'Wild Bunch' gun handling

Started by PJ Hardtack, December 07, 2012, 11:41:23 AM

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PJ Hardtack

Somebody run me through the WB 'unloading' commands and drill. Is it similar to what is done in IPSC?

Things have changed since I was an IPSC Black Badge Instructor and what I'm used to doing would have me kicked out of a match. In my era, we did the drill of:
- safety on
- remove the mag, tucking it between the 3rd & 4th fingers
- eject the chambered round into the hand
- show 'clear' to the RO
- ease the slide forward
- drop the hammer downrange

Looks ever so cool, but now the IPSC guys tell me that they drop the mag, eject the round, work the slide a couple of times and then drop the hammer downrange. Putting the elbow ahead of the muzzle to lock back the slide as I do is a No-No of the first order.

I think it's time that I re-audited the Black Badge course .....
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne


In WB the slide will be locked as the gun is shot dry. All of the following is done on the firing line at the conclusion of the stage.
You will be told to drop the mag, show clear, release the slide, point the gun downrange and pull the trigger, holster. You do not show clear at unloading table, or remove from holster. To do so is a penalty.


Quote from: Goody on December 07, 2012, 11:45:43 AM
In WB the slide will be locked as the gun is shot dry. All of the following is done on the firing line at the conclusion of the stage.
You will be told to drop the mag, show clear, release the slide, point the gun downrange and pull the trigger, holster. You do not show clear at unloading table, or remove from holster. To do so is a penalty.

Goody:  I was with you right up until the end, then you went off the rails.  There is no penalty for showing your pistol clear at the unloading table.  It is NOT necessary to do so, as you say, because it was cleared at the line.  But, anybody that wants to ensure the safety of their firearms is welcome to do so at any time, assuming the process they use for checking them is safe in itself.

Must be some local rule you are saddled with.

PJ Hardtack

Thanks for the replies, guys! I appreciate not being talked down to as a green horn in the sport.

It's obvious that I haven't shot a WB match as yet, but I keep hoping to generate interest in this neck of the woods. I could take a 11 hour drive to Vancouver and hop the ferry to the range of the Victoria club, but that isn't likely to happen. Nor is it likely that they will come up here either, but we haven't asked.
If we do ever have a WB match, it will be a 'learn as you go' proposition with a mixed bag of IPSC and CAS folks, all of them experienced in their respective disciplines.

So, I take it that once you have engaged with your 1911, you will shoot the required number of rounds to lock back? And it appears that it would have to be the last gun fired. What about revolvers?
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne


PJ, the 1911 isn't always the last gun fired.  If there are other gun(s) to be fired after the 1911 then there is a prop to place the 1911 on after firing with slide locked back, since it is never returned to holster until cleared at the end of the stage.  No revolvers in WB.  You would have to have 4 or more revolvers or spend a lot of reloading time since there is often 20 or more pistol rounds per stage in 5-shot strings.

Your local club might consider experimenting with WB kind of like a sidematch just for fun and to generate interest.  Before the official rules were adopted clubs often did that sort of thing and adopted local rules regarding firearms to allow more folks to participate.  This can include additional types of firearms and calibers allowed.  The first WB sidematch I shot was a number of years ago and I was allowed to use my officer-sized Kimber 1911 and my SxS hammergun.  Even today many clubs have an "open" category where rifle calibers can be smaller than .40, and others allow various pistols.

I finally bought a Cimarron WW1-style 1911 earlier this year for WB.  I've had to borrow a '97 at the two WB matches I shot this year but will be buying one shortly (never had any desire for one for CAS).
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PJ Hardtack

Abilene - Thanks for the clarification.

We decided as a group that if we did offer a WB stage as a side match, we'd admit any turn of the century pistol. Not everyone has a 1911, but many have other guns from the era like Colt NS, S&Ws, Webleys, Mauser Broomhandles, Lugers, etc. We'd also limit the number of pistol rds to 10 so that the guys with SAAs can still play.

We have several '97s in the group, but most of our CAS types prefer their SxS's. It wouldn't surprise me if some of them shot BP in all of their guns! We're a little weird like that .....
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

Lumpy Grits

Quote from: Goody on December 07, 2012, 11:45:43 AM
You do not show clear at unloading table, or remove from holster. To do so is a penalty.

HOGWASH.....Show me that in the WB, SOP's.
'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'


Thought I smelt a seegar, where ye been LG?  :) WM
WARTHOG, Dirty Rat #600, BOLD #1056, CGCS,GCSAA, NMLRA, NRA, AF&AM, CBBRC.  If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales.

Lumpy Grits

Smok'n, drink'n and shoot'n..Rest of the money just gets wasted........... ;D
'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'


Quote from: Lumpy Grits on December 08, 2012, 05:00:24 PM
HOGWASH.....Show me that in the WB, SOP's.

WB SHB, page 7, "Pistol Requirements"

Last set of instructions:

Operations at the unloading table:
- The previously cleared pistol shall remain holstered.

Kinda cold washin them hawgs this time of year, ain't it?

Lumpy Grits

Don't say one dang thing about a "penalty".
Just what is this "penalty"?
'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'


All SASS penalties apply to WB as well, unless amended or modified. This would fall under the "Failure to adhere to loading/unloading table procedures."

Lumpy Grits

There is NO penatly for showing again a 'cleared' weapon ULT.
Reread the book......
'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'


Lumpy Grits

Quote from: Goody on December 11, 2012, 07:05:26 PM
Do whatever the hell you want to.

With that 'caliber' of a remark. :o  We now know that you can't admit it when your wrong. ::)
So be it. ;)
'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'

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