New Guy from SE Texas

Started by BillyGBrocius, September 12, 2012, 12:56:12 AM

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Sorry for the double post, but I'd posted this in the NEW Members section, then was reading down the forum's list...thought I'd post it here too.  Hopefully, the moderator will forgive me.

Howdy from SE Texas!!  Maybe it's the 'Big Circle' coming around complete for me; Im getting a big interest in CAS!  Now I can REALLY play 'cowboys'.  If I start to participate, I want to use 44s, as I'll probably use em hunting.  My thoughts are to get 2 Ruger SBHs, with 4 5/8" barrels...probably stainless.  Im thinking I'll get a Rossi R92 (blue) in 44 mag.  I already have a Rossi Overland (blue) double barrel (20 ga).  Im also getting into reloading, not just 44s, but 45 acp, 9mm, and 223/5.56.

I have a question, hopefully someone here will have the answer.  For pistol recoil purposes Im considering a 44 special load.  After reading some on the Rossi having loading issues with the 44 sp (case length), Im thinking about doing a 44 sp load using a Magnum case.  Not sure which bullets or powder I'd use....possible 200 or 240 gr, and Trail Boss (?).  

Any PRO / CON to this idea?  Would it even work?

Billy G Brocius

Pancho Peacemaker


Welcome. If you a reloader, and you like big bore calibers, think about going .45 Colt.   Its a very common caliber in CAS.  If you find yourself at a match and are low on ammo, its easy to find a pard with some spare 45's in their cart. 45 components are easy to find and dirt cheap.  For hunting you can load the 45 up to almost 44 mag performance. If your gonna shoot heavy loads while hunting, get super Blackhawks or even better, some Old Model Vaqueros.  You will find a few fans of 44 special here and there.  Youll probably find more fans of .44 WCF (44-40) and 44 Russian.   

I personally dont find the 92 to be the best CAS rifle.  Its sensitve to ammo type and powder fouling.  I started with a 92 and traded it off about a year after I started.  The BEST rifle you can start with is an Uberti 73 replica.  The are reliable out of the box, easy to maintain, and parts are easy to come by.  I own/owned 6 different CAS main match rifles.   They all have been fun, but when I'm shooting an important match, I always fall back on my 73.

Take a look at shooting with the Magnolia Misfits.   My pard Whiskers is the honcho there.   They are fun bunch. 
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