This is where the conversation needs to start

Started by Camille Eonich, December 16, 2012, 10:35:16 PM

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Camille Eonich

Yes we need to do something to stop these horrible events from happening.  The nation needs to wake up and begin to seriously discuss mental illness.

My heart is breaking for all of those families in Newtown but it's also breaking for this woman.  Read her story and read the comments too.  This is where it starts.
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Shotgun Franklin

It's part of Political Correctness. When I worked the street, or later worked, at a school I was closely restricted about how I could handle or why I could handle someone known to have a metal problem of some sort.
I once approached a man having an animated argument with a parking meter. When I approached him he gave me a letter from his Doctor explaining that he was under treatment and posed no threat to the public. As I left he was still arguing with the parking meter.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

GunClick Rick

Quote from: Camille Eonich on December 16, 2012, 10:35:16 PM
Yes we need to do something to stop these horrible events from happening.  The nation needs to wake up and begin to seriously discuss mental illness.

My heart is breaking for all of those families in Newtown but it's also breaking for this woman.  Read her story and read the comments too.  This is where it starts.

You are right on the button there i'll tellya!!! Been dealing with it all my life,my mother is bi polar bad and we are dealing with it as we speak the last six weeks has been totally mind boggling and i am 58 now,it's an evil spirit in there somewhere is all i can say about it.Won't go into detail wouldn't want somebody else with it on thier minds,but it is madning as there is no help for them,we have tried and the guy she is married too owns 80 acres with a natgas well closed off on it.We can't get him to help financialy.see what i mean and the have great insurance that denies everything..Now she is on Medical just so we could get her in a rehep and hospital..
Bunch a ole scudders!


Yes, it's all been swept under the rug for way too long, and if something is not addressed with this, it will continue whether it is with firearms, edged weapons, bombs or what ever. Mental illness needs to be addressed in this country.
Thanks for posting that, Camille.

"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it"  - Capt. Woodrow Call

"Proud citizen of CasCity since 2004." 
NCOWS 2492  SASS 22927   SCORRS     USFACS #28       GAF #267 Dept. of the Platte  AZ        STORM #178


Everyone wants to point put the problem, but nobody wants to post a viable solution. Ask your self these questionsL:
1. Who determines whether a person is in need of mental health treatment?
2. How do you convince thiose that need the treatment to actually get that help?
3. What restrictions should we place on thee people that are in need and for how long?
4. What will be the apeal process forrson that is wrongfully acused of being mentally ill ?

Everyone wants to point put the problem, but nobody wants to post a viable solution. Ask your self these questions:
1. Who determines whether a person is in need of mental health treatment? What will be the standards for a person to be adjudged "sane".
2. How do you convince those that need the treatment to actually get that help? Will it be mandatory?
3. What restrictions should we place on thee people that are in need and for how long?
4. What will be the appeal process for a person that is wrongfully accused of being mentally ill?

Do you really want a solution? I have one, but it won't be popular with the readers on this forum. Let's have a federal law that makes it a FELONY TO BE IN POSSESSION OF A GUN THAT IS NOT REGISTERED TO YOU. That means that every gun must be registered and that you must be present when the gun is used or taken out of storage. It means that you cannot borrow or steal a gun. It means that nobody can loan you a gun unless that person accompanies you. That means that if you buy a gun in a private deal, you must register that gun with the government just like you do when you get one from a gun store, within a reasonable period, say one week. If the transfer doesn't get approved you will have to return the gun to the original owner or be a felon. It sounds severe and it is, but it will get the guns out of the hands of the criminals and get the criminals that have the guns off of the streets. Let's make it so that when you register your new gun that you must give the name and address of the person that you bought it from and that the person w\that you bought it from was the registered owner of that gun. This will not prevent RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERS from buying, owning or using guns. It will only affect those that want to own a gun illegally.

I will no longer respond to the rants of the small minded that want to sling mud rather than discuss in an adult manner.

TwoWalks Baldridge

Quote from: Bugscuffle on December 17, 2012, 06:39:52 PM


Now let me see if I got this right.

1. The person in question is a mental case
2. The person in question plans to kill one or more persons (a felony that could carry the death penalty)
3. The person in question plans to commit suicide during the commission of this act because they are insane.

So is the person in question going to worry about this new law for not having a registered firearm before or after they pull the trigger?

