I believe I will leave it in white....

I have some Cylinder work to do , and set the sight .... Photos to follow ...

Buko ( photo ) was my inspiration ....  When done I'll show my project 51's  :)

& Elijah  
when planets the deal !

dusty texian

That's a rite nice lookin 51 there Major2 .That barrel lenth will look cool as a conversion .What is the sight gonna be ?Post or Blade ......Dusty

Major 2

Quote from: dusty texian on February 28, 2013, 09:27:44 AM
That's a rite nice lookin 51 there Major2 .That barrel lenth will look cool as a conversion .What is the sight gonna be ?Post or Blade ......Dusty

Post if I do one,  the inspiration piece is without ...the barrel you may recognize  ;)

And BTW your envelope arrive and your package is sent
when planets the deal !

dusty texian

Major you did a good job on it, I do not recognize it, look's like a period gun to me  . Lookin forward to seein the package ,Thank You Sir ...Dusty

Major 2

Ron that is an orginial  :)  but it was the model for Elijah
when planets the deal !

Major 2

Phase 1 of Elijah is complete

when planets the deal !

buckskin billy

" I don't like repeat offenders, I like dead offenders"
-Ted Nugent-

if it walks, crawls, slithers or leaves a track i can tan it

Major 2

Thank you... here are some in the light of day

The project ...

Circa 2007 Pietta Navy 51 Donor , Barrel circa 2000

Barrel defarbed of all markings & polished
Barrel cut to 5 3/16th, crowned per the orginial  

Cylinder face polished to remove slight tooling marks & improve fouling tendencies.

Grip Profile altered to remove the Pietta tail , walnut grips were stripped, stained & oil finished

Action job , included polishing but I did not lighten Springs just polished the main.
Nipples are OEM but I may change them out Tresco.

Tools needed:
 12" Smooth Mill file
  Hose Clamp ( guide for the saw )
   Blue masking tape ( just to protect the barrel and secure the clamp )
    320 , 400 & 600 grit Wet Dry  paper  ( barrel , Cyl, & main spring )
     100 grit Emory Paper ( Grip shaping & finish with the 320 & 600 )
     I use a 1/4" X 1/8" X 5" slip of hardwood  ( glued a piece of wet dry to the tip , this my stoning tool )

Now, I have belt sander & metal bandsaw, but a hacksaw & vice will work fine. :)
when planets the deal !

dusty texian

Look's rite nice Major2. Kinda spur's me on to get goin on some of my project's...Dusty

dusty texian

Major have ya done anymore to Elijah?..............Dusty

Major 2

considering some engraving  :-\
when planets the deal !


Who is "Cartridge Conversions" and what do they charge to reline a barrel to .357 (38Spl)
Roy B
South of Boston
SASS #93544



Of course!  We all know Ol' Hoof.......Just didn't put 2+2 together.
Roy B
South of Boston
SASS #93544

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