Strong Side....Weak Side?

Started by The Arapaho Kid, September 29, 2005, 11:21:14 AM

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The Arapaho Kid

Is it possible that a shooter doesn't have a weak side?  The way I understand this is...a shooter has a strong side and a weak side.  Like...with a right handed person his/her right side would be the strong side and vice versa for a lefty.  I don't know if I have a strong, or a weak side. ???  I shoot well with either hand, but I do shoot the long guns off the right shoulder.  So the question it possible for a shooter to have a strong/weak side for long guns and no strong/weak side for sixshooters?

Derby Younger

El Deguello

Some people are born dexterous, I don't think it's a learned skill but I could be wrong.  Forgers are said to have learned to write equally well with both hands.  I know some shooters like you who can shoot the rifle from either side, shooting with the right is just easier they say.  It's a gift that few have, you are truly fortunate.  I've tried gunfighter and the left gun gave me fits.  However, the more I worked at it in practice the better it got.  My problem is in trying to keep track of the shooting order, where I've been, where I'm going, number of rounds, etc.  I'm just a  KISS shooter for sure. 
In respect of God, Country & Flag.


I guess it is carry-over from my fast draw days, but I am very partial to my right-hand draw with the butt of the gun contacting my arm about 3 inches above my wrist.
The rig I use now is a semi authentic strong right side with a cross draw, but I plan to order a Cedar Ridge W&D twin rig for my Christmas present.

One of these two.
"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it"  - Capt. Woodrow Call

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Forty Rod

I'm totally and completely ambidextrous: I can screw up eqaully with either hand.
People like me are the reason people like you have the right to bitch about people like me.

El Deguello

Quote from: Forty Rod on September 29, 2005, 04:23:02 PM
I'm totally and completely ambidextrous: I can screw up eqaully with either hand.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
In respect of God, Country & Flag.

Curley Cole

My grandmother and the nuns insisted that I be Right handed, totally mixed me up...I also have a lazy left eye. So it was saving grace that they did that cuz I now shoot pistol left handed (alto can shoot with both) and have to shoot rifle/shot right handed to see the sites.....

To test your dexterity, try writing your name with both hands at the same time.
To test your sanity (and I hear right brain/left brain) try writing your name right hand fowards, left hand backwards (AT THE SAME TIME in mirror image..) I can do it makes good impression with the easily impressed folks...

let me know your results...

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Matthew Duncan


I'm left handed.  Shoot the left pistol with the left hand and the right pistol with the right hand.

But I'm right eyed so I shoot rifles the same as you.

Use a finger and point at a distance object.  Cover one eye with your other hand.  Are you still pointing at the object?  If yes then the eye that is uncovered is your dominate eye!  If no then the eye your covered is the dominate eye.
Major General J.E.B. Stuart's Division
Captain 1st Maryland Artillery, C.S.A.
SASS# 23189

Disclaimer:  I have not slept in any hotel recently, not a certified CAS rule web lawyer.  Have not attended any RO III or RO VI classes.  Opinions expressed are by a cowpoke who believes the year is 1868.

The Arapaho Kid

Use a finger and point at a distance object.  Cover one eye with your other hand.  Are you still pointing at the object?  If yes then the eye that is uncovered is your dominate eye!  If no then the eye your covered is the dominate eye.

I tried this.  I closed my left eye and pointed at an object and looked at it with my right eye as if sighting at it with a gun.  I then closed my right eye and opened my left.  I was still pointing directly at it and sighting on it...right where I was sighting on it with my right eye.  So  what does this mean?

Wrangler Rich

Rap, it means you are a cyclops  ;D  Only one eye.

Keep both eyes open, point at an object in the distance, close an eye, it doesn't matter which one, if the object is still being pointed at, that is your dominant eye.  If you are not still pointing at the object, that is you submissive eye. ;)
Hiram's Ranger # 10
It's not like it used to be, but it'll do.

The Arapaho Kid

Quote from: Wrangler Rich on October 08, 2005, 10:57:09 AM
Rap, it means you are a cyclops  ;D  Only one eye.

Keep both eyes open, point at an object in the distance, close an eye, it doesn't matter which one, if the object is still being pointed at, that is your dominant eye.  If you are not still pointing at the object, that is you submissive eye. ;)

Wrangler:  I just did that again.  I pointed my finger at a light down the hallway.  I closed one eye and was pointing at it.  Opened that eye and closed the other.  I was still pointing at it directly.  I don't think I have a dominant eye!

Ozarks Ranger

squeeze first fingers and thumbs together but light enough to leave a diamond shape, extend arms out and look at an object through the diamond both eyes open, slowly draw arms in untill you touch your nose still looking at the object< whicheye is the diamond over? or is the diamond over your nose and can no longer see it?
some people are right eye dominant when shooting right handed and left eye dominant when shooting left handed.

Snake Eyes
Stand up for whats right , even if your standing alone
Intro To CAS instructor
BOLD 291
SBSS,   RATS #250


If I suddenly lost my right arm Id be crippled.I couldnt write my own name. Ive never had to even think about strong side or weak side.
Life is a rush into the unknown, You can duck down real low and hope nothing hits you, Or stand up tall, show it your teeth,and say "Dish it up Baby and dont get stingy with the Peppers!!!"

Camille Eonich

"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

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