My brother in law leaves his gun in a drawer in my house when he deploys over seas, I am in possession, so do I go to jail or become a felon?

I borrow a gun registered to my wife to go to the gun range, I am in possession of the firearm, so do I become a felon?

The truth is that gun control is a way to placate the public when they become outraged from the news coverage.  If this nut bag had walked into that school with a machete and hacked up a half dozen kids and teachers, would people be asking to register machete's?

If a person makes a bomb and blows up a building with hundreds of people, is their an out pouring asking to register explosives? Oh yeah, almost forgot, we do register explosives, so we do not have to fear being blown up, illegal possession of explosives is a
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer

Cliff Fendley

Quote from: Bugscuffle on December 17, 2012, 06:39:52 PM

Do you really want a solution? I have one, but it won't be popular with the readers on this forum. Let's have a federal law that makes it a FELONY TO BE IN POSSESSION OF A GUN THAT IS NOT REGISTERED TO YOU.

A shooter is already committing a felony by the act he is carrying out. Just one more law that would do nothing but create hardship on responsible people.

When is everybody going to get the point, criminals don't obey the law, that's why they are criminals. ::)

With your law everyone better stock up and have backups of every gun when you go to a CAS. You wouldn't want to become a felon when yours breaks and have to borrow someone elses.

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers

PJ Hardtack

Bugscuffle - give your liberal head a shake .....

We just dumped our long gun registry that came about in 1995 as a result of 16 young women being shot by a deranged social misfit.
It did nothing to prevent a similar mass shooting at another college just a few years later. In both cases, the shooters were licenced to own guns and in the last case, his gun was registered.

We have had mandatory handgun registration since 1934 and if you think that does anything to prevent criminals from getting any and all the guns they want, think again. Frequent, almost daily shootings occur in our major cities, mostly gang related and "hot" home invasions are increasing.
It is a crime in this country to be in possession of a restricted weapon (handguns and some long guns, mostly 'bad' black guns with pistol grips and Bull Pup stocks) unless so licenced, just as it was to own a long gun until that registry was scrapped. We have to store guns in approved gun lockers, away from ammunition, and transport them with trigger locks in locked cases, etc., etc., etc. Think this bothers any criminal?

"Gun control" laws only affect the law-abiding gun owners, not the criminals. Needing a government's permission to own guns is police state mentality. I don't think you really want to go there.

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

GunClick Rick

I wonder if anybody ever did a study on what was common between all these incidents and the person that do such.I just don't think creating any new law will help,we have them on the books already.Just in my area they have been rearresting the law breakers over and over again and each time it's a worse violation in most cases,just last night a woman was basicly beat to death in an alley on Main Street,Main has always been the safest part of the city,now she was most likely a street walker and this M O has been going on for some time,the gal that does my wifes hair,her dughter was beat in the same way,yes she had fallin to drugs and was a wonderer,it was about 8 months ago and she is still in the hospital,last i heard on feeding tubes,no gun,no knife just beat!Just today,two guys and a girl busted into a home,the home owner tried to protect himself with a 22 rifle,they took it from him and shot him 3 times,he's in the hospital now,i believe this was a drug invasion for pot and money and whatever,shot,over really really stupid stuff!
Bunch a ole scudders!

Cliff Fendley

I'll tell you one thing that is common between all the successful mass murders, the media attention.

And I say successful because you don't here about the ones that are prevented. Or like the Mississippi shooting where the shooter was apprehended by the assistant principal after he ran to his car to get his own gun. If the principal had been allowed to carry his gun in the school he may have some of those from being shot.

These no bodies know that everyone is going to know their name and they will be in the spotlight. I'd like to know how these liberal media anti gunners would react if there was a bill introduced banning them from reporting any shootings. Our second amendment rights mean nothing to them so how about giving up some first amendment rights.

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers


This problem will not be solved with gun control laws or for that matter and single law of any kind. It will take a change in human nature to not happen. In all honesty the human race has produced mass murders and sick people since we appeared. Fact is outlawing guns will not fix it as China and other gun free nations have discovered using sharp objects or clubs to home made explosives. I guess many here also forget Timothy McVay who killed a 168 people, 20 of which were toddlers on the first floor of the Federal Building in a day care center using common fertilizer anyone can buy in a garden supply shop.

