Look at them little scudders

Started by GunClick Rick, October 11, 2012, 09:24:48 AM

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GunClick Rick

We werked like mules a buildin them eir book learnin buildins and they didn't lern a thang!Went right out en bought
rubbed out ole pennies fer triple duble what they werth!!!! >:( Now doc kin ya tell me why the little scudders would do such a thang!!

Festus it's mind bogglin's what it is!

Bunch a ole scudders!

Curley Cole


I would be a bit scheptical of some of them coins un less ya know these folks..(the 1891-cc Morgan dollar is on the cheap side..)

The country is flooded with fake coins made in China these days (they say as much as 40-45% of the coins on ebuy on any given day are most likely fakes) and these fakes are so good they even sometimes get by the experts...so buyer beware...

but they got some nice stuff...they have indian jewelry that I sold in the early "'70s" as vintage...I am goin that ain't vintage, but then got to thinkin about it...that was 40 some years ago...hmmmm

still some nice lookin stuff..

curley who is still lookin fer a 1877 indian head penny...
Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

GunClick Rick

Nah i ain't buying any of it,unless it is mint,and i ain't got the money fer that..
Bunch a ole scudders!

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