Say it ain't so,Delmonico~

Started by GunClick Rick, October 17, 2012, 11:37:34 AM

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Quote from: GunClick Rick on October 17, 2012, 11:37:34 AM

Don't know, first I've heard of it, but I can assure you those guys up there in Custer County are charging them plenty to do it. 
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

GunClick Rick

They've had them in Mojave for 30 years,all they do is look like crap.I wonder who it actually benefits.
Bunch a ole scudders!


Aren't you guys being just a little bit short sighted about this? I agree that those windmills aren't particularly attractive, but considering what green energy will prevent from happening, it's a real good trade off. Just how beautiful is smog or what would those midwest wheatfields look like if they were turned into a desert?
I will no longer respond to the rants of the small minded that want to sling mud rather than discuss in an adult manner.

GunClick Rick

It will never work above ground or in the ocean streams. I often wonder why they can't be more in the shape of a tipi,ever been in a tipi and felt the warm air rise?Then put the blades inside at the top,more or less like the vents on top of buildings,put soler panesl on the side and when there is no wind,solar.
Bunch a ole scudders!

GunClick Rick

They built an all green building in Greensburg,Kansas.I don't think it ever worked very well..
Bunch a ole scudders!


Those windmills are a big farce like hybrid cars and many other things like that I've seen over the years, a feel good solution that all it really does is make the so called Greenies feel good.  Don't get me started on the kitchen match farce, I told everyone I'd deal with it even if I wasn't happy.  Trust me I've listened to their BS for my whole life and see no real solutions just a bunch of hot air that maybe they could figure out something to do with. 
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Lumpy Grits

The maintenance on those things are heavy, and mucho' $$$$.
Those 'mills' are a waste!
Solar panels are the most 'green'.
'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'

Ranch 13

Quote from: Delmonico on October 18, 2012, 03:20:37 PM
Those windmills are a big farce like hybrid cars and many other things like that I've seen over the years, a feel good solution that all it really does is make the so called Greenies feel good.  Don't get me started on the kitchen match farce, I told everyone I'd deal with it even if I wasn't happy.  Trust me I've listened to their BS for my whole life and see no real solutions just a bunch of hot air that maybe they could figure out something to do with. 

If windchargers would of worked there never would of been REA's....
Want to get dirty looks, just ask one of the windmill advocates if one of those things has ever replaced just the energy it took to build and install it.
Then always, always remember if the government has to pay somebody to do it, it's not worth doing, or if it was worth doing the government would be taxing it, not paying for it.
Eat more beef the west wasn't won on a salad.

Lumpy Grits

At the big w/mill 'farm' in Mojave, about 20 miles from where I live, I never see more than 60-70% of them turning :o
Come to find out that's because they have so many of them broken, and told by folks who work on them that they cost much to fix.......
Love my 'panels'...... ;D

'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'

Ranch 13

Replacing or installing solar pumps in place of windmills for stock water is the greatest thing a fella can do.
Eat more beef the west wasn't won on a salad.


Quote from: Ranch 13 on October 18, 2012, 07:07:48 PM
Replacing or installing solar pumps in place of windmills for stock water is the greatest thing a fella can do.

They seem to be well liked for 'lectric fences also.  Posted this on my Lab Dog forum of my trip to the DOM Muster and someone wanted to know what the historical marker was for. ;D

Still thinkin' I may just get a 4WD next time, if it rains I might have to stay and extra day or so. ::) 

Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Ranch 13

 ;D Yup I have a solar charger that keeps the bulls in a 4 acre lot until that spring day they all live for comes along. :o
Eat more beef the west wasn't won on a salad.

GunClick Rick

My buddy has solar on his pumps up in the hills on his ranch,follows the sun,works great for that and the little camp trailor he has.The best nap i ever had was up in that trailor and i have never been able to take a nap.I guess solar works great for that kind of stuff,being born in Mojave i never ever liked those windmills up there.Shure screws up the sky line. >:( :(
Bunch a ole scudders!


There is a lot of great work going on and the best thing for this country would be to eliminate an oil dependency.  There are some very efficient wind turbines, but politicians do not want to fund them.   Not popular yet.  Wait for gas/heating oil/etc to hit 7.50 a gallon and maybe people will change their tune.  I know of an office building that houses ~1000 people.  It has a zero power use, in fact is puts electric back into the grid.  Designs are there, just politicians trying to keep getting elected think they are doing what is best, keep big oil giving them money. 
Anyone remember in 1978 two guys built a modified engine.  Drove a 74 ford from Brooklyn to Miami.  They averaged 82 miles per gallon.  This was on all 3 major network news shows.  I was 12 and wrote a paper about it.   They swore that it would be on the market in a year.  (queue crickets chirping).  yeah, that patent is in some automaker or oil companies bag of tricks never to see the light of day.    I know loads of ceramic engineers, they all get great jobs in Detroit, get all the money in the world to play with.  Why, so the companies can prevent engines being develeped that are lighter and WAY more efficient.  The do not want to retool their manufacturing.  One funny thing to me is all the models for world oil vs use say we have plenty for more than 100 years.  One thing that is not put into that mathematical prediction was China.   No one thought communist China would move to have car ownership.   In the next 20 years China will be the biggest producer and consumer of automobiles.  When that happens, US will no longer be the major importer of gas and oil.   Gas is just going to keep getting higher with every car produced in China.