It isn't difficult to kill at all for some people and that is the problem. I've even seen it blamed on violent entertainment over the last couple of days. Fact is that isn't the answer either as 99% of the population will watch it and understand it is just what it is not real while 1% will watch from just over the edge and think it is reality. So basically you are dealing with something there is no simple fix for nor has there ever been. So don't expect a simple answer to this problem as there isn't one.
NCOWS 3384

PJ Hardtack

'Dr. Phil' was on the "Doctors" TV show yesterday talking about Newtown. He stated that over the past 30 years, there have been an ever increasing number of these incidents, each one escalating in the number of victims.

So, to find a common indicator, researchers would have to go back several decades to determine what changed to bring this about.
Society has become a mean place, streets no longer safe to walk and people living in fear of strangers and even neighbours.

Time to look inward and avoid knee jerk reactions like blaming the object instead of the person.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

GunClick Rick

You ever see ten small kids let loose in a kitchen,well that's about it with the  do anything you want attitude of society today except t is created so they can (fix it) later.I always wondered why when 9-11 happened, why bush didn't tell the nation if you so much as steal a purse you will be charged as a terrorist. Corcoron prison out here is full of crap that goes in and out,phone companies make billions from calls made and charged to the families,new med center just built,hell they even get to be on tv..Our leaders have been let loose in the kitchen. :(
Bunch a ole scudders!

Cliff Fendley

Quote from: PJ Hardtack on December 18, 2012, 10:15:50 AM

So, to find a common indicator, researchers would have to go back several decades to determine what changed to bring this about.
Society has become a mean place, streets no longer safe to walk and people living in fear of strangers and even neighbours.

Apparently there have been some studies done already. Col. Dave Grossman says they have done this and noticed an increase started with TV and media coverage of the incidents. They have also compared the statistics in areas of the world and country where kids are not exposed to it. As I said in another thread his bulletproof mind seminar he makes some very interesting points. One of the tapes is on what's causing our kids to kill.

All this mass shooting started years back and has become the way of doing it, the nutjobs see how others did it on the tube.

Either way it's nothing new, people have been killing one another since Cain and Abel.

Also as bad as it is these mass shootings that get so much media attention are, they are reported to account for less than 1% of murders.

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

So!!   Obama wants to renew the "assault rifle ban" and "close the gunshow loophole"!

In another continent;     6 nurses at an innoculation clinic are shot.  Would the assault rifle ban affect terrorists?
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

Ned Pepper GB

Since the handgun ban in the UK I read that gun crime is up 89%.

Ned Pepper GB
Picketts Hill Marshals
BOLD 452


Quote from: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on December 18, 2012, 02:12:01 PM
So!!   Obama wants to renew the "assault rifle ban" and "close the gunshow loophole"!

In another continent;     6 nurses at an innoculation clinic are shot.  Would the assault rifle ban affect terrorists?

I've always had a problem with the term Assault Rifle in general. If you really get down to it my model Rossi 92 is based on one of the first assault rifles that followed the flint lock. I don't however have a problem with closing the gun show loophole though as a background check should be done before a gun is sold to someone. However with that they need to get a system than any one could use and not register the gun any more than a gun shop does.
NCOWS 3384

GunClick Rick

Bunch a ole scudders!


Quote from: Cliff Fendley on December 18, 2012, 07:17:26 AM
I'll tell you one thing that is common between all the successful mass murders, the media attention.

And I say successful because you don't here about the ones that are prevented. Or like the Mississippi shooting where the shooter was apprehended by the assistant principal after he ran to his car to get his own gun. If the principal had been allowed to carry his gun in the school he may have some of those from being shot.

These no bodies know that everyone is going to know their name and they will be in the spotlight. I'd like to know how these liberal media anti gunners would react if there was a bill introduced banning them from reporting any shootings. Our second amendment rights mean nothing to them so how about giving up some first amendment rights.
I believe you are 100% right on this Cliff. WM
WARTHOG, Dirty Rat #600, BOLD #1056, CGCS,GCSAA, NMLRA, NRA, AF&AM, CBBRC.  If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales.

Rowdy Fulcher

Now that there is all kinds of pills to take for all the mental problems . Wonder if any of these shooters were on any kind of medicines ? 

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