Firearms mod.

Started by Sam Perfye, February 15, 2013, 08:38:58 PM

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Sam Perfye

Just curious, would it be possible to modify a T/C or other "modern" type hawken rifle to something that would fit our guidelines? I have both a Traditions and T/C that could serve as a starting point. I'm thinking of a Gemmer type. Can this be done, or just get a better rifle to start with? Thanks for your help/opinions.Al
Raise the Black Flag and ride hard boys, Our cause is just and our enemies our many.

Tascosa Joe

Those of us that argued among oursleves about what we thought was the right path for the organization, decided against the T/C Hawken style of muzzle loaders.  When you lay a TC or Traditions down beside a Hawken or Gemmer the only thing they have in common is they load from the muzzle, have an external hammer, and use percussion caps.  To modify one to really look like the period would take a lot of work and by the time you completed the project you probably could have found a 1841 Mississippi Rifle or something for the amount of money you would invest. 
NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life

Caleb Hobbs

What Joe said. A Lyman Great Plains rifle can be had fairly reasonably if you keep your eyes open for a used one. Certainly a lot cheaper than converting what you have now, assuming it could even be done.


Sam Perfye

Thanks for the advice. I'll look for something more appropriate. Dang! gun shopping again, Al.
Raise the Black Flag and ride hard boys, Our cause is just and our enemies our many.

Tascosa Joe

That is rough to have to go look for another gun!!  Good Hunting.

NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life

Cherokee Reb

Keep checking here:

There have been several Great Plains Rifles recently at really good prices.

Member SASS,NCOWS and Knob Creek Regulators


The modern front-stuffers are good for BP hunting season and trips to the range. I actually fired my first black powder shots with an old CVA. I second what the others say on the authenticity though. The modern guns are just not period correct. There are a lot of good guns selling on consignment through sites like track of the wolf.  I imagine a lot of shooters here have peices that they'd part with at a good price to raise funds for another project.

Guns don't kill people; fathers with pretty daughters do.


Track of the Wolf sells at least 6 replacement stocks for T/C Hawken, & Investarms rifles which completly alters the
look of the stock. You have a choice of full stock or half stocks. I am sure Track of the Wolf would appreciate the business
from our members who wish to alter such rifles. If we would allow such an alteration to be approved.

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