I am a major proponent of Solar, although being at the edge of the plains, solar/wind combo will go a long way to alleviate coal/gas usage.   I also remember what Eastern Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia looked like before coal companies started leveling mountains.  Sorry state of affairs there.  Big complaint is my stinking subdivision wont allow solar panels other than small ones for landscaping.  Someone doesn't like the look.   I do not get to go to the meetings anymore as I was less than pleasant when that popped up. 

I know my views are not the typical of most here, so I do not want to offend, but there is some great energy alternatives to gas and oil.  Biobutanol is where this country should have gone, but some pollitician wanted to make the farmers vote for them and went Bioethanol instead.  Biobutanol will burn in most cars with little to no modification, not so if you wanted to run straight ethanol.   Biobutanol and Biodiesel would allow this country to tell the rest of the world to drink their crude oil.  As I recall the butanol does not use food grade materials, but the biomass, so we would not even be starving the world like we were accused of when we wanted to do bioethanol out of corn. 
You want to make terrorists obsolete, make oil obsolete.  No money to that area of the world and those groups will "dry up"


Mo I doubt anyone here is against getting off gas and oil, but we are also tired of the folks who I refer to as "greenies" who are just trying to blow smoke up you know where. 

And until someone does something about them they cause more problems than the solve.  That former VP is a good example, make a movie about how wasteful we are and then go fly you private jet to get the award.  of course all the liberals try the same smoke and rectum tricks to get up to think that was the way to do it.  He didn't need to even go pick it up, they would have sent it in the mail.

I see pictures of places like Vegas and all I want to do is tell them to shut off most the lights there.  I have a friend who lives 30 miles one way by choice from his job, tells us he's green friendly cause he drives a Smart Car that uses more gas in a week hauling his ass to work than I use in my full size pick-up and my wife uses in her full size car together to do the same because we chose to buy close for both of us.  Same guy drives his SUV several times a year to his "Vacation Home" that is 500 miles away. 

My recent match rant, everyone with any sense knows match sticks are raised in farmed forests, trees in virgin rain forests don't make good match sticks, but look at the new Diamond package:   

means nothing but they sure act like it does, Green has become the new "new and improved" most times it means nothing except to get the Lemmings of the world to buy it.

Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


Agree with you on all counts.  I am working on an MBA and took a sustainability class.  Good class, but class was full of typical MBA types (I don't lump myself in this category, always the round peg in the square hole).   One of the guys admitted his company had remarketed an item as "green"  it was no different than the regular, but like the matches, fit with a green description so they repackaged and charged more.   I am also of the opinion (I am an agricultural chemist) that it would be difficult if not impossible to feed the worlds population without GMOs.  I will personally buy organic because I have peeked behind the curtain on some pesticides, but wished I had the room to grow most of my own, that is how I grew up.   
Vegas, while I love to visit and gamble, I have huge issues with the city.   Look at how the average humidity has changed there over the last 30 years.   People move to there for the climate and still want a lawn and a pool, there goes the water, that should be going to the farmers and ranchers. 
I still look to the government as the problem.  It is really in neither party's interest to get us off of oil, they may talk a good game, but still not in their$$$ goal.   


Mo I know you to well to ever lump you into that "drink the Al Gore Kool-Aid" bunch. 

We need common sense not Bull Poop and I'm one who has been tired of the Bull-Poop from way back when Nixon was president.  These "Greenies" are just a bunch of folks who want you and me to give stuff up but don't want to give up what they want.  \

I told some of the anti GMO's folks on the dog board the same thing and mentioned just the soy beans (the rant for the day)  I told them that not only could you not afford to have someone walk beans today, you can't find anyone to do it and they didn't even know what walking beans was.  (Also sometimes called Farmer Golf.)  That is the kind of morons we deal with and as long as they are around things are going to be difficult to work out. 

I don't even like the term Organic, I've had enough schooling to know a word has been changed by the feel good people.   
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

GunClick Rick

More information in this conversation than the media,white house,or any other source,why the hell can't we have this debate like this on the worlds media.No wonder folks don't know what to do anymore,i wonder if in Suadie Arabia how much green ebergy they have.
Bunch a ole scudders!

Lumpy Grits

Untill this country drills for the oil we have. There will never be any change.
Drill, baby-DRILL, NOW!!
'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'

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